The 9 Strategy Factors for Being a Super Desirable Guy by C. R. James - HTML preview

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Level 3: Arousing Women

Factor #9 Building Sexual Tension

There are three mini-phases to building sexual tension (from a mindset standpoint).

Mini-phase #1: Realizing that it's possible
Mini-phase #2: Understanding that you're not doing anything wrong by being effective at turning her on
Mini-phase #3: [The Fun Part] Trying new things and getting better. Even if you're sex life is great and you're skilled at getting her turned on, you want to constantly get better.

The women you see with amazingly fit bodies STILL exercise consistently. The guys you see with amazingly fit bodies STILL exercise consistently.


You want to take the same approach.

So even if the sex is great, you still want to try new things.
Even if you're good at getting good at getting her horny, you still want to learn new ways of doing it.

The really good comedians STILL develop their craft. They don't just tell the same jokes over and over again - just because they 'worked in the past'... They have an arsenal of jokes.

They have an arsenal of TYPES of jokes.

They have an arsenal of 'different ways' to make you burst out laughing. In some case, you couldn't hold in your laugh if you tried. You ever had a moment where you were trying to hold in a really good laugh - but couldn't. LOL.

It was impossible. Whatever it was - it PRESSED YOUR LAUGHTER BUTTON SO HARD - you never stood a chance!


That's the kind of mind state you need to have when getting her turned on.

(And I'm not talking about making her laugh. I'm talking about having an arsenal of tactics to get her horny.)
Has a woman (who was red-hot horny) ever told you something like: "Maybe we should wait?" And then you say something like: "No problem" and then you kiss her softly on the neck until her eyes roll in the back of her head...

...and all of sudden, she's aggressively ripping your clothes off?


Here's the Quiz.


Was she sexually aroused?

(a) No
(b) It's possible (c) Yes.

00006.jpgIf you don't know the art of building sexual tension, you could ruin everything.


It's the reason why a woman will be interested in you and all of sudden, she doesn't return your phone calls.


Knowing the art of getting her turned-on not only allows you to get her aroused more often, but it keeps the relationship alive.


If you're dating a new girl, building tension is the chemistry that keeps her thinking of you (and only you).


Let's talk about building sexual tension.

I'm always amazed that so many guys are looking for 'the magic thrust'. There constantly in search for the one simple thing that will make it so a woman will have an explosive orgasm just from 'one thrust'.. or 'one tongue swipe'...

If you want to be a Sexual Tension Master then the 'one tongue swipe' mindset seems silly to you.


You understand that just because 'one lick' didn't make her cum (instantly), that doesn't mean it was a 'bad lick'...or that 'licks' don't work...

If you want to be a Sexual Tension Master, then you understand that you have to stack a series of 'licks'..and/or give her a 'variation of licks' because you know what it will lead to The Explosive Orgasm.

You're not like these 'one lick' guys.


You trust the system.

You don't need to be reminded that women can cum.
You don't need to be reminded that women get horny.
The smart approach is to take the SAME EXACT APPROACH when you increase sexual tension.

The smart approach is to take the SAME EXACT APPROACH when you increase sexual tension.


The smart approach is to take the SAME EXACT APPROACH when you increase sexual tension.


Don't look for the one thing you can do that will get her Instantly Horny.


You really want to be on an ongoing quest to find Sexual Tension Increasers (these are like single thrusts or single tongue swipes that gradually increase her horniness).


She may not rip your clothes off immediately after one Sexual Tension Increaser....(but she moved one step closer - even though she doesn't even know it's happening).


She may not even be ready to have sex yet... after one Sexual Tension Increaser....(but she moved one step closer - even though she doesn't even know it's happening).


But, you have just driven her CLOSER to that point...


You want to have a growing collection of Sexual Tension Increasers (STI).


So if you do an STI and it gets her 'kind of aroused' - even though she's not ready yet, it's still a successful STI!


You should be celebrating.... Oh yeah!!!! I figured out something that works!!! It pushed her ONE STEP closer to wanting sex!!!


Once you find something that works, keep looking for new stuff that works.


Then you could start adding it together in a very logical way.


So if....


One lick + One lick + One lick + One lick + One lick + One lick = She Cums!


And.... One thrust + One thrust + One thrust + One thrust + One thrust = She Cums!


Then you would follow the same pleasure structure!


One STI + One STI + One STI + One STI + One STI + One STI = She's Red-Hot Horny!


Does this make sense?


You want to stack & vary STI's (or sexual tension tactics)...


Trust the system.


I'm embarrassed to say this, but there were times when a customer would email me saying something along the lines of "You're stuff works great. Blah Blah Blah."

And then I would follow up with something like "Thanks. What did you do?" (just out of curiosity) and they would tell me they COMBINED a series of STI's from 2 or 3 different reports...

And I'm thinking 'Wow. I never suggested that, but they just did it on their own.' It's something that I learned from successful customers.


So I had to revise the lessons. You see, I was originally suggesting One Technique (where Technique = Tactic1 + Tactic2 + Tactic3)....


Some guys decided to do Technique1 + Technique2 + Technique3.


Then there are some other guys who will do 'one thing' [Tactic] and get upset when it doesn't lead to her being instantly horny.


Everyone situation is different.


It may take one guy 456 strokes to get his wife to cum.


It may take another guy 4560 strokes to get his wife to cum. Another guy make stoke his woman 45,600 times and nothing happens.


Women are different + You have to look at all the factors. Period.


It's not rocket science.

The guys who expect 'one thing' to get their female partner INSTANTLY HORNY are probably the same guys who will go to the gym ONE TIME and expect to have the best bodies on the planet.

If you want results, you have to have a clear head. Keep things simple.


And do things that work within the laws/rules of the world.


If you want to lose weight then 'workout more' + 'eat healthier'.


I've been joking with my wife about creating a one page diet book that says just that.


It's kind of funny because the actor Seth Rogen was being featured on a show.

They were so amazed at how fast he lost a bunch of weight for a role. And then they were really amazed because he never worked out before in his entire life. So people kept asking him "what your big secret!!!!"...

And he said something to the effect of "People may think this is a lame answer, but all I did was workout and eat healthier." LOL.


If you want to improve in any area that we discussed, then:

Step 1: Get out a pencil and paper.
Step 2: Write down a letter grade for each factor.
Step 3: For your low grades, write out some actions for improving.

Don't even try to come up with the BEST set of actions. Just get in the habit of creating a game plan and testing it out.

The mindset: Do whatever it takes to learn about improving in these areas. (Ask friends. read books. Buy my products if I have a report on that subject. Buy other people's products. Go to the library. Do something to address that area.) Write down the all of the Factors that you need to work on

Then, do whatever it takes to learn how to improve in this area.

Step 2: Write down a letter grade for factor.

For example, someone's chart could look like this (on the next page) This obviously means he needs to work on Factor 4, 5 and 6.

Step 3: Write out some actions for improving in the areas you need the most work.

You want to write out some action steps. Don't just say 'Gee. I need to increase my confidence' and then start playing video games. Write it down along with what you plan to start doing immediately.

00007.jpgIt's that simple (takes about 2 minutes).

Anytime you need to make an adjustment, you want to write down specific action steps that are in alignment with your goal. After you write things down, it may help to visualize yourself doing those things and getting the result you want.

Some people go overboard with visualization techniques. They think that if they visualize 20 porn stars knocking on their front door, it's only a matter of time before it actually happens in real life.

Some people have a more grounded understanding of visualization techniques. They understand that the connections between brain neurons become physically stronger 'just by visualizing'. So they can powerfully condition themselves to feel comfortable about something by using the power of the mind.

Also, you may end up adding to the list as you do the action steps.


Remember the super simple concept::


In order to improve the fastest way possible, you MUST focus on:


· Identifying your weak points · And quickly fix them


Let's look at the recap....