Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 8 - The Waxing & Waning of Motivation

Before we conclude this module, there is an aspect of de-motivation that once recognized is extremely helpful.

Saved until now, because once the main cores of de-motivation have been undone and self-motivation installed, there will come a day and a time whereby de-motivation will re-enter reality.

Why, why is the so?

Think of a circle, it goes around, and around, and around. There is no beginning, start, stop, or end.

Now think of life. That is home, work, personal, and professional. Often it is said that life, and all that we do circulates. However, look a little closer, and while definite loops can be seen to exist. Upon a closer inspection, the loops could be described as “figures of 8”.

These figures of 8 loops are commonly known in China as “loops of infinity”, better known as the number 8. Furthermore, the Chinese believe the figure 8 to carry great luck and vast fortunes, yet in a country where 85% of poverty still exists, it could hardly be a symbol of luck right?

OK, here is the last paradox. Rightly, the symbol means nothing to those that have no awareness of it. Yet, in Asia, millions of dollars are spent buying up these figure of 8 loops of infinity. Why is this so? Well, after more than ten years of studying this symbol, there indeed appears more to it than meets the eye. In fact, there is much more to it than could be perceived with the five senses alone.

For a moment, imagine the number 8, or figure of 8 loop in your mind. See the flow starting at the top, moving clockwise from the top right side to the middle (where the 8 joins with all other points), it then passes down the left side to the bottom. Then from the bottom it goes round the right side back to the middle, (where the 8 joins with all other points) then from the middle, up the left side to the top. In other words, it loops around with infinity, passing three points of balance that is the crest at the top, the middle, and the crest at the bottom. There is one of these three points a BIRTHING POINT, also known as a point of NEUTRALITY. That is the middle point.

The loop can be described as a life loop, and we can place any human energy inside that loop. For this exercise, imagine placing the energy of motivation at the middle point. In its birthing, resting place of neutrality, this is motivation’s home. As it leaves the middle, whether it goes up or down, left or right matters not. What is being outlined is that once the energy leaves it’s birthing place, it’s resting home, then just like your own life, it begins a journey.

Think of it as a natural process and that de-motivation is one side of the loop, the crest is balance, and the other side is self-motivation. As the energy moves around the loop, it naturally waxes and wanes, passing through each form, that is de-motivation, a point of balance, self-motivation, resting, and so forth. During the journey, there are several points of transformation that the energy will go through. These points have no beginning, no end, are not controllable, and are part of the infinite loop. That is, it never starts or stops, it is seamless and natural.

For Chinese, there is no question that this process is natural and that during each waking day, de-motivation will be as much a part of working life as self-motivation. They fully embrace periods of waxing and waning, resting and balance, and they accept the flux of the universe.

With this in mind, the challenge is to know, prepare for and accept that throughout the day, the infinite loop never stops. That is, irrespective of mood, opinions and judgments, personal or professional situations, the cycle will go on. Throughout the day there will naturally be several points of ups and downs, highs and lows, de-motivation and self-motivation. This is just everyday life, and the infinite energy loop in operation.

Yet the most practical aspect of all is to fully understand the loop, to know it intimately, and to get it working for you. How do we achieve this? Well, you start by studying your own loop. Throughout the day there will be ups and downs, highs and lows. Make notes, and get to know the cycles. It takes time, though once aware of the waxing and waning, then like a storm cloud. You take cover when darkness is heading your way. However, when the sun shines, you make the most of that too. As the saying goes, “make hay while the sun shines”. This is what Asians do, not the 85% steeped in poverty, but for the 5% at the top, they are extremely conversant with this system.

So just to recap…

While an individual can become largely self-motivated, they will still endure periods of de-motivation. Yet, understanding the infinite loop of 8, allows them to know that on a high, at the point of balance, it will max out. Though on a low, that will not last either. Finally, there is the resting place. This is accessed when one is neither attached or detached - it just is.