Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter eight


We’ve seen that everyone has the light capacity and that we can discover our light and develop it till it begins to manifest and people feel the radiation that arrives and are lifted.

When you might have discovered the capacity of your light, the challenge is using the light. Many times, we are faced with the challenge of knowing how to use the gift that we have. Yes, everyone knows you have a great singing talent but you don’t know what category of song you should sing that will reveal your talent in the most glorious fashion. It could be a writing talent you have and you are unaware which area of writing will immensely show you off in the right light. It’s always a great challenge.

When I started out writing, I tried my hands on a variety of style and for different purposes. I knew I had a talent and I wanted it to shine in the best area that suits, I wrote essays, commentaries, comedies, educational reports for students. I just wanted my talent to find use in the best possible way but I didn’t find satisfaction using any of these until I began to write in the motivational genre. I began to court attention and I got inspired writing. This little book is a result finding how best to use my light.

You may be hanging out there with such tremendous skill and you are talented but you don’t know where you’d find benefit from your skill, you are not far from the answer. It’s not everywhere that one’s talent finds the type of appreciation and satisfaction that he wants. Just as oil firms will pay more to an engineer than a construction firm will though they both can employ the same engineer, we often look for the place where we benefit most from the use of our talent and skill.

Sometimes we find ourselves around opportunities that seem too good that we doubt if we are talented or gifted enough to take on the opportunity. You may be tempted to give up the opportunity. Well, never say no to what your talents can say yes to. If your light in your gifting and talents is arousing spectacular interest that you think is too wow-full, it is actually because your gift is worth it. Opportunities arrive for the man and woman whose gifting call for it.

Sometimes too, you think that your gift isn’t good enough so you think of offering a cheap service for your very costly gift. Well, time has arrived for you to get value for your talent. However free your talent arrived, God’s greatest desire is for you to earn a fee doing something you were meant to do for free. Yeah, you may not start from the big box but over time your value and worth will increase.

There are times when you put in so much into your talent and gift and you’ve tried to use it and you don’t come through with great results like you anticipated, you still have to keep doing it. Provided it’s a light area, you will soon be enjoying the benefit. Benefitting from our talent may take some time. It differs though from person to person. Some persons may just have a big break immediately they start at their talent while some will take some time. Understand that you have to persevere and keep at it. Quitters never win and winners never quit. Always tell yourself one more time to try for every last time you tried.

There is a chance that your great talent could be used for something harmful. Many persons have had fame on this path. The fact, however, is that there is doom at the end. You don’t want to be on the path to doom in the name of using your talent. There are always good ways of using your talent and gifting that will still add value to you. You don’t necessarily have to be on the bad side in the name of making money and getting fame. Making money and getting fame are great but when it is gotten at the expense of your credibility, it’s only a matter of time before you go searching for some assuage to help you cope with the damming thoughts of your vulnerability to the things that actually gave you that ecstatic joy.

I always advise that while using your talent, it's best that you conform them to good virtues. While sometimes this may not pay as fast and as fat as you would desire it in the short time, the benefits are enduring, long-lasting and fat pay arrives over time.

I’ve heard people say “look at that guy, he has great talents but he is wasting them”. Don’t want to be among the statistic of those who have great talents at doing wrong things and having negative influences on people. Be among those who choose to use their gifts to bless the world.

Light gives illumination. You too must use what you have to direct people to the possibilities that can happen in their lives. If you sing, sing to lift people, if you write, write to uplift people. Any you do should uplift others. You will be making the greatest impact yet.

It is amazing what effect you can and will make when you are able to connect to your light and are able to use it to bless people. It is often an enriching experience. Use it.