Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter five


Everything in life has the capacity to reflect light, however, dark the object. The nature of any object reveals itself only in the presence of light, not just any light but bright white light.

The sun and moon both supply light to the earth, however, while the sun makes its own light, the moon reflects the light of the sun to the earth in the night time. The moon is a reflector. The sun encourages the moon to develop light attributes by reflecting light.

Now you have a light inside you, immense light and you know it. You are working at developing the light, the talent to make its renown and that’s great. You have exposed yourself to all the training and you know it is worthwhile but then you decide that you are the only one who should shine. This will be a big mistake to you. The truth is as much as your light can shine it may not shine every time and everywhere.

The sun shines in the day but doesn’t shine in the night. If the sun was stingy with its light, it would have said “moon, I’m holding back my light from you” and that part of the earth would have been in total darkness till when the sun arrives in the day.

Those persons who are light dislike any form of darkness wherever it is found. People give aids through organizations from the developed and underdeveloped world. That’s their light they are trying to share to the world at the other end.

There are places you may never reach however hard you try which by exhibiting your light and trying to influence some other person, your light can be transferred to people beyond you. When you shine your light through your talent to someone else who catches your fire and develops himself too, he will be transmitting your fire too.

Most persons don’t know the moon doesn’t create its light. You don’t have to think you have to take glory for the effect of your light on the people around. Don’t even look for it. Just as people discovered that the moon reflects the sun’s light, you too could be discovered as the source of inspiration and influence for some other person.

The greater the influence of those under you, the greater you become. Those under you can’t be bigger than you as long as they are under you. They actually become a part of your portfolio.

However anointed a minister serving under another minister becomes, he doesn’t outdo his superior. What this means is that the bigger the anointing of those under, the chance is the one above is higher. It is enough for the servant to be as his master.

If you fear that those you raise with your light could outdo, you can drop those fears. It is best that you use your light gifting to lift people and teach them also to use the gift you have given them to uplift others too. Encourage people to find light in themselves by flashing your light in their direction.

There are two possibilities in everyone. We are each candle. It's either we light our candles by ourselves or someone else does. You can choose to pick a matchbox and lit the candle or you can choose to get light from another burning light.

As a light, you can offer your light as a source for others to tap from and be lit. Encourage people to discover their potentials just as you have. When you see potentials, don’t push them off. Don’t say “I developed myself so develop yourself”. You can ease their task of developing their light. By doing this, you mentor them and they will be grateful for the opportunity you have given them.

I’ve being privileged to be in a position to help people with my light. A friend had wanted to publish a book he had written and I had at least gained experience with publishers trying to publish my books even though I never succeeded at publishing one, I offered to give him my advice and supported him through the publishing process. At the end, just under two weeks, my friend was a published author.

I didn’t feel bad that I did not have any of my books in paper format as yet. I felt proud however that I had raised one person who had published a book, whose light is also immensely shining the little way he can. That doesn’t make him greater than me. I am still greater because he is reflecting my light. I was the source of his light.

Always do all you can to make people all they can be. Encourage people to shine, you will be shining soon.