Sobriety, I Did It My Way by Mo Khan - HTML preview

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Support Groups

There are many support groups out there for addicts and alcoholics. Utilizing the resources that work for you as an individual is the best way to help you stay clean and sober. Most areas have AA, NA, as well as sobriety groups sponsored by hospitals and rehab centers throughout the United States.

Friends and Family

Friends and family often don’t know that you even have an addiction until you tell them. Some are quick to judge you and have a negative reaction towards you and may not always be the best resource while in recover. Confide in those that you know will not judge you and those who will be that sympathetic ear when you need it most. The last thing you want is someone that will hold against you and treat you poorly. This may deepen your anxiety and depression and cause a relapse.

Online Support

Another option is a site called Sober Grid which is an online community with addicts, alcoholics, and also those that suffer from illnesses such as Anxiety and Depression. Someone is always available to talk seek out like minded individuals that have the same end goal, staying sober one day at a time.

Phone Call

The final option is to seek professional help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Hotline if things have gone that far south at 1-800-273-8255.