Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 2 - The Dynamics of Motivation

Now we are going to explore the dynamics of motivation. Not just de-motivation, but self-motivation (before it becomes one thing or the other). That is, in its birthing, or resting place, “motivation” could be referred to as name only, i.e. “motivation”.

In it’s raw state, it can be said that the human energy of motivation is neither positive, nor negative, good, or bad, as more often than not, it is other peoples suggestions that label motivation.

That is, should it be viewed negatively as de-motivation, or positively as self-motivation?

Nevertheless, there is an uncanny truth that motivation (like all human energy) is neither positive, nor negative. What creates its direction is the “influence” in which polarity it is magnetized.


When viewed for what it originally birthed as, that is “neutral energy”, the raw energy which science call E=MC2. Then we can begin to accept, and allow transformation.

This is not to baffle your brain, though as we will discover further on, whether de-motivation, or self-motivation are labeled this way or that way. Both states hold equal amounts of positive motivation. That is, inside the human dynamic of de-motivation you will also find equal amounts of self-motivation, and vice versa. Inside self-motivation there are equal amounts of de-motivation.

Again, the following has been included not to blind you with science, but to show that human energy is just “energy” and until it is given a direction, it is neither positive nor negative.

With this in mind, please take some time to digest the following paragraph, as it is perhaps one of the most poignant, practical, and useful subsections throughout this entire module. In the real world, it is what highly motivated people are using. Albeit they may not be consciously aware of, what they have managed to achieve, is to swing their neutral energies into a positive form, which are now working for them. So regardless of motivation swinging negatively towards de-motivation, it can indeed be flipped to it’s positive form of self-motivation.

However, let’s not exhaust this only to say that E=MC2 is the famous Einstein equation for all energy and matter that make up the universe. Without getting too technical, E=MC2 makes up motivation, E=MC2 makes up de-motivation, and E=MC2 makes up self-motivation. You guessed it. This is the same energy transforming, one-way, or the other. Not positive, or negative, just this way, or that way.

The good news is - This means that de-motivation does not lack the energy of motivation and the same energy can be used to self-motivate instead of de-motivate.

Put another way, it could be said that motivation is like a vehicle. For example, a vehicle can be used to transport desirable, or destructive materials. The vehicle, does not judge or care for what it carries, it just does what the driver instructs it to.

The energy of motivation is the same in so much that it only acts as a vehicle and does not judge what the energy of motivation is used for.

This is incredibly simple, yet extremely vital information. Nevertheless, on occasions simplicity is often thrown out in favor for a more complex answer. We suggest, this is indeed one of those occasions. As whether motivation is expressed as de-motivation, or as self-motivation, is entirely dependent upon one’s own internal relationship between the desire, goal, or outcome in question.

Though, to wrap this section up. During the initial formation and birth of de-motivation, or self-motivation, the choice to which way the energy is influenced is not likely to be a conscious one. As will be covered later, past links formed relationships of like, or dislike, good, or bad, positive, or negative, which then serve to influence the direction of motivation. That is, should it be perceived as de-motivating, or self-motivating? Yet, as these connections and relationships are performed automatically from the sub-unconscious, this is not something of which an individual will be aware of.

The good news is that with a little effort, the energy that drives motivation can be influenced, turned around, and changed.