Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter six


When it's night, drivers put on their headlamp to enable them to see the road.  Without the lamps, they would be struggling for vision. You’ve noticed that the lamps have varying intensity depending on how far the driver wants to see, the model of the vehicle and the type of vehicle.

In sub-Sahara Africa, there is a period during the dry season known as the harmattan. During this time, thick fogs form around the atmosphere. During these time, one can only see for perhaps a ten meters distance clearly while beyond that, the view becomes unclear and faint. Even when its day, drives have to put on their headlamps in order to see through the fog. Those who have lamps whose intensity could be increased often increase it while those who can’t struggle in the midst of the fog straining their eyes to see or sometimes giving up driving the vehicle till vision is clear.

There is no place for contentment and satisfaction when you have the capacity and capability to do more. More is the keyword. In my book “how to get more from life”, I mentioned that there is an inner desire to get more. If you are using your talent and skill to do great things, there are greater things you can do. If you’ve influenced two, you can influence four.

Any company that has the future at sight will always think global. American banks are known to be scattered across the world bearing various names. The reason they invest in economies of other countries is to increase their power of influence while improving other economies. These banks carry the mentality of their owners even in the countries where they find themselves. What gives these banks strength in the countries where they operate is the strength of their base in their homeland.

The reach of light is dependent on the intensity that is arriving from the filament. As much as you carry enormous talents and ability, which is making you do what you are doing, you are only doing this because of the quality you have right inside you. A teacher can only teach his pupils what he knows or has learned.

As a student at the university some years back, I had this lecturer who taught automatic control systems but never knew how to use the computer. The students often mocked him because he lacked substance. He could not transfer the knowledge to the students and we ended up struggling with the course. That light he should have shown on our road to becoming engineers was dimmed.

I often tell my teachers at school to be open to new knowledge. They shouldn’t just stick to the status quo. There are new and better techniques they could apply to make the learning and teaching process effective.

Your ability to impact better and influence people with your light is dependent on how much of your talent has being improved upon. The man who is the very best at what he does will naturally have everyone running to him. It is the quantity of knowledge about a talent or skill that one has that makes him a master to others who also have similar talents.

I listened to Steve Harris a globally sought after life coach and mentor speak. He had quite a lot to say and I thought I had similar talent too. The question that poked my mind while in that meeting where he spoke was “why am I not making the same impact as he is”? Steve Harris had this to say in answering my question; it is not what you don’t have that hurts you, it is what you have and you don’t know how to use. The difference between Steve Harris and myself was the “how”.

You may be talented and gifted and you are influencing some persons yet you feel like you aren’t doing enough, you feel like you need a little something on that talent to make you have the edge that you want. What you need is an increased light power backed by knowledge.

The light at the lighthouse often consist of normal bulbs as can be found anywhere else but the rays are far reaching than the normal bulbs. The reason is because the bulbs are placed between reflecting mirrors and concave and convex lenses which focus the light and reflects it to reach a farther range. This same effect can be seen with a torchlight. The rays of the light are transferred further not necessary because of the intensity of the bulb but because of the increase in intensity caused by the concave mirror placed around it.

Those reflecting mirrors and lenses are the extra knowledge acquired that makes your very huge light more valuable than it is. Knowledge increases your value and places your talent at a position where it could be seen and appreciated. I write for example, but I need knowledge of the publishing process, advertising, and the right market to get my books into the hands of the readers so that I don’t waste my time just writing.

The value of your talent can get increased value by the kind of persons who hang around you. The greater the persons around you, the greater chance of emitting your light in a greater way. This is because those persons will stimulate you to think great things. This does not mean that if you don’t have people around you, you can’t make an impact. No! It’s just that you will never go beyond those you hang around with except you choose to break away from them.

Yes, you want an increased light power. You have the light, get the extra knowledge and find the right persons to stimulate your light. You’d be getting very far soon.