Starting All Over After a Lockdown by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Maximize your efforts by dealing with your weaknesses.


EVERY TEACHER OFFERS tests to their students to see how well the students have understood what has been taught. What the teachers are actually doing is, they are reviewing their work so that they know where they have to put in more effort and on which student more work has to be done.

You have your plans on top gear and you’ve been working on it. It is important to check how much success you have made. Whatever you observe may enable you tweak your plan so that you can get optimal results.

People spend many years working at one business or job and the business has been the way they started it or even worse, and they love it that way.

You should be looking for growth in anything you are doing. Check for the indices that shows you are growing. If you aren’t, pack your baggage and start something else. Post lockdown, you have to be more business minded. You should be looking to grow and expand.

It’s important to note when you are having a buzz and when things have relaxed. No matter how great an idea and the results that it gives, there are times when business won’t be great. It’s understood. But when business isn’t great every other time, it’s not worth your pursuit.

A review helps you anticipate growth, or a dip so that you aren’t caught unawares whatever the situation.

Strategic restructuring can only happen when you’ve noticed the need for it. You can’t do what you don’t see a need for. This is why many businesses stay small through their lifetime. They run without a review mechanism put in place to check what’s not working well or what’s doing great or what needs to be reinforced.

When you review often, you discover without much ado how not to run your business. This is why businesses upgrade their services. They get feedbacks customers and they use the feedbacks to create a better service for their customers.

To improve your lot after this lockdown, you must be willing to consistently do your checks. Don’t leave your life to chance.

Ask yourself questions like:

o Are you living the type of life you’ve always wanted to live?

o Are you benefitting from the well of possibilities that your talent or gift provides for you?

o Are your present results in line with your expectations?

o Are the results you get equating with you present input?

o Are you doing too much for too little?

o Have your goals been achieved?

o Are you more positive than you were before the lockdown?

o Are you more experienced to challenge life today than you were before the lockdown?

o At what state of your life will you consider yourself to have achieved your goal?

You can check your state of affairs after you have been able to answer these questions and you’d have a clear picture of your current standing. What to do subsequently will depend on your discoveries.

You might realize through your reviews that you need to put in more efforts in which case more effort will lead to more value. You might realize however also that you have to stop and reconsider your inputs and perhaps take a different path from where you have initially taken.

Or you might as well decide that going further with your plan will add no profit in which case you have decide to stop,

A consistent review will certainly expose your weaknesses so that post lockdown, you are soaring on the wings of what you know.