Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 26


The Brain’s Potential

Colossians 3:2- Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.


Often times, we forget that the works of man and the activities here on earth are not as important as focusing on the spiritual realm and the heavens above. Try to maintain a constant focus on what is important; living a life on earth pleasing in God’s sight. With great focus, you may actually be able to channel holy spirits and let them use your body for God’s will. Since we were made in the likeness of God, we are all connected to Him and his Angels and may interact with each other in such ways.

The brain is very powerful and according to the most recent scientific facts, man only uses approximately 10% of his brain, therefore, the remaining 90% is left to be unlocked and explored with the help of meditation and spiritual enlightenment to unlock each remaining percent. This means that man cannot measure one’s true intelligence because the average person is not intelligent enough to measure his brother’s mental capacity. In order to fully understand everything and have complete domination over all things and all energies, one would have to discover his/her full mental potential and capacity by unlocking and using 100% of the brain, which will successively, make man most like God. There are currently no records of such power held by a mortal being.

So remember that: Great achievement is possible with just thought alone.