Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 11


The Power of Choice

Ephesians 1:12- God has given us the power of choice, but once we have made the choice, it has power over us.


Each day, you face countless possible choices to make in numerous, specific situations. Each choice you make, immediately determines your future, consequently leading you on a specific path of which you would not be on if you had made different choices. Therefore, each choice you may make will definitely have a different set of consequences, good or bad, associated with them. If deeply thought about, this idea is synonymous to the term ‘Alternate Universe’.

With this intricate concept properly understood, you will better be able to control specific situations in your life resulting in greater satisfaction and fewer regrets in life. Remember that anything you choose to do, do it because you want to, do it because you feel content doing so, do it because it makes you happy and not because someone simply told you to.

So remember that: Your innate power of free will is what separates you from the animals and other things.