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6. Leaders and leadership

laedere, and means people in transition.


What is a leader?


The definition for leader is not unique, shortly it is:

The leader is the one who guides and supports the people towards their goals in life. He/she empowers them to reach their most fulfilling results in life.

Slightly lengthier definition would we be:

The successful leaders are the one, who’s emotional and intellectual energy is concentrated towards guiding people, not ruling them.
The ideal leader creates atmosphere of trust, support and safety around him/her self.
She/He is creative visionaries and leader who guides and supports people on the way that leads them towards theirs highest goals in life.

Who could be a leader?

E ach one of us, within, posses the capacity to become a leader. With some of us this capacity is more present, yet there is no exclusivity to leadership.
Some of us have the capacity, yet don’t fully use it.
Trough personal development work and education, we could all improve our leadership values and qualities.
The leader within us is constantly developed. This is a life long process for most.

How to become better leader and improve leadership values and skills?

The first step towards becoming a leader is the sincere hart felt desire to lead people and contribute honestly and sincerely to better life on the planet.
If this desire is not heartfelt and is not sincerely orientated towards humanity, but is result of personal interest, desire for power and money, the leader and his leadership policies are not sustainable on long terms.
The lack of support from the people is an example of such leadership. People do not fallow this kind of leaders, they fear them rather than support them. The difference is huge.

The next step is to identify the values and the qualities of a good leader. Ask your self these questions:
Which person that you know or a person from the history is a good example of a leader to you?
The example does not need to be a politician or a general in the army. That could be an ordinary person, a friend you know, teacher, sportsman etc.
What values, qualities, and skills do this person posses?
How does he/she manifest the leadership?

Write down all the values, skills that you feel are relevant for a good leadership. To assist you, I will give you the list that come out of the group of managers, when this questions were asked:

honesty, sincerity, love towards humanity, energy, passion, goodness, integrity, decision making, optimism, believe, courageous, respect for others, communicative, organizing skills, visionary, fitness, clear mindedness, wisdom.