The Effective Leader Manager by Chris Farmer - HTML preview

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Physiology first.

When there is a situation that requires you raise your game, strengthen your physiology so as to give your performance a rigid base.

Many people, when they feel pressured, neglect their physiology. Worse, some actively weaken their physical body by destructive consumption of booze, drugs or crummy food. They pay a heavy price.

When the environment is adding on the pressure, respond by becoming stronger physiologically. Feed your body and brain everything it needs. Compensate for the added intensity of pressure.

If you under-cut your body, then you undercut your mind. If you undercut your mind, then you undercut your emotions. You feel suffering.

The good news is, the opposite is equally true.

As you support your body, so you support your mind. As you support your mind, you support your emotions. So you feel stronger.

What do you need to do to support your physiology?


Your brain makes up only 5% of your weight but uses 30% of the oxygen you breath. What happens to people who don‟t breathe?


Dehydration has a negative effect on your mind, and therefore your emotions. So drink plenty of water. (Not booze, because it is a diuretic)


Eat well. Feeling good requires energy. Poor nutrition causes a drop in the emotions.

Rest and sleep

Rest and sleep are vital to a calm mind.


A body of water that does not move will stagnate. You are a body made of water. So you must keep moving.

When you need to reclaim your emotional state, remember, physiology first.

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Get up, move and breathe deeply. Your nervous system needs the oxygen if it is to solve the problem.

Eat nutritious food (fruit and veg.) and re-hydrate yourself.

Take a short break and re-establish your best emotional and physical condition.

By doing this you are improving your chances of winning.

Do you know anyone, who when upset emotionally, makes things worse by undercutting their

physical body? (For example, they may drink too much or eat too little)

What are the long-term consequences of undercutting and degrading the physical body as a

method of “coping with pressure”?

If you saw a colleague, say, drinking too much alcohol , to a degree that it affects their work, do

you have the responsibility or right to guide or advise the other person?

T: 01452 856091 E: W: Corporate Coach Training Ltd t/a Corporate Coach Group, Walcot House, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2JJ

Registration Number: 06490932 VAT Number: 741630356

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This book asks you to focus on:

Goal focus

The ability to create and sustain a definite goal, or purpose. (As opposed to just hoping things will turn out okay later in the year).

Excellent communication skills

The ability to explain all your key ideas. (As opposed to complaining that “they just don‟t get it!”) Planning skills

Planning is the ability to: Analyse the facts and formulate practical written plans of action that will achieve the goal in the most efficient way possible. (As opposed to constantly “Reacting to the current crisis”).

Handling difficult people

The ability to guide and harmonise the various personalities in the team, so that they are more able to synchronize their actions and be more likely to reinforce and complement each other. (As opposed to fighting and conspiring against each other).

Personal management skills

The ability to maintain a mental state of optimism and realistic self-confidence, especially during the tough times. (As opposed to going down after a defeat or setback).

Leadership qualities.

The ability to inspire energy, self-belief and confidence in all the other members of the team, especially during difficult times.(As opposed to allowing negativity or pessimism or fear to take hold of the team and kill its spirit).

T: 01452 856091 E: W: Corporate Coach Training Ltd t/a Corporate Coach Group, Walcot House, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2JJ

Registration Number: 06490932 VAT Number: 741630356

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Your personal action plan

The management of others depends primarily on the management of yourself. Here is an interesting list of seventeen personal management skills. Read them through.

As you read, ask yourself,

1. Which ones am I doing?

2. And which ones am I NOT doing?

Make your analysis an honest one, and you will identify at least two aspects of your performance upon which you should focus your attention.

Remember: Your goal is to succeed.

To succeed, you would profit by:

1. Identifying any errors

2. Replace them with skills

With that in mind, here is a list of seventeen skills.

1. Develop a keen desire for improvement

 Develop your desire to improve things by your own efforts. Do not leave things as they are.

2. Name your major goals

 Mark out a clear set of goals for the next twelve months

 Do not wait to “see how things turn out”.

3. Develop a beneficial alliance

 Develop a team of people around you. Choose those people that you can trust to help with practical advice and assistance.

 Do not try to work it out, on your own.

4. Develop a pleasing personality

 Develop a pleasing personality by consciously filing down any rough edges you may have in your personality.

 Do not continue to expose others to your bad habits.

5. Build Self confidence

 Develop a self confidence based upon an accurate assessment of your skills.

 Do not sell yourself short.

 Nor over inflate your ego.

6. Act on your own personal initiative

 Strive to take the initiative in any situation: Ensure that you set the pace for others.

 Stop waiting for the circumstances to be “just right”.

7. Be willing to "go the extra mile"

 Be willing to go the extra mile for your people. Do MORE than the other person expected, not LESS.

T: 01452 856091 E: W: Corporate Coach Training Ltd t/a Corporate Coach Group, Walcot House, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2JJ

Registration Number: 06490932 VAT Number: 741630356

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8. Develop Controlled Enthusiasm

 Generate your own enthusiasm at will.

 Do not wait for others to inspire you. (They can‟t, because only YOU can inspire you.) 9. Learn self discipline

 Learn how to make yourself do what you do NOT want to do.

 Do not let things deteriorate, based on your own neglect.

10. Practice the art of accurate thinking

 Learn to accurately distinguish between:

i. Important v trivial

ii. Relevant v irrelevant

iii. Reliable information v un-reliable information

11. Develop your organisation ability

 Become excellent at building detailed, specific, practical plans of action:

 Never start a day without a written plan of action.

12. Induce others to work co operatively

 Study leadership: Learn how to create a spirit of harmony between members of your team.

 Disharmony will ruin the team‟s performance.

13. Give freedom to your creative vision

 Allow your imagination the freedom to supply you with creative ideas.

 Don‟t say too early “NO- IT WONT WORK”.

14. Develop everlasting persistence

 Come back after each defeat, with a new, improved plan.

 Never give in.

15. Cultivate sound health

 Moderate your intake of:

i. Booze

ii. Food

 Do not over eat.

 Nor drink too much booze.

16. Control your expenditure

 Spend LESS than you earn and INVEST the difference.

 Too many people do the opposite:

i. They spend MORE than they earn and BORROW the difference.

ii. Hence the credit crunch.

17. Become a careful communicator

 Learn to speak politely, carefully and with thought.

 Don‟t let yourself down with language that is:

i. Hurtful

ii. Careless

iii. Silly

T: 01452 856091 E: W: Corporate Coach Training Ltd t/a Corporate Coach Group, Walcot House, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2JJ

Registration Number: 06490932 VAT Number: 741630356

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If you are honest with yourself, the chances are that at least TWO of the above skills would be weak point in your performance.

Now do this:

1. Name the two points that represent a weakness

2. Resolve to take corrective action.

Do not allow this to pass.

Practice the skill and make it your new strength.

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T: 01452 856091 E: W: Corporate Coach Training Ltd t/a Corporate Coach Group, Walcot House, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2JJ

Registration Number: 06490932 VAT Number: 741630356

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