Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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If you’re an entrepreneur who’s ready to press forward and sky rocket your clarity, confidence and cash flow apply today for the $10k in 30- day Program to work with an intimate group of high achieving rock star entrepreneurs who are committed to their success and achieving results.

Apply at TakeYourPowerBackNow.com/About


Confidence Has Sky Rocketed!

After being mentored by Vanessa for the last couple of months my confidence has really, “sky rocketed” in ways I didn’t even know were possible or lacking. I used to have a terrible fear of speaking in front of people and that was really limiting my potential.

My new found confidence has proven to be worth every penny of investment. I now know WHO my ideal clients are, HOW to attract them, WHAT to say and  SHARE with them and how to close sales. I used to wait for the phone to ring and take whatever projects came my way. I now have a sales attraction system in place that works and have gained lots of juicy content and tricks for building my business. Thank you Vanessa! I wouldn’t feel the way I do now if it wasn’t for you! Empowered.

Christine Joy Décary


My First $8k Week!

Following Vanessa’s simple and straightforward strategies, I had the BEST week in my business yet 8k and counting!

Nicole Longstreath


My Secret Sauce!

I believe I’ve found the secret sauce. 3 sales in 2 days! Thank you Vanessa Simpkins. My confidence and cash flow have taken off! BOOM!

Suzanna Kennedy


One session with Vanessa resulted in my first $6,000 coaching sale!!!!

How’s that for a golden nugget! I’ve been asking for a solid system of so long and with Vanessa’s Sky Rocket Your Confidence & Cash Flow system and her incredible “How to handle sales objections” module I had immediate RESULTS literally in less than 24 hours!!! THANK YOUUUUUU!!

Coach Gaya, Singapore

I hit my first 5-figure month! Boom!

Just got another sale and hit my first 5-figure month! Boom! I’m officially addicted to having a surplus of money in my business bank account!

Jessica Kupferman


My dreams came true!

I was able to bring to life the Juicy Women’s Journey 1-day, Women’s’ Empowerment Event with Vanessa’s inner breakthrough work and soul savvy sales strategy’s! It’s been a dream come true for me, to create real transformation and bring empowerment to women on a global scale (we had over 140 women at the event and I’ve been asked to host it all over the country)! Hiring Vanessa was a HUGE turning point in my career and I am so grateful!

Sharon Cohen


Are YOU Ready to Experience Results Like These?

Connect and grow in a space to be free to learn in a non-judgmental environment, where you can have support and accountability moving forward to help you overcome resistance, rock your sales mojo and attract more clients.

Speak with me or one of my fabulous team members and we’ll see if this is the right program to help you reach your biz and income goals.

Apply at TakeYourPowerBackNow.com/About