Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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15. Imagine how they feel


This is one of the most powerful tools imaginable for making yourself more confident around women and subsequently more likely to approach them. But first, a question for you:

Do you think that women don't feel those same butterflies in their stomachs that you feel when they are around people they are attracted to?

You're damn right they do! Beautiful women seem like they are disinterested, cool, and collected simply because most of the time they are interacting with people that they are completely uninterested in because those guys are being lame. Why would they ever get nervous? Do you get nervous talking to a woman that you have no interest in having sex with or getting to know? Absolutely not. You simply don't care whether she is there or not because she does nothing to make your life more exciting.

But what about when they are around men who attract them?

Beautiful women are not robots. When they are around men who make them horny or whom they are genuinely interested in, they feel it, the same way that feel it when you are around a beautiful woman.

Put yourself in their shoes for a second. A woman's desire to have sex is just as intense as it is for men, it's just different. They want you to talk to them in a way that reveals your true personality because they want you to flip the switches in their brain that make them ready for a sexual relationship in the same way that you want to see a woman with curves.

So instead of thinking "oh man, I don't know what I'm going to say to this girl" as you approach a woman, imagine the joy she is going to feel when you approach her and show her insight into your life and your passions that invigorates and excites her!