Shine Your Light by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Chapter  three


When a candle is lit for illumination and the wind blows, the light goes off. The light is not able to stay on the candle because of the wind. If a provision is made for a glass or windshield, the light stays on the candle.

Think of yourself as the candle that has being lit. you have discovered your talent and it begins to shine but then all of a sudden certain challenges arrives and dims your talent off, challenges like criticisms and discouragement.

When I started a kindergarten school, I had managed to lit a light for my community. I was glad my school was taking off against the initial challenges I faced. The school was making a tremendous impact very early in its life and it was getting fame for it attracting all forms of attention even negative attention. It wasn’t long before attacks arrived from people around to dim the light. I had decided to close down the school except for words of encouragement from God and people around me. This kept me going and my light was able to withstand the clouds of challenges.

The problem often isn’t always to get our light on. Though it is a great task, it’s not as challenging a task as increasing its intensity and keeping the intensity high for long. Your labor at discovering what you are great at will be a waste of time and resources if you are not able to keep it. It’s like buying a car and not having the resources to maintain it. It’s only a matter of time before the car becomes useless very soon except you can afford the fuel to keep it running, and a mechanic to check it from time to time.

If you discover you can write for example and you begin to make resources available for your writing talent by buying books and reading to develop your knowledge base, if you don’t make writing a part of your life, all the discoveries and hard work at discovering your writing and getting books to develop your talent will make no sense.

When a light is placed on a lighthouse, the lighthouse manager often ensures that when it's evening, the light is put on. The lighthouse will be useless if on the first day of its creation it is used but after them, the light is put off. However beautiful the lighthouse, if no light comes from it, it is useless.

You have to understand that it is only when you continue doing what you should do at developing your talent that it becomes very much part of you. You only become known for what you do when you do it at the very best level and you continue to perform at that level. You work at highlighting your talent by going to school and learning from your teachers but you instill that talent as a lifestyle by doing it.

When I began writing, I discovered it was one area I could make my influence known. I read about writing and its different styles and genres. I wanted to be unique too so I went about developing my writing style. My style wasn’t impressive at first and too many criticisms arrived from publishers who thought I was wasting time writing about the things I loved to write about. However, I kept highlighting my talent, improving increasingly until I reached a point where the same publishers confessed that I was a better writer than they had thought. I didn’t stop writing because I was criticized; I made writing a part of me. I sleep writing, I eat writing, and I talk writing.

A student studying at the school who wants to perform at the A levels must learn to study personally. At first, it may seem difficult especially if it may seem difficult especially if it is for the first time because his body will struggle to adapt to the odd reading times and long sitting hours that characterizes studying. However because he has a goal to make A’s, he pushes on against the initial difficulties. Those difficulties soon ease out and she soon develops a reading culture. The reading culture only arrives because he instilled himself into reading and studying. It soon becomes part of him that anywhere he finds himself, he is reading.

Your talent or discovered ability isn’t all to you. It only begins to make sense for you after you have reached an easing level where using it doesn’t add any labor to you. Actually, however, natural the talent embedded in you is, your success at using it only arrives when using it becomes as natural a process as discovering it.

Drinking water is a natural process. One has to drink every day to survive but drinking water first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening, however, is difficult however healthy doctors say it is. The reason is because one has to make drinking at this times a habit before one begins to benefit from the health benefits.

Your talent may be as natural as it is but could be so useless to you. If you don’t make singing the talent a hobby that works naturally with you, you never will enjoy the benefits of the talent.

The musician didn’t begin singing the day he discovered he could sing. He kept his hand developing the singing talent till everything he held became a musical instrument for some cooked out tune. It was only after discovering his music talent and working on it to a certain level that he though it is worth others hearing it.

You are immensely gifted and I hope you’ve discovered it. Don’t let that gift end at “I know I have this gift”. How about working on it till it becomes more than a gift but it’s there out for everyone to see and that is able to attract the right persons who will help you develop it.

You have the light right there. Make spreading it a part of you. The world will see it and run to you.