Saint Anthony's Guide to Great Joy by Anthony Sewell - HTML preview

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Lesson 27


The Whole Truth

John 8:32- And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


The truth is God and his angels made us for peaceful, pleasing interactions among each other. Despite what happens in life, you must focus on the word because it is the light and the light is the only way to be saved and make it into Heaven. Ignore all negativity no matter what.

Care not if others think of you as crazy and treat you differently because no longer will you partake of the sins of this world. You need not outsiders nor non-believers in your life. You will prosperously survive because the spirit is always here for you.

For we prefer to die rather than to lose our souls to this wicked world. We prefer to die rather than to live comfortably enslaved in this world built on unholy ideas created by men. Death is not the end. It is a new beginning and a new journey, which is everlasting. So be ye not afraid to die but rather, anxious to experience this spiritual blissful existence.

So remember that: Now you are an enlightened individual.