Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 2 - Unearthing The Roots of De-Motivation

It was said earlier that de-motivation was like a tree, and at the core is a root. The same can be said for de-motivation. Like the tree, to locate the core of de-motivation, we only need to follow the leaves back to the branches, the branches to the trunk, and the trunk to the root.

Earlier, the analogy was drawn, that life's expressions of de-motivation are the leaves, associated experiences are the branches, and this is where we have now arrived.

To unearth de-motivation, the original associated experience requires exposure to the conscious mind. Nevertheless, this does not require psychology, or hypnotherapy. Once the triggers and identifiers have been established, the conscious mind is engaged to go off and search for the original experience that was responsible for creating the energy of de-motivation.

In full wakefulness, the conscious mind of the individual is asked to go off and search for the original experience. It will now be demonstrated how easily this is achieved.

So let’s go back to the Tony who was once a highly motivated executive, now experiencing de-motivation, consequently spending less time with clients. Though not highly noticeable, the very thought of going to work triggers Tony into states of de-motivation. Consequently, and through observation, we have identified his journeys to work are slower; he spends more time in the office, and finds every excuse to increase office talk with his colleagues. As this was not Tony’s normal behavior, these are classic signals that something is amiss.

There are now two ways in which Tony’s situation can be approached.

1 - Consciously.

2 - Subconsciously (As this method requires qualified physical interaction, it is not possible to cover in a module). Nevertheless, the number 1 route, i.e. “consciously” is the fastest, most direct and will without doubt yield the most positive results.

To consciously engage Tony in transforming his de-motivation into self-motivation, the ideal situation would be to call a face-to-face, reassurance meeting. If Tony is to be won over, magnetized and guided, reassurance is vital. For Tony’s overall self, that is his conscious, sub and unconscious mind must be made feel safe and secure.

So Tony would be “consciously” assured that whilst being the subject of observation, it is for his goodness, his development within the company, and of course, for the overall good of the company itself. Though, there is a reality, as at this stage in the process, the company comes last. The company is furthest back because no matter what, when a person comes under scrutiny, all focus draws to the self. That is, when Tony is called in for a chat, the last thing on his mind is the company. This is nothing personal, and it is just the dynamics of self-preservation playing out.

Though, Tony would be assured that whilst being the subject of observation, this meeting is a meeting to look into, and restore his well-being. He is assured that his well-being is paramount, and that his restoration is the focus of the future. Again, as contrary as it sounds it is reiterated that, the well-being of Tony is favored over the company. This is not a trick, and it is not looking to dupe Tony; it is the genuine case.

Engaging directly with Tony’s well-being, engages in his subtle self. As it was stated earlier, this is a place where decisive decisions are made. If Tony does not feel internally assured, then things would not go any further. Though, assuming Tony is fully assured, feels secure, and at ease with the meeting. Observations in the form of a “positive projection” would then be put to him.

For example, it would be put that his increased presence in the office creates a positive impact on his colleagues, though was he himself aware that his office time has almost doubled?

Gently, yet progressively leading Tony to his shortfalls is key to communicating, magnetizing, and unearthing his core root. This is so because with the delivering of assurance comes the installation of security. This in turn eliminates any conscious, or sub-unconscious fear, which in turn nullifies resistance. Where there is no resistance, there is no distance, and where there is no distance, the hidden energy of de-motivation has no option but to rise.

Think of resistance this way: A muscled man may look good, though in reality he is simply a mass of resistance.

For example, take a human muscle. It is a physical thing with point A and point B. Call Point A the top of the bicep and point B the bottom. When a man trains with physical weights, he adds more physical resistance to the muscle. The heavier the weight, the more the resistance. Over time the muscle stretches. Hence, with the stretch. Point A, to point B, physically become more distant. The more distance between point A and point B, the bigger the muscle looks, and hey presto. The end result is a muscled man.

Now, reverse this. Take a muscled man, and then stop training the muscle. Eventually, the distance between point A and point B will naturally shorten. With the lack of training comes the lack of resistance, and with the lack of resistance the muscle becomes smaller. As the two points become smaller, they become closer and there is no longer a muscled man.

This is basic science in the world of physics, yet do you remember from earlier that all energy, formless or otherwise is E-MC2? Well, when these same principles are applied to the energy of motivation, identical results appear.

Remember fear pushes, while desire pulls, and fear repels while desire attracts. As there is no resistance, his subtle self has no option but to positively respond. Nevertheless, do not think Tony’s system can be duped, or fooled; it cannot. As any sign, or perception of an ulterior motive will be picked up by the subtle self, and his system will automatically go into lock down. As we have already highlighted how your subtle self-interacts with others, operating from anything other than genuine intent will halt the process.

Tony is being gently and positively guided towards his triggers and identifiers. His response is influenced by the coach’s approach, deliverance, and interactions. Though assuming he feels secure, safe, relaxed, and inspired, Tony’s overall consciousness has no option but to positively respond to “positive incoming signals”.

In a relaxed and fully conscious state, the mentor would directly ask Tony to consciously engage with his self. Not just his mind, but his overall self. He is going to directly ask his consciousness to go off and search for the root of his de-motivation. The mentor would outline that there is no timeline, meaning no rush. The following question would be posed to the conscious mind

“Irrespective of my surface de-motivation, current beliefs, or outcome. I desire to know the core of my de-motivation, MORE than I desire not to know. I am fully prepared and accept full responsibility in dealing with and processing with what arises, and I genuinely SEEK to know, understand and dissolve my own core de-motivation. I now in this moment, give my conscious self a clear directive to go off, search and find the root core of my core de-motivation. I ask that irrespective of my current perception, beliefs, conscious, sub or unconscious, any stored emotions, and my conscious and unconscious intentions that you set aside my own individual thoughts and opinions to locate and raise these associated experience, or experiences to my conscious mind for processing. I ask that you do this NOW!”

While this may appear to be over simplistic, the reality is deeply scientific. It was outlined earlier that at the root were simple dynamics, and that once aware, transformation becomes as effortless as reading this module. Well, here it is. Nonetheless, please do not under estimate this, because at the subtle levels of reality. In particular, at the dynamics of quantum electromagnetics, all hell is breaking loose. This is not meant in a religious context, but in applying the above, sets off the most powerful chain reaction which will without doubt and in due course, filter through to reality.

(This chain reaction is not visible to the naked eye, yet is now recordable with appropriate apparatus)

This brings us neatly onto the following…

Have you ever wondered what it is that creates physical reality?

Years ago, science thought it was biology. With advances, this progressed to quantum mechanics. Today science has gone beyond, though in layman's terms, what does this mean?

It means humans are evolving, and the time has come to seek for, understand and work with one’s own human dynamics. In short, this means accepting and taking responsibility for the overall existence and development of oneself, and that includes “motivation”.

This is not a diversion and it is not a ticking off; the above information is an exciting new catalyst for positive, permanent change.

Though getting back to Tony, this may or may not be the case. When the above highlighted paragraph is put to Tony’s conscious self, impact naturally gets underway. However, Tony should pose this paragraph to his conscious self, morning, noon and night, on a daily basis. The more he addresses himself with the questioning, the less chance of the root eluding.

At this point, no other questioning should be posed, just the above.

Yes, this is a type of brain washing so to speak, yet much more than that. In continually posing the paragraph, it draws all his consciousness to a singular point. That is, his subconscious, unconscious, and conscious self culminate, unifying together. As where there is no conflict with the varying levels of consciousness, there is no resistance. As already outlined, zero resistance, equals zero distance.

With no pressure for immediate answers, Tony would be allowed to press on with his working day. It would be suggested, that he only return to the mentor, if, and when he feels there something relevant to share. Otherwise, and to minimize resistance, he is left alone to continue his job.

Tony will soon begin to have conscious thoughts, and, or feelings that connect the dots, so to speak. All that would be required is for Tony to make notes, and share these experiences.

As an example only, the original experience may be something like this:

Associated images of the original experience will begin to show up. Perhaps not in the form of the core, yet they will begin to rise. In a general sense, the original experience is the furthest back, with all overlays on top. Imagine it to be something like taking a photograph of a particular event, then placing that photo in a box. When similar events, not exact, but similar events happen. A new photo is snapped, and then placed on the top of the original. After many years, and many events later there would be tens, if not hundreds of associated photos. However, the first, that is, the original would remain intact at the bottom of the pile. If the box were to be opened, the first photo to pop out would be the one closest to the surface. Furthermore, it is highly likely that during the passage of time, and with the overlays of new associated photos, that the top would bear no resemblance to the bottom.

Discoveries are showing this is exactly the same for human experiences, and how we operate in real life. To form an original memory, Tony requires an original experience. Though as he is an adult, it is unlikely his system will consider anything original. That is, like most humans, there are only so many potentials in reality. Therefore, his system is forced to pull from and link to past experiences.

For example, let’s say Tony had been motivated to visit his clients for the past five years with no de-motivation at all. Not suddenly, but over time, Tony’s de-motivation becomes noticeable. He displays an aversion to visit clients, increasing time spent in the office, and so forth.

What could his de-motivation be?

Has a client said something wrong, does he no longer like his job? Has he lost interest in the company? Whose fault is it? All these possibilities may cross the mind of his boss, yet as an example only, here is a possible cause.

The “trigger” is now his job, which is triggering an “associated experience”. The identifiers are his actions, and reactions. Yet, none of these are the original experience that created his de-motivation.

Set well back in Tony's past, and prior to starting his career. Like the photographs, there is likely to be a core experience, linking through to present day. His 80-100 billion brain cells ensure all his memories are maintained, with the original experience embedded deep away from the conscious self.

Though, all that is needed is to take out each photo, as in reality, these are Tony’s past memories. This process is repeated until arrival at the first event. Though how do you know when the first event has been reached? Well, this is not so difficult to spot, because it is most likely that the original event will be a painful one. As this is now serving as a de-motivator, the original memory would have formed from an experience perceived as unpleasant.

For example, when the conscious questioning from the above was posed to Tony. He recalled linked events, such as how his clients had offended him with suggestions that he was too confident, and that he was a pushy salesman. He became aware that several of his clients had thought this way for a long while, which was negatively affecting his targets.

He then began to open up, speaking where he thought his excessive confidence had stemmed from. Rising to his conscious self were past events of schoolteachers encouraging him to be more confident. Further back still were infant events of the polar opposite. That is, he then recalled how primary teachers spoke of him actually, ‘lacking confidence’. Then further back, at the core were major events. Tony recalled experiences where he was constantly told that he was the least best, that he was not quick enough, and that when he grew up, he would be nothing. Yes, it’s a series of past events that go onto create his present day de-motivation. Though Tony had more than one event, there would be one that majors in the formation of a memory.

To become a memory that then goes onto fuel future decision-making, the original event must make associations.

For example, Tony had sight, therefore he seen his father’s reactions. He had sound, hearing the tone of his father’s words, and had ‘feelings’ that perceived the events as either ‘GOOD’ or ‘NOT GOOD’. This is the most important aspect of all, because as perception goes. Sight, sound, taste, touch and smell, have to date been the only recognized perceptions. Yet this is not all, as you already know, every individual possesses, “intuition” and it is perhaps the most important, yet overlooked aspect of all.

Furthermore, intuition is so simplistic; there are only ever two perceivable directives. ‘GOOD’ and ‘NOT GOOD’, ‘YES’ and ‘NO’, ‘RIGHT’ and ‘WRONG’. Meaning, that intuition conveys one of only two options. This is either good, or not good.

As in the case of Tony, and when he was young, decisions are forced to form from basic intuition, which are influenced by one or more of the five other senses. When Tony was subject to original experiences, his system has no choice but to make a choice. Is what it sees, hears, tastes, touches, or smells, good or not good. It’s as simple as that.

Perception from one or more of the senses makes a decisive decision. Is this good, or is this not good for me. Once that decision is made, it then goes onto ‘lockdown’. Meaning that a biological neuron is now physically formed, containing that associated core experience. As time goes by, and other events arrive, this then drops into the sub, and eventually the unconscious self.

Though like a photo does not change the contents captured, neither does the brains physical neuron. As new experiences arrive, they overlay on top of the old, just like placing one photo over the other. Though the brain is clever and does not place any old experience in any old compartment. Just like you might organize photos into appropriate categories, the brain does the same.

To cut a long story short, imagine that you placed all photos with associations to a car in a box named ‘car’. Do you think that in forty years of taking photos of pictures associated with cars, that the original photo would resemble the most recent? It is most likely with the passage of time, and evolution. The original subject of the car would be forgotten, and then overlaid with something of present day interest. The brain operates in exactly the same way, yet like a box of photos. The original is retained, hidden at the bottom.

This is what’s meant, by the root of the tree, the core, and hidden deep away from the conscious self. These are all analogies to understand, and work with the everyday dynamics of being human.

Though now the question arises - Why is the original photo, i.e. experience in life retained at the bottom of the box?

Why is this? Why does it just not flutter away like many of life’s other less relevant experiences?

This is a great question, with a very simple answer. If there is no strength in the associated experience, then there is no power in it’s attachment, and it does not go onto heavily influence future events. This means that if Tony did not strongly like, or dislike. Then there is no emotional charge, and the event would simply fade away. Furthermore, when young, Tony was not evolved enough to process and let go of these highly charged events. Therefore, the experience of ‘GOOD’ or ‘NOT GOOD’ becomes a stored attachment. That is an “associated experience”. Though as we will shortly discuss, all associated memory attachments, good or bad, positive or negative, hold unprocessed emotions.

This is the very essence of being human.

Which brings us nicely onto the following...

Have you ever noticed it is life's most feared, desired, liked, or disliked experiences that hold the most power?

Though for most, desires can be recalled easier than fears. This is so because the electromagnetic charge of both fear, and desire remain locked into the physical neuron. Though the main difference between a fear, and desire. Is that the conscious mind accepts desires, whereas fears are rejected, and pushed into the subconscious. There, they quickly become overlaid with new experiences, mainly positive ones. This is so because the conscious self cannot, and does not like to live in a permanent state of fear.

Though it might appear we have wandered from the path, we have not. Please stick with it because this is a process. What we are discussing here is a process that not only unearths, but also unlocks and dissolves the root of de-motivation.