The 9 Strategy Factors for Being a Super Desirable Guy by C. R. James - HTML preview

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Level 2: Attracting Women

Factor #5 Charisma

It's probably different ways that you can describe this. It is best to describe it as your likability factor -- or your attractive energy


I remember a time when I truly believed that charismawas something you were born with.


Now I realize (without a doubt) that any one can become charismatic. Anyone! And the truth is you only need to be or have super charisma with the people that you admire. That's the cool part.


Everyone is not going to like you. And you don't need everyone to like you.


The idea is to be likeable to your own standards.


I'll explain. You can achieve this by focusing on four basic things. If you've read some of my other reports, then you already know what they are.


They'll end up being a review for you.


Here are the 4 parts to having Super Charisma.


The first factor is Confidence - we just discussed that, so we'll move onto the second part.


The second part is about having fun and enjoying life. We've kind of discussed that, too.


The third part is about engaging with others.


The fourth (and final) part is having compassion for others.


Let's go over them in detail - starting with the second part, since we already covered confidence (to some degree)


The second part is having fun and enjoying life.


Don't want to be one of these people who just takes everything seriously.

Sometimes you may need to remind yourself that it's time to start having more fun. Make the decision to do more fun things. Make the decision to be more playful with others.

Make the decision to avoid Fun-Haters. You've been around these people before and every little thing bothers them. They complain about everything.


They zap your energy.


They have a negative attitude. In some cases they think they're being cynical and witty.


They may even describe it as having dark humor. And they might even put like this artsy spin on it, as if they're cool because they're miserable.

Deep down inside they're Fun-Haters and they are not fooling anyone. Of course, there are some people who are sarcastic and their humor is a bit off and maybe you can describe it is dark humor and generally they're likable people. These people are different. They have charisma.

In these cases, they're able to identify things that don't make sense and then make light of it. So with the sarcastic types there's a thin line between those that have charisma and those who are miserable.

If you've falling off track a bit and you can remember a time when you seemed to enjoy life more, then make the decision to get back on track.


It starts with how you choose to see things and making the decision to have more fun.


That's it.


I wish I can say, it was something much difficult than that, but that's not the case.

The third factor (of having charisma) is engaging. This is not just about engaging with other people. It's about interacting with people who have a healthy outlook. We're social creatures, so whether it's online or off-line you should be interacting with like-minded people.

Fun people. Again. Avoid interacting (too long) with miserable people. They'll absorb your 'charismatic energy' as if you were in a Sci-fi movie where you can see the smoky visual representation of energy leaving from your body to their body...
If you can remember a time when you had more charisma and then it suddenly vanished...if you look back you'll notice that a miserable person entered your life OR you started hanging around a miserable person more often...OR there was a break-down in one of the 4 areas of charisma.

And that brings us to the final factor which is compassion. This is about caring about other people. Yeah, I know. It's not really cool, but it's important.


And it becomes critical if you want to attract 'caring/compassionate' women who have respect for themselves.


And I don't know about you, but those women are Top Notch as far as I'm concerned.


If you want to have a successful relationship (at some point), then this is one of the qualities you look for in a woman.


You must to have compassion and overall respect for other.


It's often a reflection of your confidence as well. Top Notch women are turned off by the ego-guy who disrespects other people as an illusion of confidence.


95% of women see right through this.

He thinks it's impressive and it makes him appear superior, but the truth is people who have Real Confidence are generally respectful of themselves - and by default they are respectful towards other people.

It may not seem too manly to say "show more compassion and respect" but in the end, there's nothing more manly and attractive (to a quality woman) than a guy who has respect/compassion for others.

I'm not talking about going over-board with it and getting all creepy with it, where you're trying to give everyone 2 minute long handshakes with your eyes as wide as doorknobs
- wearing an over-sized grin.

It's more like a calm agreement where you've decided to show everyone respect.


It demonstrates a calm confidence that they find to be irresistible. Personally, I used to think 'this sort of thing' wasn't teachable. It is. It starts with changing your habits.


If a guy has a habit of saying something negative about everyone (or most people) that doesn't necessarily make him a bad person.


It just means, that for some reason, he developed a "bad habit" that's working against him in ways that he's not aware of...


Instead, he should replace that habit with a new one - where every time he encounters people he silently saying good things about them.


"She's seems like a cool person." "He seems like a really interesting guy."


This is part of having Super Charisma.


When you do this, you will see (for a 100% fact) a huge noticeable difference

Not only will you project a more attractive energy that people will be drawn to - but you'll notice that you'll feel better about yourself. You'll feel the difference in your confidence level....

I've seen some descriptions of charisma that suggest sociopaths, cult leaders and serial killers have charisma, that's not what I'm referring to.


And I'm not attempting to create a debate about this, because as far as I'm concerned you can choose to describe charisma (or anything) however you like.


In this case I'm choosing to describe charisma as people with good intentions who have a calm confidence - because they enjoy other people.

· People who care about your well-being.
· People who care about your success.
· People want to see you reach new levels.
· People who want to help you get to where you're going.

And you can sense that it's real.

I'm sure you can think of people who have this type of charisma.
The goal is to have this affect on others. And don't just pretend to show an interest. Show a real warm interest in everyone.

If you do this as an experiment, you'll be hooked for life.

This subtle difference will make a huge impact in your overall charisma. You'll feel the difference in your confidence level... And everything will seem to magically go your way...

Let's move on the final factor of Level 2.