Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 19


Emotionally you are well. Ting Tang!

Fist Timothy 4:7-9- Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness. Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important for it promises a reward in both this life and the next.  This is true and everyone should accept it.


No matter how bad a situation is, always look on the bright side. Be thankful for life and everything that you have in life. Be cheerful and jovial to avoid or positively cope with stress. Be around positive, optimistic people and not depressing ones. Do not be easily swayed by the opinions of others and allow no negative influence to fester in your life. Do not over think situations nor overdo certain activities that may cause physical, mental or even emotional strains on your health. Often times, there are simple explanations for things. So think smart, be conservative, practice sustenance instead of wastage and keep it simple.

You must practice righteousness daily in both your thoughts and actions. Spend time by yourself in a quiet but comfortable area with clean air to relax, meditate and focus on the spiritual realm so that you may grow and develop in perfect enlightenment to be able to inspire those around you and win souls for the Lord.

So remember that: Altering your emotions will create a positive state and feeling of wellbeing in your life.