Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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2. Accessorize


A lot of men are hesitant to do this because they feel like jewelry, glasses, belts, or whatever are just not their thing. For some reason they don't want to draw attention to themselves.

I can understand that. Being in the lime light can be intimidating. Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you want beautiful women to want you you're going to have to be in the lime light. It's just the nature of the beast.

When you walk into a club, a bar, or a party, how do you see people dressing? There is a uniform for each of these places, and it varies depending on when and where an event happens.

The normal club dress seems to be: a long button down shirt, jeans (maybe slacks), and dress shoes.

If you walk into a club dressed like that, you are going to just blend in with all the other guys wearing the exact same thing. I feel like I should not have to say this, but I will: this is not good for you. Fitting in, which really means blending in, actually hurts your chances of attracting and taking home a beautiful woman.

But how can this be?! Well, let's think about it for a second. What percentage of guys are wearing this uniform? Let's say about 80%. Assuming a smoking hot woman is approached about 10 times each time she goes out to the club, eight out of ten are going to be wearing that uniform.

And what percentage of those guys actually take her home? One in twenty, probably fewer. Nineteen out of twenty don't. That means that most of the guys she rejects are wearing the club uniform. What is she going to associate, totally subconsciously, the guys who wear this uniform with? Guys she rejects.

You should be sure to do everything in your power (without going too overboard) to not fit into that category.

So, here is what you can do: do not wear the uniform. When I go to the club, I try to wear at least one article of clothing that will attract attention that I like. The last time I went out I wore my signature cheap grandpa-glasses from Eyemasters, a very vibrant tie-dye bandanna tied around my neck, a purple flannel shirt, a neon lime green belt, blue jeans, and some Nike sneakers.

Interesting accessories are great because they are nice conversation pieces, and any time a beautiful woman is talking about how cool something is that you are wearing, you are in a good place. My glasses, bandanna, shirt, and belt are all consistently complimented or talked about whenever I go anywhere. People don't even have to like what you are wearing. As long as it's not "routine" and as long as you can vibe with whatever they say, you'll be fine.

And the beautiful thing about accessorizing is that girls always want to play dress-up, and if you have stuff they can try on, you better believe you'll get their attention. I cannot tell you how many times girls will approach me and say "I really like your glasses. Can I try them on?" Now you have something to talk about, and they approached you!

My personal favorite is this huge, shiny, silver Texas-style belt buckle that I wear sometimes. It's awesome because it's so eye-catching. You really have to try to miss it.

But it doesn't really matter what you wear as long as it makes you stand out from the rest of the dudes who get rejected. Like I said, it doesn't even have to look good. It can even be ridiculous. Flava flav, Marilyn Manson, Don "Magic" Juan, all of these guys have really distinct looks, and there is a reason. Have you seen the girls they are with?

They are all smokin' hot!

Do this right now. Search "Gucci Mane" on Google Images and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. He has huge necklaces that look exactly like Oddie from Garfield, and the guy wears three watches for crying out loud. It may look ridiculous to you and me, but he stands out.

You can definitely take this too far. If you dress like a complete clown, expect people to start treating you like a clown.

Do yourself a favor and find yourself some accessories that may be a bit outside of your comfort zone. This is your chance to experiment with your own image and make it more you. Get that bright pink feather boa you've always wanted or those crazy cowboy boots or whatever it is that you thought about getting but then thought "nope. That's just not me".

I've got news for you, buddy: If you wanted to buy it, then it is your style, you are just too afraid because it doesn't feel safe.

It feels safe to wear the club “uniform.” But it doesn't get you laid.

If you are more conservative, then find something smaller that you like. If you don't feel like Gucci Mane is your style, don't try to dress like him. But find someone whose style you like and try to emulate that.


If you do it to get laid, not because you actually like the look or you feel like it's congruent with your personality, it's going to fail. Women can sense that. They really can. Do it because you genuinely like the style.



This sentence will blow her mind (and moisten her panties)…