The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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“You have competition everyday because you set such high standards for yourself that you

have to go out every day and live up to that.” Michael Jordan

In the street when you are running a hustlers life style you have to set standards for yourself. People will come at you with all kinds of money making shames the kind that promise little work but huge payoffs. These get rich quick schemes are never as simple as they seem to be. Usually some broke dick plot to do a smash and grab on a local store or something.

You will end up catching a charge or worse yet, be out of your money. Keeping your hustler’s sense always on high will help you to see that shit for what it really is. Game peeps game always. That is an unbreakable law of the streets.

Understand the rules and codes of conduct

You have to understand the rules of the game you’re playing. In business school they teach you S.W.O.T analysis. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s usually the first thing that people who are really about their business look at before entering into any venture. After that they might look into being a first or second mover or finding out if the ocean is red or blue.

Once you figure out the rules of the game and how it’s played you’ll then know what is acceptable. That doesn’t mean you won’t lose your shirt, but life is about taking risks. Those that make calculated risks usually win big in the long run, and are typically around for a long time, not just some dummy with a lottery mentality.

It isn’t the money that you should watch when taking this law into consideration. It can be applied to almost every aspect of your life. You have to know what you want, then figure out how to get it. You don’t want to just be the victim of circumstances. Do you want to be the pawn in someone else’s chess game? Or do you want to be the one making the major moves and collecting the dough? Give me the paper. Yall can keep the fame and the pats on the back.

Guys, don’t just accept anything your women tells you. Ladies are the best liars in the world. They will make the C.I.A look like kids trying to play a game of telephone. You have to always have your eyes and ears open. She might love you but she will test you to make sure she is making the right move by being with you. There are other guys always in her ear trying to hit it or get her to move over to their program. It will start with little shit. She won’t answer your text messages in a timely way. She will go days without hitting you up. She will stop sucking your dick or giving you the type of sex you were getting before. She will try to pick fights with you and the list goes on. The best thing you can do is set a standard that you won’t break. A pimp once said that “You’ll finish just like you start.” Keep that in mind.

When you are at work it is important to know all the rules and codes of conduct. They are your life line when shit starts to get funky. Have you ever been working at a job and there was this one employee that would get away with all kinds of bullshit that you thought would get a normal person fired? They would get write up after write up but never get that pink slip or final check, until they decided to terminate their own employment. This is because they knew how to work the system and used it to their advantage. Take a lesson out of their book and learn every word in that employee handbook that you signed all those months/years ago. Know that you are always being watched and listen to. Keep a good working knowledge of your job description, because some companies will try to add shit on to your plate that you didn’t sign up for. They will call it being a team player. Fuck that shit. You do the job that you get paid to do. Nothing more, nothing less. If your job is to work the cash register, then that is exactly what you do. If they come to you one day and ask you to help paint the store or transport items from the company’s other location to your store, don’t do that shit. It isn’t in your job description. It is your place to try and save them money. Play this smart. If it’s something small, then do it, but anything big needs to come along with a raise in pay.

At the end of the day you will have to make hard decisions about where you want your life to go. It can be as simple as you taking your kids out to the park to play this weekend, but they have been leaving their school work until late or not doing their chores when you ask them to. Or you can be trying to figure out if you are going to leave your job because they don’t want to pay you what you think you are worth. You might be trying to decide if you’re are going to go back to school to get some new job skills to make yourself more marketable in a very fast pace and ever changing economy. It is also a good idea to never accept things at face value. Always look underneath the surface and get down to the bare bones of it. You will have to do more work, but it will save you pain, time and money in the long run.

I have lived a life that sometimes seemed like the wind was blowing me from shore to shore with no real insight on the way things played out and didn’t go the way I wanted them to. It wasn’t until I started setting a core set of standards and principles for myself, that’s when things started to improve for me.

Peeping Game Tip#5

Always be aware that your company, rivals, and even your love ones are keeping tabs on you. They are building a case to use at their convenience.