Singleship: Don't Make Cake With Rotten Eggs! by J.J. Jones - HTML preview

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Happy Singles are sexy

What was the best sex you ever had? Does that one experience make you happy each day? Some things that do make you happy each day are: caring for something, helping a person in need, and completing some simple goal just for yourself. These moments last long in the mind’s eye, the soul and build character in a way sex can never ever will do for you.

Sex is never on a job application, never helps the people around you and often harms you in Singleship.

Sex feels great. Sex is not a bad thing, but doing good stuff for yourself and others carries with it a feeling of accomplishment and it is sexy to other singles that share this experience or goal with you. Almost all the dating books will advise singles to be confident to be sexy. If there is nothing underneath this confidence except good looks or nice clothes, then the person is projecting a false image to everyone else. Being a sexy single is not about projecting something, but being something. Happy singles look deeper into people. If someone is blessed with genes that represent beauty in a culture, be happy for them.

Happy singles, good-looking or not, look inward first to discover their foundation for happiness in some new fashion. It is defined by their purpose. Your decision to be happy is a key step to making you sexier than you can imagine.

In Singleship, you are investing in your sexiness. Your quest to be happy for your own sake is good for you and will improve your attractiveness to others as much as six months in the gym. Don't make a big deal about sex. Most people spend much more time talking about it than really doing it. Take your time with sex. It will always be around to experience and explore in a mature way that you and a partner can enjoy together.

img3.pngTonight write about a time sex was the only goal for a romantic relationship and a time sexual contact and intimacy was not a goal. Did you have a different feeling about each one?  What were the results of each?




