Seduce Any Woman by Being Yourself by Emiljano - HTML preview

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4. Be yourself!


The biggest complaint I hear time and time again about the whole gambit of PUA products, seminars, boot camps, or whatever is that the people who are paying money to participate feel disingenuous. They feel like they are putting up a facade.

Well, that's because they are and women can sense that. They can tell who is being themselves and who isn't. Now, drunk girls at the bar may not be able to tell. But is that what you want? Wouldn't you rather have someone who likes you for you? Of course you would. Who wouldn't?

The whole "fake it till you make it" idea does not work and will never work because you have to be fake. Nobody likes doing that because it feels weird, so just stop.

But people in the PUA community will say things like "I've already tried being myself and it never worked. That's why I'm here in the first place!"

Or maybe you feel like you've tried "being yourself" and it never worked for you, and that's why you've bought this book.

But that is total BS. Be honest. Are you the same person around women that you are around your friends? Do you feel like there are some things that you can't talk to women about that you want to talk to them about, for fear of rejection or embarrassment? Are you afraid to mention your WoW account? Do you get nervous? Do you treat hot women differently than you treat your other girl friends?

Or even worse: Do you get nervous when a girl asks you about PUA?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, then you are already being fake around women, you just do it unintentionally.

What's worse is that you are doing yourself an injustice, because you are probably a pretty cool, genuine guy under any other circumstance. So let's fix it!

BE YOURSELF! You will always feel better being with a woman who likes you and your eccentricities. Human beings love feeling individual, and we love when people love our individuality, so why rob yourself of that?

When you finish this book you will know exactly how to be yourself around women and have fun doing it. You will be able to show women your genuine personality without ever feeling like you are compromising your chances with them.

Some of these tips are simply to help you break out of your old habits, while others are to help you explore your personality and help you cultivate and demonstrate it. Both of these will make you more attractive to women and both will help you have more fun in your life.

Women love being with a guy that's "real". Don't you think it's time you give them that?