Sobriety, I Did It My Way by Mo Khan - HTML preview

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Depression and Anxiety

Addiction is no longer seen as a personal issue and many doctors recognize addiction as a medical issue. This is often accompanied with depression and anxiety issues. Symptoms and results of both are lack of motivation, sleeplessness, the ability to start but not finish things, the lack of an appetite, hating yourself, lack of concentration, and finally not being able to remember anything.

Depression - When you realize you have lost the battle with alcohol and become an addict you may become depressed and think the end of the world is near.

  1. Obtain advice from your doctor and also seek professional counseling or call a counseling hotline.
  2. Talk to your friends about the issues you are facing.
  3. Do not close yourself off and isolate from your friends. This will drive you into a deeper abyss.

Anxiety - As you become sober, anxiety may develop and you notice you are not able to handle tough situations because you do not have the bottle at the end of the day to soothe you.