Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter nine


Sometimes, the power company could come faulty. At these times the voltage that arrives in our home could be much higher than the normal voltage. The bulbs shine so bright, reach its breaking point and then blow off. I use the illustration to reveal the fact that a bulb is meant to shine to a certain potential known as peak voltage. Often these bulbs don’t shine to that point because the voltage that arrives from the power companies is always less than the peak voltage.

Many persons do not reach their full potential in their lifetime. Yes, they are full of possibilities but they don’t get past possibilities. Some person may reveal that possibility and are beginning to enjoy the possibility but they get halfway and think halfway is all the way.

In everyone is a capacity to be at the very highest height of what they do. If you are a doctor, you could be the best neurosurgeon the world has produced. If you are an author, how about becoming a multi-selling author? If you are a musician, don’t you think you could go multiplatinum? If you are a teacher, how about becoming a professor? There is always space at the highest point of where you are shining your light.

It is very important that while teeing off at that task you think your light potential is revealing, have a picture of the very best scenario, the full potentials that you can express. Yes, we look out for models to copy but it is best we look beyond our models. Our models also had limitations so they couldn’t do beyond their expectation while some never had expectations so they just couldn’t measure how much success they have achieved based on their aims and objectives.

Don’t try to be like some other person. Yes, he is doing great but the chance is you will never outdo those you look up to. As much as they are alive, you will be obedient to the biblical law that states that “a servant cannot be greater than his master but the servant should be content with being as his master”. Try to find an original you and develop that you.

Your ability to see beyond the human model to discover the true potential God has bestowed on you could make you into an explosive giant shining more than anyone could ever understand.

The light at the lighthouse has to be at his full potential to enable people to see it from very far away. When you are working at your very best, you don’t have to work too hard for your impact to be known. You only have to rise to your full potential before being seen doesn’t become a problem.

When you are trying to work on your talents, you struggle to catch attention. What you are actually doing is courting attention towards your talent. As your talent improves and you become better at using your talent, attention increasing becomes less of a problem. You are just there like the lighthouse and people look for you.

A time arrives as you work at your potential that you no longer struggle to shine. You are just shining and revealing the fullness of what you have inside you. Prior to this time, you will have to do most of the work of making your light reach the extent of full potential. You are admired and possibly getting rewards for doing much less than you have always done.

There’s a special joy that elopes about what you are doing when you are doing it at the very best level your potential, skill and talent can carry you. There’s this kind of ease too you can feel about it. You are demystified yet people look at you in the most mysterious fashion. You feel like you’ve reached a godlike level where people adore you and have tremendous respect for you.

As much as I love to write often, I always have the big full light potential for my works. I hope someday that I’ll write bestsellers that will be translated into over five hundred languages. I hope to own a printing press for my books where we will churn out millions of books. That’s when I think my writing would have reached full potential.

You can think beyond the common exploits that you see today to the possibilities of much more. Your full potential is immeasurable. It’s the size of your ability to tinker. What this means is that whatever you can add to what already has been done by the greatest potentials can be attained and that will be the level playing ground that will be the level playing ground that you will be realizing not too long from now.

Every vehicle has its full potential. We’d often see the vehicle’s speedometer marked to between 180km/hr. and 250km/hr. however, most drivers don’t drive their vehicles past 100km/hr. that doesn’t make the vehicles potentially less than what their capacity is for.

What’s in you, your talent, skill, and capacity can get you more than you really considering right now. You just the one thinking it’s less value than it really is. It’s amazing what can happen when we are able to project what we have to the fullest. There are far greater possibilities than we know.

You’ve got to define the potential level you want to work with. As a man thinks so he is. Think that your potential can stand you before kings and it will. Think that your potential is for gutters and it stays there.

Find that full potential light, and begin to work and walk towards it.