Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 7 - Maintaining Self-Motivation

How do you keep yourself motivated, and what prevents you from slipping backwards?

Once aware, and with the application of a few basic human dynamics, maintaining self-motivation is not so difficult. However, if the conscious awareness of these dynamics are read like a book, placed on the shelf and forgotten. Then with surety, de-motivation will return.

This is so because the very dynamics of human beings are precisely that - dynamic and will gravitate back to where they feel most comfortable.

Whilst it has been said many times and an apology is given, that the information contained here can at times appear complex and taxing. Please know that this route was taken simply because it is absolutely vital to come to grips with what and how human dynamics work so you can gain influence and change yourself for the better.

Human beings like all energy are dynamic in nature. That is, at all times humans potentiality is either positive or negative, good or bad, this way or that way, left or right, up or down - duality. Because of duality, energy is not static. Avoiding complicated science, only to say that like a buoy bobbing around the sea. Humans too, float this way or that way, (possessing motionless potential). In other words, like a buoy in the ocean, the physical body flows around reality guided and deterred by the undercurrents. It cannot become truly stationary, therefore cannot and does not stand still.

With that in mind, until trained, and guided to automatically operate from the sub-unconscious. Self-motivation requires a small percentage of conscious attention. As the mentor, the final step in this transformative process is to train, and equip yourself with the following simple, yet highly effective human dynamic.

The Human Energy Dynamic = Productive or Destructive

The above are two simple words, yet extremely potent and very powerful in everyday life.

While engaged in daily work, and for every task, goal, action or reaction. Pose the following question to yourself.

Is this Productive or Destructive?

Meaning, that the following is put to your conscious mind; “Is what i am doing, saying, reacting to, actioning, projecting, emanating, etc. Does this have a productive, or destructive effect upon my work, my career, and ultimately my life”.

Guide this to be the first thought, engaging, and continually posing this self-reflective question throughout your entire day.

In applying the above. Self-questioning bypasses the conscious mind engaging with the subtle self. While this might appear counter productive, It’s effects are exactly the opposite. That is, what appears a negative action, derives a positive reaction. When the individual engages with self, the gap between personal, and professional bridge. That is, business and pleasure bond, and overtime the two meld into one. This is so because the very questioning, “Is this productive or destructive” prompts self awareness to question itself.

In other words, no matter what post, or level the individual is at, when the question is posed, “Is this productive or destructive”, first, It will be viewed from the perspective of self gain, and secondly, It will be viewed from self-gain through the company. That is first. Is this good for me? And secondly, is this good for my career.

As this is “conscious questioning”, more often than not, the individual will avoid destructive outcomes. While this may come over a little deep, it really is very simple. For when this question is raised to the conscious mind, imprinted, and then used on a daily basis. Then powerful electromagnetic changes occur. Again, we will avoid in depth explanations, only to outline that this is how humans work.

If you do not have moment-to-moment direction, productive output will decline. Not suggested in a conceited sense, though without applying the contents of this module. It is not enough for you to hand yourself direction, and then self-administration be relied upon. Studies have shown that self-reliance contributes to the birth of de-motivation. This is so, because prior to a level of self-mastering, 80% of reality is performed from the sub-unconscious. Yet, where there is an everyday awareness of “productive, or destructive”, then more often than not, the conscious choice is always one of choosing “productivity”. This is so because as highlighted earlier, human’s innate motivational drivers are of progressive steps forward. Though, this extends further. As when the conscious direction is a personal choice, and not an instructional force, then there is no resistance. With the absence of resistance, there is no sub-unconscious conflict, and the individual is free to strive forward.

Once you have installed and guided yourself to a level of self-motivation, applying the above dynamics to every action and reaction, target and goal, maintains your self-motivation. Albeit there is a requirement to become “conscious” of this questioning, applied in a habitual manner, with time, it will neatly drop off, performing on autopilot from the sub-unconscious.

Think of it this way…

Imagine that Tony is now free from de-motivation, and experiencing self-motivation. If he were to find himself slipping, perhaps gravitating towards increased office time. He would then pose the self-questioning. However, as he would already have undergone this module, the slip would be fractional. Therefore, prior to the slip he would already be applying the questioning; “Is this productive or destructive”? Alternatively, “Is what i am doing, or going to do, productive or destructive”? Either way, the fall from grace is caught, and self-motivation is maintained.

Though, what made him slip in the first place? And what preempted his fall from grace, so to speak?

Well, remember the flux spoke about earlier? This is not a disclaimer, though if self-motivation is to enjoy self-maintenance; it simply has to be accommodated for. Each and every human being requires varying motivators at differing times of life, and when reflected upon. Often what works today, will at some point in the future, naturally outdate itself. In other words, please be mindful that motivators are highly personal, and somewhat temporary.

Another way of maintaining self-motivation is from adopting and implementing regular appraisals. Not clinical, mechanical, or buddy-to-buddy chats, as these do not fully motivate and drive individuals. The appraisal being talked of is a highly personal, totally subjective, 100% private and confidential appraisal, that the individual themselves not only contributes to, but also compiles.

Again, studies have shown that when an individual is allowed a large degree of autonomy, given full responsibility, with accountability for their own future development and direction. Then a very different outcome potentiality is created. Personal appraisals are crucial in creating both personal and professional success, as well as maintaining self-motivation.