Simplistic Confidence by Aurthur Musendame - HTML preview

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The confidence language

Language (the way we speak) holds the ultimate power to change our lives. The words that we use daily when we converse with others must show that we are in total control, they must also show wiliness, power and impact. Our vocabulary must show that we have confidence in ourselves. Language that shows lack of self-confidence deprive us from meeting our goal setting. In an interview or when you meet someone new with whom you are trying to build a bond, your vocabulary will tell them if you are confident or not. Good language will enhance your life journey bringing you closer to meeting your goal setting.    

Using the correct language conveys a dramatic and positive change towards greatness and success in life. By simply listening to other people talk, you can be in a position to tell whether their life will waste away, remain the same or flourish. This ability comes through selecting or pin pointing particular words they use and the way they use then in conversations.

Incorrect use of negative word in our daily conversations without being aware of their negative impact affects the character of our subconscious mind in a great way. No matter how small these words may seem, they carry a tremendous effect that controls our character, feelings, reactions, emotions and the way we present ourselves to others.

It is of paramount importance that we learn and practice careful selection of perfect language vocabulary which will show self-confidence and enhance our lives.

Choosing your words


This word shows unwillingness and caries a high level of self-doubt. Most people who use the ‘try’ word don’t trust themselves of being capable of successfully implementing and accomplishing necessary tasks.

This word shows that you are not doing things wholeheartedly and you may not do the tasks at all, you are not willing.

How often do you use this word in sentences like ‘I’ll try to …’   Why not say – ‘I’ll do’ instead of ‘I’ll try doing…’, ‘I will come’ instead of ‘I’ll try…’


This word destroys your self-image. Why do you tell yourself that you are not capable? This word is a confidence killer.

Why don’t you trust yourself, your abilities? This word damages and corrupts the level of your self-esteem. Without self-esteem and a positive self-image, you can hardly accomplish anything in life.

If you know that you are not in a position to ..., why not say ‘I choose not to ..,’ this sentence gives you full control over the situation, you are the boss.


The word just is used by those people who do things for the sake of doing. Doing without proper reasoning. It shows that whatever you do or have done carries no meaning, importance or value to you.

Just doing things shows that you are not determined, you are not a careful planner, and you do not care. You do not put your mind to focus on the things you do. You don’t have a goal setting.


‘I feel I have to …’ Why do you let your feelings and emotions take control over your life? Learn to take responsibility and full control over your own life, over the things you do. Why do you undermine yourself by letting your feelings control you?

If you let your feelings control you, it means you will not be in a position to take important and valuable decisions in life. There are times when you will need to sit down and think in order to execute positive ideas and be in a position to resolve issues and conflicts but if your feelings take control over you, then you will not be in a position to proceed or succeed in anything.

The word kills your self- esteem and later you will begin to blame yourself that you are not capable simply because you let your emotions and feeling override your brains.

As for guys, why do you let your small head take lead and full control over your big head?

I think

Why are you doubting? Evelyn asks “Polite, where is Lesede?” Polite answers “I think she went to the sore.” Polite is not decisive, she is not sure, and she is saying things without full analysis of what she really wants to say. She doesn’t know and that is why she is saying ‘I think’. If she knew, she could have said ‘she went to the store’ or ‘I don’t know, Lesede did not say anything when she left’. This could have been a clever answer.

‘I think I want to go to work,’ really? It’s better to say ‘I am going to work’ or ‘I am not going to work today’. Be decisive.


Imagine you receive a letter from a friend telling you about how the weather will be in the next coming 2 days which may affect your trip to Victoria Falls. He mentions that ‘It’s likely going to be windy.’ This information shows that your friend doesn’t know, it’s an assumption.

The word likely is used when someone doesn’t have full facts about something, when someone assumes something. It shows lack of knowledge and it undermines your credibility.


This word when it becomes overused, it portrays a negative self-image. Imagine you are the boss at your work place and you always say - I need you to …, I need you here before ..., I need …. The word makes you to look needy. Avoid using too much of this word and try expressing yourself in other ways possible.


Its better you do not say anything at all if you are so sure that you do not possess all the facts required. This word is mostly used by those who do not have all the facts required about the subject at hand.


‘I might go to school,’ ‘I might do …’ this shows that you are not sure if you really will …. The word shows that you have no commitment at all, you are full of doubt and you lack the ability. It is much better to say ‘I will go to school’ or ‘I will do ….’


This word is not for confident people. People hope that their situations will turnaround whilst they sit on their ass without taking any necessary action. Turn your situation to suit your desires and don’t hope that it will turn itself, you have to make it happen.

Eliminate the word in your vocabulary and take full control of the things you do. Having hope is not a bad thing but avoid wrongly using the word.


The word cancels everything in a sentence that lies behind it. ‘I am supposed to attend a meeting but I have to watch a football match.’ But negates the need to go to a meeting, it shows that you are no longer going to the meeting.

Be aware of how you use this word in your sentences.


Are you afraid of something? If not, then what’s stopping you?

The notion shows fear, unwillingness, and lack of confidence that you can accomplish a task. Instead of using could, use ‘will.’


Others words that are confidence killers


Would won’t

Worried Confused

Wish Usually

Attempt Suspect

Quandary I Believe

Should Impossible


Consider replacing those notions that degrade your confidence and colour your vocabulary with some of the following words:



I Will Of course

I Choose Obviously




These words if correctly used, show and demonstrate power, authority, total control, boosting the level of your self-image.

Positive communication through confident vocabulary helps build a stronger 4 any level type of confidence, which is the foundation of great achievements.

A weak and a negative language imposes a negative impact on your career, image and reputation. Do not sabotage yourself with the use of weak and negative vocabulary. Learn to choose the best words and continuously improve your vocabulary.


Write down all negative words you have been using in your day to day life and list their alternative power words that you will use to replace them. Practice the use of these powerful vocabulary energising words.