Sobriety, I Did It My Way by Mo Khan - HTML preview

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Organized Meetings

Many feels that you must attend an organized meeting such as the two A’s or the other group’s to stay sober. One website suggested that these meetings are only successful for one out of every ten people, although because the meetings are anonymous not everyone is a willing participant in the survey. My belief is that about three out of every ten are successful when they follow a traditional 12 step program. In rehab, they tried to so hard to drill it into your head to go to meetings, work the steps, and find a sponsor. The problem many are embarrassed to admit they have a problem in a public forum or they simply do not do well in a public setting because they are introverts. There is nothing wrong with that, there are other ways to stay sober.

Alternatives to organized meetings are joining social networking group’s online which have discussion forums. Making a new group of friends that don’t drink and meeting them for breakfast or coffee. Having that friend whom you can call at anytime when you are feeling sad, depressed, or just need someone to talk too. Staying friends with those you went to rehab with and calling them when you are having cravings for alcohol or drugs is another asset to have. A friend of mine sends me a message every time I tally up another month of sobriety and I do the same for him.