Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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The Power to Change - Manifesting Your Desires with Ease Using the Law of Attraction

The idea that I was a real creator of my destiny and life was a radical and profound idea that dramatically changed my life. No more being a victim and no more leaving things up to chance. By adhering to laws that govern the universe such as the law of gravity, you can use the law of attraction to draw to you more of what you want.

You don’t like your friends, get new ones; you can attract things, opportunities, relationships and even wealth by tapping into the magnetic resonance of your heart, which is 100 times more powerful than the mind! We all know athletes use the power of visualization to achieve winning results. When you add feeling and emotion to images, you increase the speed at which you can magnetize and attract your desires.

I remember coming across the movie, The Secret just after my lowest of the lowest times in my life and the movie lit me up! I mean here were people in way worse circumstances than me achieving extraordinary wealth and amazing business opportunities. Love, you name it! I was hooked! I started devouring everything I could on the subject of how to get this law of attraction thing to work for me.

The Power of Intention

I concentrated on becoming really clear and made the intention to practice for a public speaking career, make $1,000 a week, have a flexible schedule and live in Hawaii. That’s what I wanted. After just three short weeks of doing this visualization with feeling, I manifested the mop job on Craigslist. I ran across an advertisement that said, “Looking to hire actors and actresses to memorize a script and do live product demonstrations, make anywhere from $750 - $1,500 per week and work part time or full time around a business or school and live anywhere in the world including Hawaii!”

Now I had to read that again because I was sure it was too good to be true. I went to the audition and there was this little blond girl telling the room she made, “So much money.” I was this crass skeptic at the back of the room and I asked her, “Ya, how much is so much money?”

She said, “I make $600 a day.”

Holy smokes! I went home memorized their scripts and 2 months later was living in Hawaii selling mops. It worked! Kabam! I escaped one of the worst Canadian winters of all time that year and wound up in Hawaii just as I had intended.

Now I had a new problem. It wasn’t easy selling things in stores in Hawaii since we were island locked and it’s not like we had many stores to choose between. So, I began my grueling but totally amazing, sales mastery training that I am so thankful for to this day because I still use and teach the principals to my clients and entrepreneurs who come to learn authentic sales attraction systems and how to overcome the fear of rejection with me. The power of your intention is strong! You can create just about any circumstance or thing you want simply by paying attention to it – that is, your attention to it, minus resistance (we’ll get into resistance in another chapter). Just tonight, I went upstairs to my roommate. Kate is having a dinner party and lo and behold, there is this photo of Matt on the island that I was just thinking about. I was thinking to myself Vanessa, “You got to call up that photo tour guy and go on the tour - it would be so much fun!” Look at that, God – the spirit - the Universe brought him to me - the very same guy is now cooking pasta upstairs in my kitchen! Amazing!

Use your intention, start from where you are and work your way up. For me going from bankrupt to famous public speaker was too much of a leap. To get there, I created an intention to manifest a job that would help me be comfortable selling from the stage.

I had gone to a T. Harv Ecker event and I’ll always remember him saying, “If you want to be in the top percent of earners in the world, learn how to sell. You will always have work! A good salesman is hard to find.” So began the mop job, the perfect in between position.

The key is to get crystal clear about what it is you want and then get into the place where you know that you have it. The feeling of having it right now! When I do these special exercises, I see myself in a picture in Italy, wearing the exact same clothes I am wearing right now for example. Always make it in the NOW, in the present tense.

There’s a unique exercise that I want to share with you about how to magnetize just about anything you want from jobs, for a better relationship, to more money, better health, you name it! This is the exact same process that I used to attract my very first coaching clients! I still use it to this day whenever I want to start paving the way for new things to come into my experience with ease and grace! I share it with my clients and they love it because it works!

First, take a piece of paper and at the top of your page write:

My Ideal  . Complete the thought with a specific subject you want to focus on such as my ideal partner, lover, house, job, career, virtual assistant or trip.

Next, draw a line down the middle of your page.

On the left hand side write, ‘What I don’t want’. Then begin listing all of the things, components and experiences you DO NOT want to have about that specific thing. Base this on your past experiences. What is it you DO NOT want to repeat experiencing?

Contrary to what most teachings are on the law of attraction, I am asking you to spill your guts and get every negative out on paper, move the energy outwards with this so you can create space for something NEW to come to you, this is likened to cleaning your closet!

If I were doing this exercise on attracting my ideal clients, I would write:

      • Broke people.
      • Have to think about it.
      • Are skeptical or unsure.
      • Aren’t ready.
      • Don’t want to or can’t commit.
      • Complainers.
      • Quitters.

Next on the right hand side of the paper write, ‘What I do Want’. Begin asking yourself the question from your previous list’s responses and now put those answers in the right hand column.

So, what do I want? Clients who have income, money and resources to invest in their business.

They are ready, sure, committed action takers.

They already have a business and clients and want help taking it to the next level.

Love adore cherish honor respect me. Tell all their friends about me.

Pay me in full.

Give me their credit card info at the end of the very first conversation we have together.

This could go on and on. Basically, I want you to see that you can get crystal clear about what it is you want to experience. By now, you should have more clarity and words on the right hand side about what you want. Yes? Good!

Now the fun starts!

Some people are against using affirmation simply because the words that you use are a blatant lie from your actual reality. For example to begin affirming, “I am a millionaire,” when you’re $30,000 in debt might not sit well with you or your subconscious.

In this next section, we’re going to use a sneaky affirmation to bypass your subconscious mind and attach the feeling of love and excitement to your desires. Here’s how.

Take a fresh piece of paper. Here’s where we begin to sexify your statements, make them sexy, fun and a pleasure to read. I’ll give you examples but I want you to use your own language.

You will begin using two variations of sentences to re-write your ‘Ideal   ’.

For example:

        • I love knowing that my ideal clients are ready to take action, are 100% committed and know I am the coach for them!
        • It’s so exciting to know that my ideal clients pay me right away, in full and hand me their credit card numbers at the end of our very first conversation.
      • I love knowing that my ideal clients feel like long lost friends, it’s  so easy to play and work with them because they get great results, we laugh all the way through our work together and they tell all their friends about my services.

At the very end of the paper you write, ‘I love knowing that the law of attraction is bringing me everything I need in order to do and have my ideal -  ’.

Do you see what’s happening? You are adding the vibration of love and excitement to your intentions all the while being ultra specific AND not lying to your subconscious when you are saying ‘My Ideal _ ’.

Now, how to use this exercise for maximum results!

What you want to do is take 15 - 20 minutes in the morning as soon as you wake up and put your hands over your heart (remember the magnetic resonance of your heart is 100 times more powerful than your mind!) and read this list out loud with emotion, do the same thing at night. Pave the way for these new emotions. It might feel al bit fake but just do it!

I had a client Sylvia hire me and we used this process to clean up her vibration. She immediately closed a contract for $30,000 with ease! Later she went on to use the same process with another part of her business and closed the airport of Costa Rica as a client! A huge government contract worth hundreds of thousands in new business, if not millions by using this simple clarity, energizing, affirmation, law of attraction process.

Try it today! I’ll even share it with you in my video training!

It’s a video I did for a 30-day self-love challenge my friend Arman Sigedhi, Gina Ruby host, and its living proof that it works. I had intentions to meet newly motivated, on the level, rock start fabulous entrepreneurs who are fun and serious about making a difference in the world and Kabam! I meet these two fabulous new friends and we decided to launch a fun way to empower women through this 30-day self love Facebook challenge. One of the video’s I made for the challenge was the “How to Attract Your Ideal    using the Law of Attraction” and it’s a killer     process I used to launch my own coaching practice and teach to my private clients as well. Watch the video and get your manifesting mojo on at the bonus section, TakeYourPowerBackNow.com.

If you take the time to do the exercise and apply this vibration refrain each day by taking 15 to 30 minutes every day, I promise the things showing up in your reality will amaze you and you will take your Power Back!

Here’s one comment I found on my Facebook page from a woman who tried the challenge by doing this specific exercise for 30 days (this is not uncommon!) Remember your job is to come up with the what, not the how! The how is God or the Universe’s job!

I tagged you in this post on my wall but I’m not sure if you got it: Want to make sure! Thank you Bikini Business Coach for your inspiring talk at WOW TALKS last month. I’ve been doing my 5 affirmations every morning and night, and since then I connected with a web designer who did two very famous musicians’ sites! He wants to do mine on trade for classes with me! Plus, I have had at least 5 new inquiries from women clients (my ideal!). And, I got invited to speak at a tantra conference in Hawaii! (Which I have to decline but still, being asked is AWESOME!). Keep it comin’ universe!!!!!!!!!

Dee, San Francisco USA