Take Back Your Power NOW! - with Vanessa Simpkins by Vanessa Simpkins - HTML preview

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I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for picking up my book, for taking the time to read it all the way through and for saying YES to you. Hats off to you darling!

I really am excited to celebrate your NEW amazing life with you. I really am! I know this journey can be a rough one but it is worth it! I know the kind of rock star woman you are, the kind of go-getter, big ideas and big vision lady you are, I know you because you are a lot like me.

I hope you’ve picked up some words of wisdom to sooth your soul, a few good laughs and some KEY processes to help you overcome that  pesky bratty resistance.

No more excuses, no more resistance only heartfelt, dedicated action to loving yourself and your most fabulous fun life. I want to hear all about your goals and your dreams! I want to celebrate you coming into you; you saying YES to you and all of the magical unfoldment of desire, passion and pleasure that arises from this one decision to say YES!

Fabulous Diva, Goddess Rock Star PLEASE come and join the fun on Facebook. Join me on my Bikini Business Coach Page - for more inspiration, tips, ideas, and empowering stories, come so we can celebrate and support you in Taking Your Power Back now!! And if you haven’t done so yet be sure to get all the juicy bonus audio’s and transformational processes waiting for you at TakeYourPowerBackNow.com.


All my Love xo

