The Diary of a Fat Chick: Fat Loss Guide by S.K.Alexis - HTML preview

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Chapter 5 - Strategy


Secret #5 - Stick To The Plan.


Get a journal it going to be your best friend for the next 3 months. Get support from those who are around you, They'll help you stay on track. Always have in mind, there are some that wont support you only because they like the fat version of you but your not doing for them your doing it for yourself.


Remember for the next 90 days you are a women on a mission. Also remember the diet your on is not's to short to give up those food you love, just so along as you eat in moderation, burn it off and maintain a balanced diet.


Lets get back to the 90 days challenge though...


Even If you took nothing from the book and just took the points written below its going to help you out a great deal.


To make things simple...


• Believe - Get right the mentality.

• Focus on eating Good Foods you like.  (Eliminate sugar)

• Only drink water.

• Exercise Right - (Don't over do it)

• Sleep Right. - Remember resting helps you recover.


little bit in depth...


Know how much calories you can consume

         (depending on calorie calculator online.)


Create a list for yourself healthy food you like to eat

         (recommended 3 meals + light snacks)


Note: If you have a smartphone download myfitnesspal or lose it, to help you track your calories and help you stay focus on your goals.


Exercise - cardio plus strength training

• (research compound movement and choose a cardio activity you enjoy)


Believe in yourself, get support & stay positive.


Stick to the Plan 90 days.


(Depending on you body you are going to lose different amount of fat i.e. some may lose 14bs or some 28lbs or more)


On your journal write down the above bullet points and read them everyday for reminder.


Always remember YOU are your biggest supporter, so you decide if you are going to listen to the inner negativity or stay positive. To help you can write everything on you personal including...What's your current weight, what’s your goal weight and how you feeling about your progress on you journal, so if you lose track you can follow where you gone wrong, adjust and start again. If you downloaded the apps, that can also help you stay focused an on track, as it saves what you ate and how much you exercised.


Remember you may fall off the wagon and eat junk 'enjoy the moment'. You read's too short so eat it proudly but remember to brush it off, do not wait and start again the next day, don't worry nobody is perfect. To see the progress you can take before and after photos to help you stay on track but if you did everything by the book others are going to let you know how good your looking.


Post 90 days.


After 90 days you'll have something even money cant buy...what’s that you may ask? its experience. everybody has different experience during that 90days you'll find out what worked for you and what didn’t, it is up to you to decide the if you want to carry on and losing more or if you are content and just relax and maintain your new figure.


The Journey.


So ladies if you was approaching diet and exercise like a cat before, perhaps that's the reason you were failing. Hopefully chapter 2 changed your mentality, to get aggressive on your fitness goals like a lioness and approach you goals fiercely.


Your journey starts have knowledge of what it takes to lose the fat, get toned & stay healthy, use it properly and you'll start to see results in the first month. If you follow the strategy for 90 days correctly, prepare to smile as you see a completely different you looking back in the mirror.


All the best on your fitness goals and in life. Good Luck.


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