Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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1. Never apologize for who you are


This does not only apply to your relationships with women. You should always be unapologetic for the things that make you unique, as long as they are not destructive.

Some people are always late. They could apologize for being late or they could just let people know that they don't really care about being on time.

Some people like to tease. They could apologize for being jerks or they could just say "hey, that's just part of the package."

Beautiful women are likely to call you out on your eccentricities. So should you apologize for that? No way! The same things that they might criticize you for are the things that turn them on in the first place.

I play Magic: The Gathering. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a fantasy card game with wizards and dragons and all sorts of fantasy elements, with twenty-sided dice and the whole deal. Usually people think of those who play Magic as the kind of guys who live in their parents' basement, wear sweatpants and a wife-beater everywhere they go, haven't showered in a few days, etc. Basically, if you play Magic, people assume you are a complete loser.

People tease me about it all the time, but I just don't care. I love the game. Instead of getting upset or hurt when people make fun of it, I just tell them how sexy Magic is and how much they are missing out, because to me, they actually are missing out! It's a great game! I wouldn't play it if I didn't like it.

Women think that it's funny that I play Magic because I don't fit their preconceived idea of what a person who plays the game looks like. It's weird that someone like me, who is not a loser and who took a shower this morning and who hot girls want to have sex with, busts out the Magic cards with his friends every once in a while and brags about it.

I'm sure there is some aspect of your life that you are a little bit embarrassed about. Maybe it's your job, a hobby, or some band you like.

If you are actually passionate about it, you should embrace it, not deny it! Women love that kind of passion, even if you are passionate about something that is generally considered lame.

And if you are open about the things you are passionate about, don't you think you are more likely to meet a woman who shares your interests and be attractive to her? This whole "game" is not just about having sex, it's about finding women that you are genuinely attracted to and attracting them. It's about finding people who are attracted to you.

You should try to become more involved in the activities that you love and with their communities. If you like chess, join a chess club; if you like tennis, try and compete. If there is something that you are actually really good at, no matter what it is, teach it! I don't mean become a professor, but you can teach classes on pretty much anything at any local community center.

The people you meet there will already be interested in the same things you are interested in, so you already have something to talk about and have an interest that you share.

This is great because it eliminates a lot of the nervousness that you otherwise might feel when approaching an attractive woman. Think about it like this: if you liked chess and were talking to your bros, who also like chess, about chess, would you ever feel any bit of nervousness? No way! Why? Because it would just be natural to you to talk about the intricacies of the game and why you enjoy it.

You can use this same approach with women who are attractive that share your interests, and it's fun. Don't you enjoy talking about the things that you love doing?

Yes, you do.



This sentence will blow her mind (and moisten her panties)…