The 9 Strategy Factors for Being a Super Desirable Guy by C. R. James - HTML preview

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Level 2: Attracting Women

Factor #6 Super Attraction

Super Attraction has 3 parts:

· Your ability to make her feel good (about herself, about her situation, about life) · Having Sexual Value.
· Building a Deep Connection.

In fact, here's an excerpt from Super Attraction Power [] The report that teaches techniques for doing those 3 things.

Ingredient #1: Making Her Feel Good

I’m personally not addicted to any drugs. However, it is my belief that “drug addicts” continue to use drugs over and over again, because it makes them “feel good”…

There are many drugs out there where as soon as the person tries it, they are instantly addicted!


In those cases, the person has entered in a new world and they want to re-enter it as often as possible.

· It doesn’t matter if they are embarrassed about the drug.
· It doesn’t matter if they tell themselves they shouldn’t be with the drug. · If doesn’t matter if other people tell them they shouldn’t be with the drug. · It doesn’t matter if they had a silly rule that says you shouldn’t be with the



The only thing they want to do is be with the drug. Do you see where I’m going with this?

I want you to imagine that every time a drug addict is “engaging” and “experiencing” the drug, there is a green bubble that surrounds her. (a transparent bubble with a green tint – so you can see her inside of the bubble).

This is her New Happy World. Everything outside of the bubble is the Real World.


Real World = Pain (criticism, low-paying job, no respect, etc.) Her New Happy World [Being Inside The Green Bubble] = Pleasure


Guess which one she prefers?


The moment she is no longer using or experiencing the high from the drug, the bubble breaks and she is forced into the real world…


Does this make sense?


Do you want another example?

I want you to imagine that every time a cat is “engaging” and “experiencing” some catnip, there is a green bubble that surrounds him. The moment he is no longer snorting the catnip or injecting the catnip into his little cat veins, the bubble breaks and he is reinserted in the real world.

Do you want another example?

I want you to imagine that every time a woman is “engaging” and “experiencing” a chocolate cake, there is a green bubble that surrounds her because she is experiencing the good feelings associated with eating one of her favorite desserts.

The moment she is no longer smiling and giggling with chocolate all over her lips, the bubble breaks. There is no more green bubble.


Do you see how the green bubble works?


The green bubble represents a “special and unique world" where things feel good.

Here’s how it works: People (or animals) experience something “that feels good” and shockingly at some point in the future, they find themselves craving that experience.

It’s always funny when a guy asks: “How should you ask for a girl’s number?”

In other words, he is seeking advice on the right way to ask for her number - which implies that if he succeeds at asking the right way then she'll automatically give it to him, regardless of how painful the conversation.

That’s like punching her in the face and then asking her if she would like you to do this again.


This is a guy who believes that the green bubble is successfully created once you ask for her phone number the right way.


That's backwards.


Here’s an example of the opposite.


I want you to imagine a 3 year old kid walking up to a hot stove and touching it. Ouch!!! He immediately starts crying because it felt bad (painful).


And as long as he remembers ‘stove = hot’ he will not touch it.


Pretty simple stuff, right?


So in cases of “pain” and “things that don’t feel good”, a red bubble surrounds the person. And normally, there is a tendency to avoid “pain”.


Here’s the “huge” point.

There are things that you can “say” (and/or “do”) to her that are guaranteed to make her feel good (or get her to realize that you have the potential to make her feel good (when she's with you).

Just like as you can imagine:


“There are things you can “say” (and/or “do”) that are guaranteed to make her feel bad”. There are things you can say that are guaranteed to make her feel good.


Strategically, your game plan should involve things that are designed to make her feel good.


We’re going to discuss some “cool stuff” in this book.

But first, your ability to make her feel good is based on:
- Your knowledge of what makes her feel good.
- Applying that knowledge

[Write that down.]


Knowledge + Applying

If that makes sense to you, then you will be one of the very few guys who will quickly become magnetically irresistible in her eyes – in a way that she won’t be able to explain.

It is my job to make sure that you become that Master at this!


Let’s now look at 5 specific ways to make a women feel good just to give you a starting point:

· The feeling that she is valued & important · The feeling that she is unique
· The feeling that she is supported
· The feeling that she is powerful

[[ end up excerpt ]]


Practice doing things to get her to experience ALL 5 of these things. If you're a single guy who has a crush on a co-worker.


Have a strategy (we talked about this). If you're trying to seduce a female friend, ex, or co-worker, it could be as simple as:


"Today, I've done a few things to make her feel unique. Tomorrow, I'll take a break. The day after that, I'll say things to make her feel powerful."


Give her a full experience!


Keep in mind, that's ONE strategy (or way of using the right information).

Don't get obsessed over 'checking & figuring out' if NOW she wants you. Just keep doing it. If you believe the drug addict concept, then all you have to do is trust the system.

She's either already a Red Dot. She'll either become one (especially when you do the other stuff COMBINED with making her feel good).
She may not become one.

Ingredient #2: Having A Deep Connection

As if making her feel good wasn't enough to create a powerful effect, we're now going to do some cool things to INTENSIFY the perception of a deep connection.


And guess what?


It's easy and fun.


Here's a paste a section from my new unreleased report: "Super Connection Power" **Update: 02-17-2011: Super Connection Power has now been released.


When it comes to building a Super Deep Connection, you need to focus on 3 things.


Super Connection Power Formula = Understanding Her + Having Similarities With Her + Having Meaningful Interactions With Her


It's that simple.

· Demonstrate that you understand her.
· And you show her that you are similar (in some way)
· And have 'meaningful interactions' with her. <==== This could double as your

strategy for making her feel good


Technically, the formula is:


The Perception that You Understand Her + The Perception of Having Similarities With Her + The Perception of Having Meaningful Interactions With Her


Let's talk about compliments. They're powerful!


That's it.

Ok, we'll go a little deeper. Think about this: They can be so powerful that she'll never forget what you have said. Aside from being a tool for making her feel good, they'll supercharge the connection.

We have to be careful here.

Because in most cases, anything you do to make a woman feel good about herself is likely to be a connection builder. If you look at the 3 things above, you can see how the focus is more on the connection.

Again, making her feel good is a powerful connection builder.


For example, below, you'll see page 51 of the Super Compliments report (if you have a copy, then you've already seen it).

It's one (of 40) specific examples that shows how a quick conversation can make her feel good about herself. (it's important that you realize that not only are you strengthening the green bubble, but you're building the connection.


As you can see, this is something you would say to a female partner. And the exact way you would say it is also based on knowing her. You should still be able to see the effect.

If (and only if) saying something like ends up making her feel good about herself, then you have strengthen the connection as well.


As far as building the connection directly:


· Demonstrate that you understand her.


Create a system for really understanding her like no other guy.


· And you show her that you are similar (in some way)

It some cases, it's obvious to her. In other cases, she may not be aware that you two have a lot in common. So you'll want to get good at consistently (and subtly) demonstrating that you are similar

· And have 'meaningful interactions' with her. (self explanatory)

Ingredient #3: Having Sexual Value

And the final ingredient to having Super Attraction, is Sexual Value.

And although Super Seduction Power is for guys in relationships (who want to increase their females partner's sex drive), that course doubles as an intro course for building your sexual value (even if you're not in a relationship).

It's also an intro course for building sexual tension (but we're not at that stage yet).


However, if you want the basics for building your sexual value, then understand that you can rapidly build it by focusing on 4 things:


Thing #1: Your beliefs

In other words, if you believe that your partner hates sex or that you don't have what it takes to get her turned on...those are BELIEF things. Much of your
success/improvement will be about changing your perspective (beliefs). A lot of times just SWITCHING from and old mindsetto a more clear mindset(that has more wisdom) is enough to make a dramatic difference...


Because new beliefs LEAD TO new actions. And new actions LEAD TO new results.

This is why we mentioned early that your success will be based on:


Your beliefs about women + Your strategy + Your overall perspective


Thing #2: Removing anti-seductive behavior

There are a lot of guys out there who beg for sex, get angry when they don't get it, let the woman have all of the power and a list of other things that work against them. They don't know how to reverse it and things keep getting worse.

Again, this comes from having a bad perspective about what's going on.


A bad perspective creates anti-seductive behaviors

And anti-seductive behaviors turn women off.
The simple game plan: Stop doing things that turn her off + Start doing things that turn her on.

Thing #3: Having a Sexual Value Attitude (self explanatory)
Thing #4: Conversations that increase your sexual value.


When you have sexual value, the truth is it's just HER PERCEPTION. And perceptions can change based on saying the right things... I learned the concept of increasing the value of something(using words) when I was a tire salesman...

Sometimes a customer would take one look at a pair of tires and INSTANTLY decide he didn't want them....but when I said "things" about the tires suddenly his perception changed...

It's interesting how that works.


New information about something leads to new feelings about it.


Sometimes the difference between a guy 'getting a woman attracted to him' is based on his decision to tell certain stories about him.


(New information about something leads to new feelings about it.)

Okay now we make it to Level 3 - which is all about getting her turned on. It's about knowing that you can do things to affect how she gets turned on for the short-term and for the long-term.

As you can see, I didn't go into a lot of detail about these 4 things that increase sexual value. That's because I've created a course already that focuses on those 4 things.


Plus, I've created several reports on Sexual Value.


This is not a report on increasing sexual value....

The intention is to show you the 3 different levels. And one of those levels is the formula for being a Super Desirable Guy (a more dimensional representation of being desirable).

That way you can identify what you need to work on (to make dramatic changes in a shortest amount of time).

Being Comfortable Avoiding Negativity Brain/Mood Nutrition

Charisma: Confidence Engaging
Enjoying Life

Super Attraction: Make Her Feel Good
Deep Connection (3 things) Sexual Value (4 things) Compassion

Factor #7 Health

This can be a game-changer, especially in a relationship. It's a two-way street.


The healthier you are, the stronger your 'man smell' (pheromones) will be. LOL. The more attractive you'll appear.


The sharper your mind will be.


And a lot of other things.


On the other hand, the healthier she is, the easier it will be to get her turned on.

She's going to appear sexier to herself (which has an affect). She'll notice more guys checking her out (which has an affect). She'll have more energy. It will be easier for her to get turned on because her biological processes are more efficient. A lot of stuff happens.

You have to remember that the process of going from not being in the moodto being sexually arousedis based on a series of biological processes.


And within a biological process, nutritional support is necessary. In other words, without the right vitamins and minerals, these processes do not operate efficiently. Put simply, it will be relatively harder for her to get turned on.


And different women have different sensitivities to this.

While it may help you to understand all the vitamins and minerals that are important in a sexual arousal process, along with knowing the relationship with the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system -- and their roles in the sexual arousal process, it's best to keep it simple.

The only thing you really need to focus on is encouraging her to have a healthier lifestyle -- eating healthy, taking vitamins and working out consistently. That's it.
Everything else takes care of itself. If you can get her (and you) to do those simple things, then there will be lots of sexual benefitting things happening for you (even if you never understand all of the little details).

Factor #8 Emotions

In other words, for any guy to get a woman turned on, it's going to be partly based on how desirable the guy is. (we've just covered this)


But that's not all, it's also going to be based on her current emotional state.


She can find you to be the most desirable guy in the world, if she just found out her grandfather passed away it might not be a good idea to initiate sex.


It turns out 'being desirable' is NOT the only factor. You have to consider her current emotional state.


Again this falls under the category of things that make a lot of sense to every guy, yet most guys don't practice it (or truly understand it).


There are other emotional states that are not as severe as 'just learning about the death of love one' that STILL would make it a bad time for a woman to want sex.


If you were to spy on most guys, you would observe them initiating sex while she's tired, when she's angry, when she stressed out and even when she sad.




They don't get it. It has a lot to do with not knowing any better and/or sequential habits


Here's an example (of a sequential habit). The guy gets in his car a puts in his key a adjusts his mirror a starts the car a and then pulls off.


You do one little thing -- getting in your car -- and it sets off a chain of events that often takes place outside of your awareness.


This kind of thing happens when the guy realizes that hewants to have sex.

He first realizes that he wants sex a he rubs on her a and then asks her if she wants to have sex, too.
On some level, he knows that if she's stressed out, it's not a good time. On some level, he knows that if he hasn't built the sexual tension, it's not a good time. On some level, he knows that women are not walking around wet and horny24/7.

But somehow he still manage to be completely shocked when she says that she doesn't want to have sex (after spending zero time building sexual tension).


Here's a guy, who really needs to understand that her emotional state plays a HUGE part in the sexual arousal process.


And I'm not one of these guys who believes the word seduction is evil or manipulative.


In fact I like to redefine it as: seduction = sexually inspiring.


She needs to be sexuallyinspired!

To be honest, it really doesn't matter what you call it, just as long as you understand what's involved. Don't become one of these guys who gets in the mood a and then just asks her does she want to have sex as if that's a legitimate seduction technique.

I would rather hear a guy tell me that he did something cliché and overused like dimming the lights, lighting candles and putting on romantic music and theninitiating sex, because at least he understands that her emotional state is a factor.

Again, the formula for getting any woman horny is simple as pie.


Your Sexual Value + Her Emotional State + Your Method


Let's say:

Your Sexual Value = 'You're fairly desirable to her' Her Emotional State = Tired, Exhausted. Your Method = Saying: 'Hey. Let's have sex'

Here's the Quiz.


If you were to do this over and over again. And she kept saying 'No. I have a headache (and you know she's lying)' Are you allowed to say things like:

"She's never in the mood" or...
"She has a low sex drive" (implying that her ability to get aroused is broken/defective)? (a) Yes. (b) No.

00005.jpgAgain, the formula for getting any woman horny is simple as pie.


Your Sexual Value + Her Emotional State + Your Method


So you should always be thinking about:

Ways to IMPROVE Your Sexual Value
Ways to IMPROVE Your Ability To Affect Her Emotional State Ways to IMPROVE Your Method (and we're about to cover that next)

And Your Method = Your Ability To Increase Sexual Tension