Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter two


When a match box is struck, the fire that results on the stick stays only for a short time. The goal of the match striker is to get the fire from the match box and stick transferred to a more permanent fire stand so that it could be used effectively. The fire that comes from the match stick is only temporary. It soon goes off if it is not transferred to a permanent holder.

Everyone is just like the match is just like the matchstick and box. Whatever light has being discovered has the tendency to go off if it is not fuelled by other means. I’ve heard several persons say that they used to have one skill or the other and suddenly the skills disappeared.

Your skill has the tendency to be diminished. If you don’t work at stressing them, you have to develop that potential by adding more knowledge and value to it. There are things I knew I could do for example. I could draw, sing and play football. These were all light potentials. I discovered them when they were triggered by some striking those early years, however, they do not in any way add value to my life today because they were just mere potentials. If perhaps, I had highlighted my art talent, I could have turned out an artist, if I had highlighted my singing talent, I could have ended up a musician. Guess what? I highlighted my writing talent and you are reading this book. I discovered all these light areas equally but I stressed writing.

What gives light value is its intensity. A low current and high current light are both lights however the high current provides better illumination. A man who has a low current light may still be searching for his path in the night. That’s how that skill or talent you keep dormant is. Yes, you know it’s there and it can do a lot more for you if it has increased value but it currently is not viable.

Once you discover that area, skill or talent that has the capacity to shine you into eminence, you don’t live it lying down. If it is not used, it soon goes away. This process of developing will require painstaking work. You will have to study books in that area of your strength. You may have to attend a specialized school where that talent could have increased value.

Some years ago when I discovered I had a light in visual art, I went into action to develop it by connecting with an artist who began to put me through but I gave it up after my dad discouraged me and asked me to put it off to pursue a career in engineering which I also show some light potential at. I lost that passion for art over time though sometimes I struggle to reconnect with it. Similar scenarios happened with my singing talent.

Your talent comes from inside out. You easily find that capacity to do very much when you are working at something that works naturally in you. God placed it there and all he wants you to do is find it and go working at developing it.

The process of highlighting your light or talent may include

  • Studying books: it is true that huge secrets are stored in books. Only those who read discover it. In the area of your gifting, there are various books written by diverse authors who can share with you their experiences. You may never meet these persons in reality but you meet with them, their challenges, crisis, and successes at what you intend to do. Sometimes the challenges you may have to face on the road to working on your light potential had being resolved in some book. You just have to find the right book by reading continuously. One book may just not solve the problem, books will.
  • Meet specialist: there’s nothing as good as having first-hand training from those who have had their light blossom in the area of your gifting. This is usually the best learning contact. If you think your gifting is at music, find a musician who has being successful at music, if it is in writing, look for an author of renowned. Specialists can guide and mentor you into becoming what you should be in the direction of your gifting by just doing what they do.
  • Don’t stop making mistakes: while trying to highlight our light we sometimes meet mistakes on the road. Many persons are afraid of making mistakes. It is necessary however that mistakes are made. This will enable us retrace our steps and make corrections in the direction of our gifting. Don’t expect perfection very early at the development of your talent. Perfection is the reward for perseverance and determination you show during moments of your mistakes. If you are making mistakes, they are the missed stakes to becoming what God has destined for you.

During the hay days of lighthouses, a light is being placed on a high tower and reflectors are used to increase the intensity of the light rays. This is to make the light rays efficient for illumination for sailors and their ships. Your talents and skills will only attract the kind of attention you need when you highlight them. The more of your talent you work on, the greater your chance of being discovered.

On a lantern, there is a knob which is used to increase the intensity of the light. When the knob is increased, the light increase intensity and so is your ability to see and for others to see you. Increase your light capacity, you will increase your influence and influence the world.