Simplistic Confidence by Aurthur Musendame - HTML preview

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There are many definitions of the word confidence. Here are a few definitions that I carefully selected for you.

  1. The ability to take effective action in any situation – self-assuredness.
  2. The belief of having faith in something.
  3. A state of being certain that you are capable doing something.

Are you not tired of everyone pulling your strings every time? It’s time to get up and kick ass.

Confidence enables you to face and handle any situation with ease, minus the feeling of fear, worry, and doubt. Building confidence will give you a life full of endless possibilities that will drive you through various life challenging situations and bring you limitless success. Is this not the type of life you want? Having confidence is having the power and potential to succeed, living the life of your dreams.

Having an attitude that holds a positive realistic view of self gives you a peace of mind which enables you to face and handle any situation without difficulty – the power of a peaceful mind. It doesn’t matter how others may see the situation, because you have a positive self-image, a rock solid, and unshakeable confidence, you will be in the rightful position to tackle any situation is without panicking.

I call this the power of a positive self-mage.

Real and true confidence:

  •  Is from within, it can neither be broadcast nor be voiced.
  • Is not defensive, it is proactive.
  • Is a dream fulfiller.
  • Reclaims your dreams that have been lost or postponed.

Gaining confidence gives you a strong and positive mental attitude, the feeling that all is well, regardless of not knowing the answers, solutions, and the ‘How to …’ of the problem that you are facing.

If you have wasted precious time in your life because of the worry actor, fear, and doubt, doing something away from your dreams, it’s time to revisit your past and reclaim you passions

Why building a positive self-image?

Skill, knowledge, expertise, and experience is important but will not mean much or be of much value in meeting most life successes without the desired confidence. You may have the skill and knowledge but when you go to an interview, when you are meeting with someone who matters, when you need to be a leader, confidence is this one factor that they are looking for.

Do you need to build stronger and happy relationships that last, build and grow successful businesses, live a happy and flourishing life full of spasms of joy?

Building a 4 any level type of confidence is the key. This type of confidence allows you to meet anyone, anywhere, anytime, and do absolutely anything.

 Start building your confidence, start building a positive self-image today, boost your confidence, and attain super rock-solid confidence. A way to living your dreams.

Building self-confidence will give all the resources you need and build you the impact you desire to getting you promoted at work or to getting an appraisal.

Self-confidence will enable you to welly answer the question ‘am I worth the job or am I worth ...,’ it assesses your own sense of self-worth.

When you look at yourself, what is it that you really see in you, what is this thing that drives your heart, what is it you really want and need? The real question is, what is holding you back to doing it, what is holding you back to achieving your dreams, what is it that is making you not to follow your dreams? The lack of confidence to meeting your goal setting is the answer to all these questions. Now, do you realise how important it is to build this 4 any level type of confidence?

Self-confidence allows you and gives you the heart to follow your dreams, to take necessary risks, to face the challenge, to feel the fear and do it any way, all because you believe and have faith in yourself that you are capable. Confidence instils the courage that even if things don’t go well and turn unexpected turns they can always be put back in track.

Confidence brings about self-acceptance and self-appreciation, the understanding of who you really are, enabling you to feel great about yourself, helping you to make better life choices, and decisions that really matter. Building a 4 any level type of self-confidence is the foundation of all.

Like a child, everyone is born confident, but it diminishes with time due to a variety of life changing induced factors and influences that include bad parenting, friends, our surroundings and schooling. There is need to rebuild that confidence because it will bring you to your happiness through following and attaining your dreams. Without confidence we cannot enjoy life. Confidence holds the power to change anything. A lot of people with great, big dreams did not manage to fulfil them because they were not confident enough to stand the gap. If you are very confident, you are filled with passion, conviction and the strength you need to pursue you dreams because you know who you are, you understand your core values, you know that you are purposed to live your life and not exist, you know how to nature your unique talents and gifts.

How does it feel like to want something, long for something, yet not having the zeal to go for it? Do you want this kind of life, a life full of blame? It’s time to kick ass and build the confidence that you desire, succeed in your career, and be visible to the whole world.

With confidence you fast adapt to changing environments and situations without the feeling of discomfort. No matter how negatives may build up in your way, your confidence will keep you strong, positive and always above your weaknesses.

If you are confident, you will feel secure, in your relationships, at work, and in anything that you do. With self-confidence you better overcome trials, insecurities, difficulty without feeling depressed. You will handle any matter and any situation with ease and with a peace of mind.

Confident people are easily attracted to each other. Most confident and positive minded people are successful people. This will enhance your career prospects bringing you closer to meeting the best opportunities and more chances of achieving your goals.

People love to follow those who are confident, believing in them, placing their trust in them, therefore building self-confidence will make you a role model for many.

Because confident people are full of understanding and are fully aware of who they really are, this makes them stable, balanced, and not to get easily affected by the social and or economic status. They always feel adequate, stress free and have nothing to worry about.

It is easy for confident people to weigh rough situations and take risks. They are high risk takers. This allows them to prosper and be successful in what they do. No matter how people may criticise them, it doesn’t affect them, they know how to handle criticism, it does not lower their spirits otherwise they find criticism to be a dream booster because it enables them to identify areas in need of improvement.

Confident people are characterised by high level access – the ability to network properly, win friends, influence people and have high chances of meeting people who matter.

Confident people are successful people because they have boundaries, and rules that direct and govern their day to day goings, doings and involvements.

Dangers of low confidence levels

A strong lack of self-confidence poses a negative effect on your social relations, networking, career, moods, achievements, and life as a whole. People with low self-confidence are easily depressed with life situations that surround them due to inability to cope with meeting life challenges and the inability to adapt to changing environments.

Those who lack confidence are less likely to develop healthy flourishing successful lives because they lack the stamina to stand and face whatever lies ahead of them.

Without confidence you will feel isolated, alone, hated, and unlovable because you have a hard time building relationships and maintaining friendships. When you lack confidence you cannot put trust in yourself, you doubt your abilities, you have a hard time handling situations and this builds anxiety. People love to criticise, and if you are less confident you will feel bad when they begin to criticise you. Less confident people do not know how to deal with criticism.

Less confident people are jealous, they envy others too much. This is because less confident people love to compare themselves to other people. This builds jealousy in their hearts. If you don’t have confidence in yourself, you lack self-love and without the love of self how will you be in a position to love others and cope around them?

Less confident people are low risk takers, they are afraid of taking risks, they feel like nothing is meant to work for them, they feel like they are losers and highly incapable. This negative attitude deprives potential making them remain where they are, without substantial growth and expansion. They cannot move out of their comfort zone, they have a feeling that something will always go wrong along the way. Therefore, in most cases, they end up getting controlled by others because they can’t stand on their own, they always have to be pulled along.

They lack the zeal, the driving force to execute their minds towards meeting their goal setting and pursuing their desires. They are controlled and therefore they tend to follow their emotions and feelings. No matter how much you may want to achieve something in life, it will be never easy without confidence. Less confident people live lives that are unhappy, unhealthy, and full of hatred, with stress and boredom.

Without the desired level of confidence it is hard to face life challenging problems and situations. You will end up wasting a lot of money through hiring someone who will do the job for you, something that you could have done yourself. You don’t have the freedom that allows you to stretch outside your comfort zone. You will be stuck at one point or another. Less confident people are concerned with what others are doing, they cannot concentrate on their own piece of work, and they are not capable of minding their own business.

Negativity floods the minds of those who lack self-confidence. They have a negative mental attitude, they are full of self-doubt, are afraid of failure because they expect the negative to always befall them. There are a lot of highly educated people yet they are not where the wanted to be, they lost the job interview and had their job taken away by someone who is less educated than them because they could not be confident enough to adequately express themselves. Less confident people lack the freedom of self-expression, they do not know or understand who they are.

Less confident people cannot stand the face of the crowd, they have the fear of public speaking, and in the back of their minds they think someone is always watching their step. They cannot meet with new people, they have a hard time bonding with new relationships, and they cannot be leaders.

Less confident people are less likely to be in a position to say NO to others, they cannot decide for themselves as to what they really want, and they are easily influenced therefore, they do not always get what they want or desire out of life.

And because they allow limitations and weaknesses to override their desires, they often panic and worry that things will take wrong turns. This holds them from pursuing their dreams.

The circle around confidence

The ability to purpose your life, add value to it and redefine your destiny is all embedded in the level of your self-confidence. People who have confidence in themselves present with the following 15 quality pieces that make and represent the circle around confidence:


What do you want out of life? Do you want to live your life you the fullest, or do you want to exist?             Confident people are driven by their vision of success, they are highly ambitious when it comes to what they want. Maximise on working towards your dreams. You should know what you really want and program yourself to work towards that goal setting.

Forget about the negative, they are always there, work on how to handle them when you meet them. Focus on the positive aspects and this will get you closer to what you want to achieve. Define your goals, let them be clear to you, and strive to achieve them no matter what.


Confident people do not undermine themselves, they have high levels of self-respect and self-love. They are very kind and affectionate. They do not mix themselves with psychopaths and idiots.

They are sociable and can easily adapt to various environments because they are not afraid of changing environments, economic situations and meeting new people.

They love themselves wholeheartedly, they are satisfied by who they are and that is their strength and security, trusting in themselves and in their abilities. They have a strong sense of belonging. They put value in themselves because they know that greatness lies inside them. They are happy, smiling, kind and wholesome.


Competitiveness flows in the blood of confident people, it is their nature, and they love competition. No matter how hard the situation may be, they always push on, keep on keeping on, testing themselves against the best, because they believe in themselves.

They are not afraid of being wrong, they are aware that they are not always right, they are eager to find out what’s right. If they are wrong, they easily admit, they are not defensive.

They never draw back from competition, theirs is to push forward, to press on and take risks.

Risk taking

Confident people are not afraid of taking necessary risks. Risk taking is an everyday meal, it’s a life style. They are not afraid of being wrong or to take chances because they know that opportunities are met in taking risks.

Confident people are good at assessing and weighing both sides of a situation (positive or negative), they know that in all ups and downs there is always a shining star – opportunities.

Hard working

Confident people don’t spend their day wasting any precious time they have just sitting on their asses or loitering, they are not lazy, they are hard working. They put effort in everything they do no matter how exhaustive it may be.

Confident people are not settled when there are no results, they always want to produce something, they are result driven and goal oriented. They believe in themselves, they know that they can make things happen.


Confident people are aware of their capabilities, and they know their strengths. They use their strengths to produce results and always improve on them for self-growth and betterment.

Like everyone, they also have limitations but what differs is, that non-confident people allow their limitations to overrule them. Confident people step above their limitations.

Confident people work on improving on their strengths, strengthening their weaknesses because they know that they are capable of continuous improvement. Practice makes perfect – make this your guide and a rule that you will always follow.


Do you know who you are? Confident people know who they are, accept themselves and everyone for who they are, regardless of their background, ethnicity, and or level of education. They are not ignorant. They know that everyone is unique, with each person having their own qualities and talents. We are not all equal. They recognise their own shortcomings, weaknesses and how they developed on them, so they believe the best for others.


Confident people are result oriented, driven for outcome in everything they touch, and they do not settle for less, for zero result. Confident people always stand out, they do not allow situations to overrule them, the word impossible does not exist in their vocabulary, and everything is worth a try or risking. Confident people do not give in easily, they dominate and subdue.


Their strength lies in their positivity. They are always positive in all they do, they always expect the best to come. Confident people are not negative minded, they do not allow circumstances to lead their way, they are their own bosses always fighting for the best.

Confident people have courage, they know how to overcome doubt, fear and a negative inner voice. They know to stand the gap.  


When you ask a confident person about what they want, they can clearly state it to you. They know what they want in life. They know how they want their things to be run. They are focused, they take full control of their journey towards success.

They believe and have faith in their work towards reaching and obtaining their goals. They have rules that govern their doings. They don’t allow fear, limitations, emotions, feelings, and failures to control or put boundaries to them.


Confident people are very attractive and therefore they are easily drawn unto each other. This opens various doors for more opportunities.

The universal law of attraction: demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

Confident people are like shining stars, shining in their spirits and this allows them to attract same energies into their lives.


Leaders are very confident, they are made, and not born. This makes confident people the best leaders for our societies and nations at large.

They are not afraid of shifts or situation changes, they are risk takers, and goal oriented personnel.


Confident people know that access has no limitation, access is for all. Confident people are good network builders, they believe that everyone gains access to whatever they want or need through networks of friends – universal access.

Confident people know how to build strong relationships, hence through these good networks, they create endless possibilities and opportunities for themselves. They do not wait for promotion at work, they create their own access points that allows them to expand and grow towards their goal setting.

In their minds they pose significant goal driven questions that vibrate their energies into motion, shaking them to take action. They always ask – “why not me?” because they know that access is universal.


Confident people are free and open. They are not afraid to seek knowledge in areas they have no expertise. They ask where they do not know. Many people see asking as a sign of weakness, but it is not. Through seeking knowledge you build a stronger base that will enhance your confidence and career path.

Confident people ask freely, they acknowledge their weaknesses, strive to work and improve on them. They give an open ear to others when they speak, an ear to listen attentively – active listening. They listen more than they speak because they always want to hear more.

They have all the freedom they need around others. They have nothing to worry about or to be afraid of.

Open mind

Confident people see opportunity in everything, in ups or downs. Regardless of how many times they might have failed, it is always the best and perfect time to start over, it’s a new start and now in a more intelligent way. Failure allows them to do things more intelligently with awareness.

They weigh situations for the best, they stand to make things work towards the positive, towards success. They are not limited by weaknesses, they have total control over their weaknesses. Their thinking is not narrow, but wide enough to see opportunity in dry seasons.