Seven Secrets Of Millionaires by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

Belief in Your Right

to Retain Wealth

“Believe That You Deserve to be Wealthy.”

You are lost if you do not believe that having money is a good


You need the self-confidence and focus to follow your dream and

this will be fatally undercut if you have the wrong philosophy of life


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

and money. No amount of effort on your part will overcome a faulty

philosophy. If, deep down, you believe that wealth is a sin or that

money is dirty, or wicked then the first step is for you to correct this

error or give up all hopes of wealth for you and your family.

What is a 'wrong' philosophy with regard to making money?

Anything which could be described as altruistic, socialist,

collectivist, communist or any one of its thousand manifestations no

matter what the label, no matter what the disguise, no matter what the


Without exception, every self-made millionaire I have met was a

rugged individualist. Most of them despised government, although

many were clever enough not to say so in public. And believe me,

there were approximately zero socialists amongst them. A socialist,

whatever he calls himself, is someone who believes that brute force

should be used to loot from the productive, in order to provide

handouts for the unproductive. No matter how you disguise it, or

make it look fancy, that's the plain truth of the socialist doctrine.

I believe that it is impossible for you to attempt to get rich if you

have some nagging doubt that money is the root of all evil, that

Capitalism is bad or that wealth should be divided up amongst the

needy. You have surrendered the philosophical high ground if you

sign up for any of these positions.

Let me apologise in advance if you find this section a little heavy.

It is my sincere wish that you read this chapter and stay with me.

Later chapters are far easier.

The teachings I produce in order to help people have a better life

aren't merely plucked from the air, randomly. My views are based on

a solid, 'from the ground up' philosophy of life - a thing which few

people have in our compromise age of mixed economies.

It is a powerful thing to have a coherent philosophy of life.

Without this, you react to life's events with a series of random, mood

of the moment responses which are often contradictory and self-

defeating. You pick emotions and opinions from an array of ill-

considered viewpoints and hand-me-down beliefs.


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

In contrast, a coherent philosophy empowers you. The correct

thing to do in all situations becomes obvious - it is merely a question

of being strong enough to do it, which is not always so easy!

No thief, no con-man no criminal will ever come close to stealing

the amount of wealth taken from you by force due to bad philosophy.

I am, of course, talking about state theft of your life efforts. If you do

not believe such theft is wrong, your wealth-generating efforts are



My desire and that of many other millionaires is simply to be left

alone to create and produce.

We want our life, our liberty and the property we have slaved to

accumulate. This is ours by right. These are the only real rights

anyone can claim as a human being. Freedom from interference,

freedom to retain the fruits of our labours and freedom from armed

coercion. You should want these rights too.

All other so-called 'rights' which people march and shout for are, in

actuality, the 'rights' to have others forcibly enslaved to their service.

A 'right' to jobs is a thinly disguised 'right' to have the intelligent

and able thrown out of their jobs, by force, in order that the ill-

trained, ignorant and inflexible might have jobs 'on demand,'

regardless of ability.

Freedom from forced (armed) coercion is the most basic of rights.

Without this, no other rights are possible. The only proper function of

government is to protect citizens from forcible coercion, or

enslavement, by another name.

The power of that word enslavement is not diminished by

associating it with the modifier 'partial.'

A man or woman who loves freedom is not prepared to be a partial

slave; labouring under the whip for two thirds of the year in order that

they might be allowed a little sunshine and freedom in the few final

months. If you love freedom, you demand freedom - total and

absolute freedom. If you allow yourself to come under the lash for


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

five minutes in a year, then you acknowledge that the principle of the

whip is acceptable. Your argument then reduces merely to bargaining

with the master about how much whip-free time he will grant you.


Unfortunately, you cannot become a millionaire in some distant

cave hidden in the mountains - you live in a certain sort of society and

the way this is run has a dramatic effect on your freedom to generate

wealth. So what is the nature of this society within which you must


All politicians claim to believe in the rights of citizens to follow

their dream, to do the best for themselves and their family. They

'applaud' individualism. They 'acknowledge' the great contribution

made by scientists and engineers, they 'encourage' greater

achievement and entrepreneurship. This is what we are told by all

political parties.

The reality? Well, that's different. I mentioned that the only proper

function of government is to protect citizens against the use of force.

Our government ( all governments) do the exact opposite. Their prime

method of operation is coercion through force and fear. This applies

to everything the government does, from taxation to issuing of

parking fines. You will comply or massive retaliatory force will be

used against you, not, as would be proper, to protect you.

We have a 'progressive' tax system. As an aspiring millionaire you

need to know and believe that few things can be more evil. Thus,

contrary to government lies and evasions, the strong, fit, hardworking,

intelligent, brilliant, creative people (that's you) are fined in direct

proportion to their contribution. The cleverer you are, the larger your

fine. The more creative and hardworking you are, the more of your

life you will be forced to sacrifice. Struggle, kick, scream or even

argue and you risk sacrificing all of your life's efforts to the agents of

state control.

Where will your money go? The results of your labour? To pay for

an unseen army of beggars, none of which you will ever meet. It pays

their car tax, telephone bill and shopping trip. It pays for anyone,


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

anywhere who cares to stake a claim on the fruits of your labour. You

are identified as a unit of production for the state. A cash-cow. The

fact that they allow you to keep a little for yourself is no

compensation for the man or woman who loves freedom.

Property Rights

What about your property rights? If you aspire to millionaire

status, this means that you are attempting to accumulate property and

expect to retain it. What does our society have to say about your

rights in this matter?

The state holds that you do not have the right to the fruits of your

own labour. They have first claim on that; you get what's left. So what

property rights can you have, in the face of such blatant enslavement?

Why, none, of course! The state can walk right in and confiscate

anything and everything you own. There are dozens of different laws

allowing them to do this.

There can be no individual rights without property rights.

Next, we live in a democracy. Furthermore, this is a political

system existing within a mixed economy, that is, communism in

partnership with capitalism - a ludicrous and impossible

contradiction. There are no guiding principles in modern politics.

There is no particular direction we are heading as a country - we're

just meandering around aimlessly, drifting with the tide of populist

opinion. We have no goals, targets, principles, ethics or direction.

So what are politicians? Simply power-brokers. Backed by force,

they extract life-values from the citizens, and then negotiate with the

long queue of lobbyists who are desperate for free money. The

politicians swap this free money for political power. That sums-up the

current political process in our democracy.

A democracy without enshrined individual rights, is merely gang

warfare - which gang, with the loudest demands can force their ideas

upon the rest of us. Remember, a democracy allows 51% of the

people to vote to send the other 49% to the gas chambers. Extreme,

but it underlines the essential error of believing wholeheartedly in


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

democracy as the perfect system. More realistically, democracy

allows one gang to force the rest of the population to slave for them.

The statists and altruists seek absolute control of your life. The

message is simple, "You are a tool of the state. We demand that you

sacrifice yourself for the good of others. Your ambition, your talents

your energy, they count for nothing. We will confiscate all of these

and give them away so that we might retain power. Rejoice in your


Finally comes the exaltation, "With rights come responsibilities."

Be very alert if you ever hear this.

Responsibilities to whom? Society? But since society is a

collection of individuals, this becomes responsibilities to other,

unknown and unspecified individuals.

What responsibilities? To feed them? To house them and clothe

their children? To provide them with jobs, cars, telephones and

holidays through the sweat of your brow?

You have no such responsibility and I proclaim it here and now.

If I ever do such a thing, it will be as a limited charitable gift made

by me, directly to the person concerned.

"With rights come responsibilities."

What 'rights' does the statist mean? You should already have the

three inalienable rights previously mentioned - the right to life, liberty

and property, the latter being the right to retain the fruits of your

labour. You don't need the state's permission for these rights. They are

not a 'gift' of the state. They are yours with or without the existence of

a state, let alone their permission.

So what 'rights' do the altruists mean? The 'right' to join the others

at the trough? The 'right' for your share of the free money? The 'right'

to be looked after, coddled and protected by a nanny state? The 'right'

to have the consequences of your errors mitigated at the expense of

other citizens? The 'right' to have ineptitude, idleness and lack of

forethought compensated for by staking a claim in the energy and

talents of others? The ‘right’ to waive responsibility for your own

self-imposed ill-health and have others pick up the tab?


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

I have and desire no such rights and I proclaim it here and now.

Now I sincerely hope I did not bore you with these thoughts. The

statements you have just read lie at the very core of my belief

structure and are, I believe, essential if you want to make and keep

great wealth.

In order to think and act like a millionaire you must have a

warrior's code. A 'code of ethics' if you like, although I hesitate to use

the word because it has been stolen and distorted by the very people

who are trying to grab your life values.

The code of ethics for a warrior is simply one of rational


Again, the word 'selfish' has been twisted into a spitting insult

rather than a noble description of man's highest virtue. For countless

centuries we have been lied to, mislead, cheated and abused by con-

artists whose intent has been to trick us out of our hard-earned life-

values. And they have been successful. Religions and governments

have ruthlessly suppressed the people and forced them to become

unwilling slaves to a higher good. There is no higher good, of course,

merely the desires of the con-men for power and aggrandisement.

The concept of rational selfishness as proposed by Ayn Rand (and

others) is a big subject, and one I will not try to explain here.

However, if you are to become a happy, wealthy and empowered

human being then you must understand the fundamentals.

How To Become Wealthy by Creating Values

Every honest man and woman should earn their own living in the

free trade of values with other humans. One of the best ways to

become wealthy is to create values which didn't previously exist.

Read that statement again, because it encapsulates the rational

selfishness philosophy.

If you merely trade values, then you make a living but do not

become wealthy and empowered. There is nothing wrong with this, of

course, if that is what you want, but creativity is the key to riches.


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

As an example, imagine we are on an island together with ten other

families. Let's trade values. I'll fix your hut roof for two hours, whilst

you husk coconuts for me for two hours. Fair? Sure. No problem.

Tomorrow, I'll fish for my family and your family for five hours as

long as you collect firewood and water for your family and my family

for five hours. Okay? Yes. No problems here. There's nothing wrong

with this way of going on, and we could exist for centuries like this.

In fact this is exactly how primitive societies did (and still do)

operate. But there is no progress.

Why is progress desirable? Because without it we are all still

working for sixteen hours a day in mindless, numbing physical toil -

just as people did for centuries, just as they are still doing now in

many parts of the world. The fact that we swap jobs (trade values)

doesn't actually improve our lives very much apart from a slight

efficiency due to division of labour.

Now, let's create some values. Assume all ten families spend three

hours a day collecting fresh water from the distant mountain stream.

As an 'entrepreneur' you see a way of greatly improving the physical

comfort of your family whilst also greatly improving the physical

comfort of every other family on the island. Indeed, you intend to

create an honest, tradable value which will make you wealthy, but

also make everyone else better off too. This is the essential point

about getting wealthy through creating an honest value - everyone

benefits. Note one vital principle here. You are not motivated by

altruism to improve the lot of others. You are solely interested in

improving your own lot, and that of your family. You are acting

selfishly. How can you act in any other way? This is what gets you

out of bed in the morning.

You are rational, because you know that the only sustainable way

of becoming wealthy is to create something of lasting benefit to

others (an honest value) otherwise they won't 'buy' it. The only

alternative is for you to use force to enslave the population of the

island to your desires, or to con them out of their values.


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

Okay, so what are you going to do? Through your ingenuity, your

creativeness and your honest toil during what should be your rest

period, you are going to create a neat piping system of bamboo cane

which brings water down from the stream right into the village.

You plan, you scheme, you work and sweat and toil. You sacrifice

your leisure and a portion of your life. You take risks - it might not

work. You place yourself in danger - the mountain is steep and

slippery. Of course, you need to conduct a market survey, so you

gather all the villagers together and say this: "For centuries the

women have walked two miles a day to that hill with their water jars

to fetch the daily water for their families. You all know that each

family spends three hours a day in this pursuit. If I could bring you

the same water, here, into the village and you could collect it in five

minutes instead of three hours, would each family work for one hour

a day on various tasks dictated for my family?"

Now of course the resounding answer would be "Yes!" Note the

vital point here: everyone is a winner. Each family gains two precious

hours a day for nothing - absolutely free, for zero effort on their part.

They can use this time to grow more crops, fix up the hut, or whatever

else they want to do. The net effect is that their lives are enriched and

their standard of living rises, all due to your ingenuity, risk, and


In return for your effort, ingenuity, skill and daring, you become a

wealthy man. How? Because you now have ten families working one

hour a day for you and so you can 'retire.'

In other words, because you created values for others which they

willingly bought from you, you have freed yourself from the need

ever to work again. There is no money on our island, but money is

merely a token of so many units of human labour.

There are several important points here.

Firstly you did not force anyone to do anything. This is not

slavery. The man who says that modern work is slavery is a fool who

has never felt the lash on his back. In fact you freed the people from

two full hours of soul-destroying donkeywork each and every day of


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

their lives, and the price you charged them for these two hours was -

zero. Secondly you did it for you, not for them, and you're proud to

admit it. You're also proud of your water system. You're trying to add

filtration and perhaps design an automatic coconut husker too.

Furthermore, you are proud of your wealth and your achievements. It

makes you feel good to be alive. You know you created something of

lasting value, and you're receiving the rewards which you are due.

These rewards spur you on to greater efforts which will make you

wealthier and improve the living standard of all of the villagers.

Also, no villager is prevented from following in your footsteps,

and so you act like a hero or heroine leading others on to greater

efforts. Perhaps another villager will be inspired enough to start

making boats in his free two hours - the two hours which you created

for him and gave to him free. Now we can all go to where the fish are

plentiful - by 'renting' his boats, of course. Instead of spending three

hours fishing, we now spend one hour, and pay him one hour in rent.

So we are all better off to the tune of another hour a day, with no drop

in living standards. In other words, we work less hard for the same

amount of fish and fresh water. Or, of course, we can choose to work

the same hours as before and get more fish and fresh water. In other

words, everyone has become wealthier.

How to Destroy Wealth

Note that if the island were to suddenly turn communist, the

following would happen. The islanders would 'seize the means of

production,' in other words, take by force that which you created and

built. In this example they would seize your water system in the name

of the glorious people's collective.

You would be executed or imprisoned as an 'intellectual' or 'enemy

of the state.' People would be temporarily better off in the short-term

because they would now have free water. Looters, thieves and

parasites are always better off in the short term by stealing the values

of others, but they are ultimately powerless because they depend for

their existence on those of productive ability.


Do You Sincerely Want to be Rich?

Incentive and entrepreneurial spirit is rapidly crushed. Your

neighbour who was thinking of designing and building a boat? Forget

it. He's not stupid. He saw what happened to you and so he just keeps

his head down and his eyes lowered. That coconut husker never gets

invented either. Society atrophies and dies. People mooch for

handouts instead of engaging in creative work. The parasites and

leeches suck and bleed the island dry until all that remains is an

empty husk - rather like some countries I could name today!

Perhaps you are objecting that not everyone is creative and

ingenious. What about the poor dull people, don't they get a break?

Yes, a level playing field is desirable. It would be nice if we all

had equal chances in life, but it doesn't pan out that way. Some

hunters are born stronger and faster. That's not fair, but should we
