The Diary of a Fat Chick: Fat Loss Guide by S.K.Alexis - HTML preview

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Chapter 1 - Know Yourself


Secret #1 - Accept & Love Yourself


You as a individual are a unique human being on planet earth, so its important to what kind of things your body reacts to. There are many out there who can eat anything they want and not gain a single pound, while others struggle and pile on the pounds fast, its mainly comes down to genetics and lifestyle choices.


You might fall in to the first, second or both category and that's fine, you just got to first accept how you are and what you have the ability to change. Love the body you have, it did a lot for you and its the only body you'll have, decide to improve your shape/health out of love, doing that can help stay passionate through out the 90 days challenge. Also knowing your natural body shape/type can help you plan your fitness goals.


There are 3 main body types Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. These days those labels for women probably sound like pair, apple, petite and so on but they all fall in to on of the 3 category mentioned above. Your shape depends on your genetic and where you'll deposit fat, in other word you and your friend may both be 150lbs, she can also be the same height as you but stores more of the fat in her butt and you store it more in your thighs. So depending on what category of morph you fit in to, your diet and exercise may slightly vary in time or intensity.





• Thin

• Small shoulders

• Small frame and bone structure

• Lean muscle mass

• Finds it hard to gain weight

• Fast metabolism


Ectomorphs have a fast metabolism that help burns up calories very fast. They need a huge amount of calories in order to gain weight. Generally, ectomorphs can lose fat very easily which makes cutting back to lean muscle easier for them so their workouts should be short but intense, focusing on big muscle groups.



• Generally hard body

• Rectangular shaped body

• Strong

• Gains muscle easily

• Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs

• Average metabolism


A mesomorph has a large bone structure, big boned some may call it. They have large muscles and they are naturally athletic. They tend to gain fat/muscle quite easily and their body type responds the best to weight training. They must watch their calorie intake, especially if they are less active. Usually a combination of weight training and cardio works best for mesomorphs.



• Soft and round body

• Gains fat easy

• Stocky build

• Round physique

• Slow metabolism


The endomorph body type is solid and soft. Endomorphs gain fat very easily also they are sometimes of a shorter build with thick arms and legs. To keep fat gain to a minimum, endomorphs must always do more cardio and also weights.


You can be a combination of morphs and shapes, so identify a body type that best suits you and remember it for later exercise references.


Its also important to keep in mind, you can not spot reduce so doing thousands of crunches a day is not going to give you a flat stomach, unless you lose the layer of fat first. However if you follow the information correctly, when you lose the fat, all over your body, then you may sculpt/tone your body by exercising different muscle groups to make you muscle visible, that once was hiding under a layer of fat.


Remember listening to your body is a big part of changing, so know what your body is telling you, what does it tend to  craves the most...Are you a sugar junkie? Are you fast food addict? Are you an emotional eater? Is there a food you are addicted to that you know is unhealthy?


Knowing what kind of food created your current body shape, is important because it's a clue to what you should eliminate out of your diet. In order to help your body to change you have to break out of that trance of eating junk. Identify why you are making bad unhealthy choices when it comes to food? Their is always a reason think hard and find the root cause, perhaps you was bullied or just let yourself go.


If you aren't sure that's alright, the fact of the matter is you want to change or else you wouldn't still be reading but asking questions like why now? to yourself is going to help you understand yourself better and give you a "strong enough reason" to start your journey to a slimmer/healthier you. Fat loss isn't rocket science but why do many fail? Its because they do not have a strong enough reason, they are not consistent and they do not have the right mentality.