The Diary of a Fat Chick: Fat Loss Guide by S.K.Alexis - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 - Get Physical


Secret #4 - Enjoy Movement.


Exercise... some of you may have read that word and probably sighed but it all goes back to chapter 2 so have a strong mentality and concur laziness.


Your body was meant for movement, ever since you was a born you moved and as a child naturally moving about is excite till you probably hit adulthood, got a job, had kids and aren't as active as before or had more food that you didn't burn through movement so it piled up to excess fat.


Exercise Time - Like most of us finding the time to exercise can be tough, especially if you have kids. Firstly, you need to concur laziness by having a strong mind and starting off little by little go for 15 minutes walk pushing it to half hours then to hour everyday, read right, every single day. Remember to ease into it gradually, no point on going crazy and injuring yourself.


Find a hours time depending on your life that might be early in the morning, lunch or late at night. After you concurred laziness hopefully you build the courage to go gym again, it all depends on what time you can fit all in.


How badly do you want it?


To be honest it does not matter what type of movement, just get up and move but to get faster result you need to feel the burn and burn those calories, depend on your preference or situation chose a exercise that is moderate to high in intensity.


There are many types of exercises you can take part in, but the main 2 types are Aerobic exercises (known as cardio) and Anaerobic exercises. (known as strength/weight training)


Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise:


• Keep excess pounds at bay

• Increase your stamina

• Reduce your health risks

• Manage chronic conditions

• Strengthen your heart

• Stay active and independent as you age

• Live longer


Example -  Walking, Cycling, Rowing, Treadmill, etc.


Benefit of Anaerobic Exercise:


• Reduces risk of diabetes and insulin needs.

• Lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.

• Lower high blood pressure.

• Lowers risk of breast cancer -

          reduces high estragon levels linked to the disease.

• Decreases or minimizes risk of osteoporosis

          by building bone mass.

• Reduces symptoms of PMS

• Reduces stress and anxiety.


Example -  Sprinting, HIIT, Lifting etc.


Lifting weights has great benefits as mentioned above, it also can help aid fat loss and sculpt your body up at the same time. Don't worry! you are not going to turn in to a female hulk, its genetically impossible for a women to turn like that naturally. Luckily there's hundreds of combinations to train each body parts, so you wont get bored. If you can, get a trainer at the gym to teach you strength training using your body, dumbbells, barbells and machines.


Remember to applying both types of exercises, can boost fat loss rapidly if done correctly.


(Caution: Stop any exercise if you feel lightheaded immediately)


Tip: Choose activity's you like to do plus a hour of walking everyday and you'll defiantly get the result you are looking for.


Tip: Ask your trainer about strength training sets and reps, remember to train different muscle groups different days to tone/sculpt your body.


If you want to lose the fat and also sculpt your body remember to have rest days so you don’t injury yourself. Here is an example of a workout schedule....


Monday - Arm day plus cardio

Tuesday - Rest - walk for a hour

Wednesday - Leg plus cardio

Thursday - Rest - walk for hour

Friday - Chest/abs plus cardio

Saturday - Junk day (optional)                       

Sunday - Fast/Rest


The above routine is just an example, you may re-arrange what body you choose to exercise and on what day. Stay FOCUSED!


Junk day's help get your cravings away but is optional. Junk day is basically one day you are allowed to eat whatever junk you want along you start again the next day.


Tip: Remember its all about calories in vs. calories out. It all starts in the kitchen.