Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 12


Healthy Living

First Corinthians 6:19-20- Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your bodies.


The food we consume greatly affects our health and wellbeing. Eat healthy, organic, moderate amounts of foods from the various food groups to have a balanced diet. You may consume foods such as oranges, bananas, apples, starfruit, papayas, peanuts, oats, other fit/ripe fruits and vegetables. Coconut water is good to drink as it facilitates digestion, reduces blood pressure, boosts hydration and is a good hangover remedy. Orange juice is also good to drink as it boosts your immune system to fight off diseases and infection.

Grow as much of your own food as possible even if it's a lettuce garden on the window sill as this will reduce the stress on farming sectors. Instead of developing a lawn, plant a few fruit trees on your land. Support your local farm markets where you may obtain excellent quality, fresh foods. Avoid fatty, artificial and processed foods. Do not leave your cooked foods exposed to the air for more than 2 hours.

Do not defile your bodies nor allow your bodies to be defiled by anything nor anyone, as that will cause you to become impure and your soul will become corrupt.

So remember that: A healthy lifestyle will bring you infinite wealth.