Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 13


The Secret of Moderation

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8- To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.


The truth is there is no wonder medicine nor miracle drug out there. Once we care our bodies on a daily basis and feed our minds with positive thoughts and aspirations, we will definitely enjoy a sustained well-being and existence. Good exercise should result in sweating and involves exercising most of your body parts, which may be achieved within 30-40 minutes after starting. A healthy diet will ensure that your body is kept safe from harmful foods, which would otherwise damage your internal organs, metabolic processes and body systems. The daily practice of proper personal, home and community hygiene is the most effective way to keep your minds and bodies well. Frequently practice good hand washing techniques, bathe regularly, keep your houses and surroundings clean and tidy, clean utensils before and after eating and cook foods thoroughly. The best diet is a diet largely composed of natural foods but free from meat, foods with preservatives and free from synthetic ingredients.

Avoid medications such as pills, tablets and other pharmaceutical products as they all have negative side effects on your bodies. Natural remedies are the best, such as herbal teas, herbal ointments and treatments, adequate rehydration using clean water and lots of bed rest.

Everything exposed to us to can cause negative effects on the mind and body but everything exposed to us may also cause only benefits to the body as long as we apply the principle of moderation. As Paracelsus (1493- 1541), the father of Toxicology stated, “All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dosage makes a thing not poison.”

So remember that: Moderation in all things is the best treatment and prevention method.