Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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The Effects of De-Motivation

De-motivation is where individuals, or groups of people do not think or feel compelled to display enthusiasm, and they do not feel energized to carry out set tasks or goals.

Although it’s discussed later, in order for de-motivated individuals to remain de-motivated, another human dynamic comes to life. That is, de-motivation partners up with and then uses the energy of resistance. When this happens, things compound and it soon becomes likened to the sick trying to heal the sick.

Resistance like motivation is also a non-physical [7]energy that silently operates from the subtle levels of self. Resistance attached to de-motivation manifests negatively, which then serves to further distance individuals from their daily tasks and goals. However, please do remember, that de-motivation and resistance are sub-unconscious drivers, and it is not something that you or any individual experiencing them will be aware off.

Can you recall earlier it was stated that not all de-motivation is what it appears to be? Let us now round off with a quick metaphorical analogy.

That is, if de-motivation could be viewed like a physical energy, it might look like fat. As you know fat breeds lethargy and once accumulated, it's difficult to shed. The effects of de-motivation are not too dissimilar, yet unlike fat; the transformational process is not so taxing. Yet, when it comes to de-motivated people, please make a note to refrain from voicing criticism or peps talks to them. As it may appear that de-motivated individuals dislike everything around them, and that they need a good waft of motivation, because the root is hidden away from the surface, criticism and pep chats only serve to make things worse.

Finally, let us conclude this section on a positive note of change.

Change may happen in two ways -

1- The de-motivated person is left alone to his or her devices, they are left totally unaware of how their human dynamics operate, and their issues are ignored in the hope that one day they will naturally resolve themselves.

However waiting for this type of positive change, is like waiting for a life-changing lottery win.

2 - The second and preferred way is to actively seek out de-motivation in the same way a person might look for a set of lost keys, etc. Positive change can happen when the root core is sought out and raised to the individuals' everyday awareness. As once the root is exposed and the formation of it understood, this is called processing. Once processed, the magic of life and reality take over and like the root of a tree exposed to sunlight - the root core of de-motivation naturally dissolves.

This method takes effort, yet it genuinely transforms de-motivation into self-motivation.