The Diary of a Fat Chick: Fat Loss Guide by S.K.Alexis - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 - The Correct Mind Set


Secret #2- Believe In Yourself, You Can Do It.


If you are putting little effort or don't have the correct mind set, about loosening those extra pounds and getting healthy your just a sitting duck, expect little to no change. In fact those who say they want to lose those extra pounds and never do, are living proof that if you don't have a strong determined mentality, you won't achieve the result you desire.


In order to have a strong mind, you'll have to feed your brain good information about diet and exercise. The truth is in order to feeding your brain isn't enough if you don't get in the zone. How do you get in the zone? By focusing your mind on everything that would help you reach your goals mentally and physically.


Living in advertised world it is hard to resist junk. These days burgers and fries are advertised in all its glory to get you to crave the stuff and buy it...Isn't it odd, how you only tend to realise things like that, when you go on a strict diet?


So what can you do to block the cravings? Brainwash yourself by putting good information in your head about healthy meals and fitness everyday. Live, breathe and study about the your body, nutrition and exercise, instead of just going in to any new diet that comes in trend and you are going to loose those pounds for sure.


Do not doubt yourself or give up...know each little thing you change you make, is going to add up to a slimmer you. You have to give yourself time, know that to gain and to lose fat it takes time so its only fair that, you accept the fact it'll take time for you body to transform. Nobody is perfect, there are times you'll fall off the wagon and you gave in to your cravings, but your only human so brush it off and started again the next day.


However do not delay on starting again leaving it to long and procrastinating...saying you goanna start Monday or Friday, is only going to make you gain more and get lazier. They don't say waiting makings you fat for no reason so what are you waiting for?


Remember you can achieve the goal you are about to set...everything begins as a thought, so think positive, think like a pro, imagine you are an athlete, download some upbeat music for gym, you have to do whatever it takes mentally/physically  prepare for the next 90 days.


Having a strong mental attitude helps you to stop making excuses and start somewhere. Get focused about your health goals,  put it as a priority on your list and decide what your going to eat and what kind of steps you are going to take, to get to your goal.


Lifestyle -


Every choice you  make creates your lifestyle. lifestyle choices can play a big role on your health and shaping not only your body but also your character i.e. you may lack strength, self control or have no self discipline.


Habits and choices, builds up your character, as you go on your 90 days journey your character is also going to change too, as your body changes. The thing what they don’t tell you when you start any fitness/diet programs is that...a change of character is a must, in order to change your body. So if your the type that has no energy or just lazy, if you follow are going to become energised, focused, strong, pro active, determined and consistent these are the qualities you'll have to pull out from inside, in order to transform in to the slimmer, stronger, sexier version of you. 


Remember you only get one body so take care of it and your quality of life is going to improve too. Unfortunately some neglect their basic needs to the point they are sick. Those who leave it too late or choose to abuse their body through substances i.e. drugs/alcohol can cause their body to malfunction.


However the human body is amazing, it can heal both mentally and physically, if the right steps are taken, so its not too late to start. It is guarantee whenever somebody turns to these human needs the body starts to heal and becomes healthier.


The basics for a healthier you...


Oxygen - Everybody breathes, they don’t have to think about it, however there are benefits of taking in conscious longer breaths rather than shorter breathes, by doing helps the body relax, allows in more oxygen to the blood and let go of anxiety.


TIP: Find a clean environment, where there is less pollution if possible and inhale the fresh air expanding the lungs wait for few second, then exhale the air out. Do as many repetition as you like.


Hydration - stay hydrated helps you function better and good for you system to clear out toxins that may exist in your body. Its also is a great alternative for food, you see sometimes your brain may signal your body is thirsty but you may take it for hunger.


TIP: Try drink 2 litres of water a day (it may depend on the individual) especially if you are exercising. Also try have a glass before and after your meal.


Nutrition - Get a good balanced diet is key to staying healthy physically and mentally. Remember natural food such as rice, nuts, fruits and vegetables are always superior to any other man made processed foods. Eating clean foods helps because it allows your body to absorb all the macronutrients from the food to help your body function efficiently.


TIP: have lighter meals and be aware what goes in your mouth...truth is most of us eat for our taste buds not for our health.


Exercise - again exercising does helps you too breathe more so its good for getting more oxygen in your system. It also helps the heart to stay healthy and keep off those extra pounds.


TIP: walk for an hour a day and stay active.


RestNot having enough sleep, can make you crazy... so make sure you get a good nights worth of rest. It helps you recover muscles, improves your memory, creativity and help you function better.


TIP: Try get 8-9 hours it varies from person to person but some research shows it can also help you shed fat.


Detox - Detoxification helps the body flush and cleanse the system out. you can achieve detoxification by many processes such eating raw, drinking more and even fasting.


TIP: Detoxify monthly, especially if you drink alcoholic beverages or eat heavy junk to clear the body of toxins building up.


Reduction of Stress - As the world get more and more hectic, its hard to unwind so if you feel Irritable, Worried, Fatigue or any anxiety may be down to stress. Try finding the root cause and eliminate it as soon as possible.


TIP: Try to detach yourself, relax and talk to others about your problems if it helps.


Remember the problem arises where there is lack. All the above point are connected and go hand in hand, if you lack in one area majorly, you may sabotage other areas so remember consciously put in effort and stay balanced.