Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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I light up like a Christmas tree when I speak with women who tell me, “Vanessa I want to make a big income change;; I am so ready, bring on the $10k every month, I know I have fear and I want your help breaking through this fear.” Then when it comes time to commit they use fear as an excuse. It’s ridiculous really. Most people are what I call, decision and commitment disabled. We have an entire culture that uses the media to instill fear, doubt and worry as a norm. Most of us attend public schools that waste children’s time on memorizing and repeating outdated facts about the fur traders and ignore, mute out and squash children’s creative talents. Look, Steven Jobbs was a creative genius. The world needs creative geniuses and not only a bunch of safe people who are unwilling to take risks.

If you’re avoiding making a decision and a commitment in your life, you are robbing yourself of something great! You are deciding to settle for the status quo. By not making, a decision is a decision to stay EXACTLY where you are. One of my all time favorite quotes still is from John A. Shedd, Salt from My Attic, 1928, “A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are built for.”

Stop hiding out in that comfortable uncomfortable, take the risk, decide you’re going to feel the fear and do it no matter what, then COMMIT. Commitment is the key that will open every door for you!

When I was 20 years old, I set out to live in Japan and teach English. It was a pivotal turning point in my life because well who goes to a foreign land on their own at 20 years old! Really! I look back and I think that was insane! I see 20 year olds today and I think my God I was a baby!! I don’t think I would let my own kid leave the country at 20 years old!

At the time, I was tired of being a bar tender, so I started telling people at the bar my crazy hair brained idea that I was going to go teach English in Japan and venture out into the world and travel for a year or  two. After a while, I started thinking to myself, “Geez I better do it now because all these people expect me to do it now! If I don’t, I’ll look like a real chicken!” So I took the leap, I went for an interview with a Japanese- English language school, got the job jumped on a plane and that started my very first step towards the search for the spirit or God. My intention was if I have faith in the day, it would bring me everywhere I needed to go, to do everything I needed to do and become who I am to become. Even at a young age, I had this idea and I just had to prove it to myself that God was good. That life will take care of you if you meet it and answer yes to its call.

Commitment is scary but oh so worth it! I was listening to a Mama Gina audio today in my truck and she introduced herself as a woman committed to helping women find pleasure. She went on to say that, she might even offend women in her absolute commitment to her truth that women are the world’s most untapped natural resource of power and that she will go to any length to share the message including maybe offending a few people. I liked that because I work like that.

While on many sales calls I’ve ruffled few feathers, these women are not happy with me at the beginning of the program. However, I’m not going to sit on the phone with you and buy into your self-deception and excuses on why you can’t commit, why it’s not the right time or why you don’t have the money or my goat ate the telephone cord and I have to go now. You might as well tell me the goat story so I could at least get a good chuckle.

I’m a straight shooter. I tell people how it is, I’m not in the business to make a ton of friends, or stoke your ego or whisper nice things in your ear. I am in the business of helping people get results and that requires knowledge. Many people are giving their power away to the Ego that uses fear to protect them. Their entire decision making mechanism is flawed; not only flawed but also is backfiring. It’s holding you back from your very own success that you claim you so badly want!! Stop saying, “I have to think about it.” No you don’t. What you are doing is giving yourself time to let your mind fill you with fear and reasons why it’s not a good idea to take a risk for what you want because, “I might fail.” Stop saying, “What if I don’t have enough time to devote to it? My husband, children, mother, father, brother, boyfriend or goat next door won’t let me!”

What I have to say to all of that is, “Stop it! Take Your Power Back NOW!!”

Decide, commit, show up and say YES to take action on the next step. Life is really that simple. We make it so much more complicated by letting our emotions run us like wild monkeys.

Really, life is just an action waiting on your decision. You choose what you want, commit to it and when you do, all the doors open,  access granted. It’s as if God is testing you until you hear, “Yeah you want this, really? Let’s see you commit.” Then boom! The sky’s the limit.

I’m a truth seeker, a wisdom seeker. I never stop and I don’t think I will ever stop discovering what and how this reality we live in works and operates. It is a passion, a deep, deep passion of mine and by committing to it - embracing it - it has led me to who I am today. This passion for truth and knowledge has opened the doors to teach, to share, to inspire others and that totally tickles me! If you want to learn how to swim sometimes, you just have to jump in with both feet and learn how to swim!

Don’t Let Your Dreams Get Moldy!

By not committing and not making a decision you forfeit all potential for all the yummy fun things that are yours by divine right. It’s like receiving the mail but not opening it to look at it. Who knows what’s inside there!

There’s a great story I heard at a Fabienne Fredrikson event that I found unforgettable. She said, “Your calling is like a pizza delivery man, he knocks on your door, you tell him to go away you’re not ready yet. He knocks again, you tell him not now, he comes a third time, you again turn him away. Well eventually the pizza gets moldy!” We do this same thing every time we refuse or we choose not to commit to our dreams. Don’t let your dreams get moldy!

I’m a huge music fan and love live music! It totally fascinates me how God or the spirit works through people. For one of the music festivals on the island there is an amazing amateur musician night with live acts. There was this band of four men who rocked the house. Wow! Everyone cheered and encored them back onto the stage and I even bought their CD. I was so moved with their music I went up to these guys afterwards to shake their hand and tell them they rock. One of the musicians tells me, “We’re just street performers.”

I thought about this for a while. Here are these guys going full out, loving what they do. They do it free all day long on the streets until they have it mastered!! That’s the kind of commitment I’m talking about. These guys are being totally visible, raw, real, they’re committed, and people love what they are doing.

What are you taking a stand for in your life today? What commitments have you been holding off on and procrastinating on making? Who can you connect with, a mentor, a friend in the same boat as you who can hold you accountable to taking action and really show up saying yes and committing.