Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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2. What is "routine" and why is it bad?


Routine is not your friend. It is your enemy.

Women know plenty of men who follow a certain routine which they, simply put, do not and will never find attractive. This routine may have worked on them when they were young, but an experienced, beautiful woman sees men who follow this routine as not worth their time, and certainly not worth having sex with.

Nobody ever wants to be lumped into this category. It's a bad feeling. It sucks to feel rejected. So do your best to avoid it.

Well, what is it exactly?

Routine is anything that you do that a beautiful woman has probably already seen a thousand times or more in her life. This includes, but is not limited to: buying them drinks, showering them with compliments, ogling at them, trying to become their friend (when you really want to have sex with them), apologizing if you "misbehave", and just generally doing anything that puts them on a pedestal.

If you want to be good with women and want to have beautiful women become part of your life, sex-life or otherwise, you have got to make sure you don't follow this routine. And I'm here to show you how.