Starting All Over After a Lockdown by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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What you do matters.


GREAT IDEA, REOURCES AND A GOOD PLAN may be what you need to define the picture of your life after this lockdown, but the equation isn’t complete without taking the action that your plan has outlined.

Many great ideas and fantastic plans are still waiting to happen because the creators have left the action part undone. No matter the possibilities in an idea or plan, it won't matter much if you choose to do nothing.

Doubt is a major limiting factor for many persons. They doubt if their great plan will turn out great in reality. But note, if your idea is fantastic on paper, you can as well give it a chance.

Those who  will turn out top gainers after this lockdown era are those who will dare to take out their resources and risk everything working at their well thought out  their plans.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the moment we are able to kick-start our big ideas, that’s when we will be able to tell if our idea is going to work or not.

If you do nothing, you get nothing. Even if your doubts are huge about your idea working at all, your expectation level becomes 50-50 when you’ve actually decided to try it. You can’t expect something when you are doing nothing.

Fantastic ideas don’t just turn out fantastic products by people watching. They result from a decisive action to move beyond the realm of ideas into tangibles.

Who gets celebrated for just ideas? No one. People who create ideas are celebrated because the ideas found application and real life value. If you are not willing to do the part, you can as well give up the mental work of creating the idea in the first place.

Life post this lockdown will require you putting your hands to soil, to work your creative instincts into the creation of real value. At the en end, what people are looking to see is the physical part of what had been a mental and paper work.

No matter how fantastic the drawing plan of a house is, this does not translate to a beautiful house on the ground except the builder and his laborers get to work to translate what’s on paper into reality.

I like the fact that those who will be succeeding in this new era are those who won’t allow their mental allusions stop them from seeing the reality of their ideas.

Nothing goes for anything. The fantastic life beyond this lockdown will come at the expense of your willingness to jump in the fray and do what you have to do.

Your action will require some sacrifice. You must be willing to give up what you have, some comfort, some excitement, so that you can subsequently enjoy the benefits. This is vital because it shows the extent to which we want to enjoy the better life.

Let’s use this analysis. Imagine that you have a place you want to get to, you also have a fueled car and a key and you can drive. You keep telling yourself that you should be somewhere but you are still where you are even with the resources within your reach. You will remain where you are until you decide to drive.

There is no guarantee of a better life after this lockdown for those who will choose to do nothing with opportunities that this lockdown reveals. You have to get on the driver seat and drive.

Don’t just be a talkative. We are tempted to talk too much about what we want to do and most persons talk forever. But talks don’t change anything, what does is action. Those who do are those who enter into the reality of their talk.

You can talk about how you want to change everything about your life. That’s a great speech you’d be making. If you don’t decide to work and then do the work, speeches will make no sense.

It’s important that we realize that what’s limiting us often isn’t our inability to create fantastic ideas. No! it’s our failure to work on even the smallest ideas. Don’t be caught in the web that has often held you over and over in the past.  Get to work.

You may think you don’t have the strength to go all the way. You may be weak but no one knows about that. Fight your weakness by taking the first steps first. those  who have made great marks in life will tell you that the first step mattered.

While the lockdown last make preparations now so that once the lockdown is eased you can launch in an attack with fury your past failures. There’s no good in procrastinating.

The popular Nike cliché states “just do it”. It epitomizes the need for you to take action even when you don’t see the reality of your action giving you the result you want. Spite your fears, do same to your doubts. Nothing can be as beautiful as an idea that working.

I shared this story earlier in this book but here’s an enlarged version. A few years back, I was locked down in hunger. I had concluded my bachelor degree at Mechanical engineering and had hoped that a job would follow. It didn’t come  so I had to go through the struggles of a jobless young man. The conditions were harsh.

I was however optimistic with an idea that jumped into my mind. I decided I was going to start a school after careful evaluation of needs of my immediate environment. I had no resources, all I had was an idea and a talent plus an uncompleted house.

I knew my house would be a great start so I took action. I started lessons for children with their parents paying only a few stipends with the goal that I was going to start a school. I had no chairs, I had no tables, no boards. The children sat on the floor while I converted everything I could convert to tables.

Subsequently, resources started pouring from everywhere. Every little money that came in went into buying chairs, tables and fixing the uncompleted building. I did not get the financial resources that would have been necessary or a smooth start before I started work towards the idea. But the moment I believed my idea sufficiently to get to work with it, doors of financial favors opened. Today, that school stands as a testimony to what having an idea and working on it can do.

I’ve started several businesses down the years and sincerely, they’ve been around taking action despite limited or no resources. i decide that there has to be a way, I make the first moves and let the rest follow subsequently but I don’t worry over the future before I get there.

I’ve started a writing services company and this lockdown has helped me with the opportunity to create web based services for companies and organizations that hitherto didn’t see the need to have an internet based service structure. As a result I have started a web services company that creates cheap web solutions for clients.

It is important while engaging your plan that you stop:

  • Analyzing if your plan will work or not. The strength of your plan should be tested only at the place where you are working it out. Don’t conclude that the plan won’t work until you’ve worked it.
  • Chronicling the failures of others. You may be tempted to think that since others failed, that you will fail. They failed because they faced a whole different mechanics of challenges, yours is different too.
  • Trading your time with laziness. No one survives been lazy. You’d be wasting so much time if you choose to do nothing. By the time you realize where you are, you would have wasted a good chunk of time.
  • Idealization. The world we live in  has people consistently conceptualizing ideal situations. In reality however, there are no ideal situations. The best you can do for yourself is to see how to make do with your present reality.
  • Outrageous Conclusions. You can’t conclude on the future by considering the present state of things. You’d be wrong and limiting your will power to fight for more. Situations change, nothing ever is permanent.
  • Negative Comparisons. People compare themselves with the Joneses. The Joneses are the Joneses, you are you. Don’t let the achievements of others scare or threaten you. Let others be themselves, find you.

Now take action

  • Apply wisdom in doing what you have decided to do. Count the cost, don’t be wasteful, think, don’t be rash in taking decisions. They all count for wisdom.
  • Channel your mind towards getting the best from what you are doing. Your state of mind will determine your energy input and subsequently, your output.
  • Try, try and try again. You may not always get it right the first time, second time or even the third but If you persevere, you will certainly get it right.
  • Initiate moves. Always want to find a way around your challenges. Even if you find yourself stuck, be on the move.
  • Overcome your fears. Fear kills result oriented plans. Dare the things you fear, and you’d never have fear on your back.
  • Now matters. Don’t leave what you should do today for tomorrow. Force today’s  actions now, tomorrow should be left for what should be done tomorrow.

It is important that you get on top of this present situation. Act now on your ideas and plans. It matters.