The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what’

You’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside

Yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you”

Joel Osteen

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? Have a short fuse? Cry at the drop of a hat? Get scared when someone steps to you in an aggressive manner? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then homie you have problems keeping your emotions in check.

This is a dangerous problem to have. It can lead to all kinds of problems. I had a buddy that would be ready to fight at even the slightest provocation. It didn’t matter where we were. If someone came at him in the wrong way, there was going to be a fight. One day he ran across someone that he couldn’t beat. That ass whipping is still being talked about till this day.

I’ve had friends go to jail over women they gave their hearts to and found out she was fucking other guys around the neighborhood. While he was rotting away in somebody’s jail cell, she was free to cum and go as she wished. Without him being there to freak out on her, she really started doing some serious homie hopping.

The people that can control their emotions usually end up on top of the game. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the board room or the back room. A man has to master himself. It is the simplest way an opponent of yours will try to get on over on you. While you think you are acting out of some righteous justice, the audience is shaking their heads at how bad you are looking.

History is full of examples of great men being taking down a few pegs because they let lust get the best of them, or they were so hungry for power, they fucked over the people that got them in a position of power in the first place.

We are living in a time that is very dangerous for the young black man to lose control of his emotions. There are whole websites and Facebook pages they make major money off of black people beating each other up on camera. I won’t name one of the major website’s that I’ve heard pays up to $500 a submission of fight videos that mention their name in it.

In the old days if you have beef with someone you two would meet up and handle it with words or with your hands and kept it pushing. No one was allowed to reach for their phones and record what was going on. Most people don’t realize that it is a crime to be involved in a street fight. Most of the homies have records already and don’t think for one second that the police aren’t on Facebook watching these videos and building cases on the people in the videos. Do your homework. They have all kinds of little known laws that will get you locked up for a few summers.

Here are the top 5 situations where it is important to keep your emotions in check

1. You and your significant other get into an argument.

2. During any interaction with law enforcement of any type.

3. Anything someone posts or says about you on social media.

4. At your place of employment.

5. In traffic or while shopping in public areas.

You and your significant other get into an argument

Look, we have all been there. Your girl is upset with you and is trying to take you out behind the wood shed. While she is calling you everything underneath the sun, you start to feel your temper rise. You think to yourself that if this was someone out in the street getting at me like this I would knock them the fuck out. And to be real about the situation, it wouldn’t take much to pop her real quick and end the constant stream of bad word flying in your direction. Stop right there and pause for a second. Whatever you do, don’t put your hands on her. I don’t care if she tells you that she sucked your best friend’s dick in your bed while the dog watched. You have to understand that in this type of situation the law is going to be on her side. So, the best thing you can do is take a quick step back and leave the situation as quick as possible. Don’t yell, don’t hit her, and don’t threaten her in any way shape or fashion. Saying that you are going to fuck her up or cause bodily harm to her or anyone else involved in the drama can lead to you being locked up for making terrorist threats. Leave the area and take a walk and blow that steam off. After you calm down, you will be able to think clearly about what just went down and then decide how you would like to proceed from there on.

During any interaction with law enforcement of any type

This one should be simple to figure out, but I’m going to say it anyway. You can’t win a fight with the cops. They will always have the upper hand out in the street. That is their playground and they will decide how the games are played. The best thing you can do is keep your cool and give them your identification and if applicable, your insurance and registration papers when they request them.

Don’t get smart with them or aggressive with them in any way. They will use it as a green light to make your life a living hell. If the officer writes you a ticket, just sign for it and go about your business. You are better off taking your fight to court. There you will have more options on how you want to handle it.

As the years go by, they are coming up with more and more laws that give the cops more power/authority to fuck with you. There is even a push to make speaking to women on public streets a form of harassment. That’s right, you can get arrested for saying “hi” to a women. So be careful.

Anything someone posts or says about you on social media

We are now living in the era of the internet thug. This guy is also called a troll. They post memes all day and hate on everything you do. They will be in groups and have slick shit to say about a picture of you in Las Vegas, or buying your first home. They live to piss you off because their own lives are sad. They get enjoyment and a sense of fulfillment by making your cyber life online a hellish experience. The thing you have to remember is, this is just the internet. It is all wrestling. None of it is real. People’s lives really aren’t that great. The proof is right there in the fact they have to post about the smallest parts of their day. People living awesome lives don’t have time to sit on the computer or their smart phone and post 20 pictures of their new lip stick or Jordan’s. The best thing you can do is laugh at them and keep doing you.

At your place of employment

Some of the best advice I ever got was that I’m not at work to make friends, I’m at work to get paid. It’s that cut and dry. You aren’t there to be buddy’s with your coworkers. Work is where we spend the most amount of our day and we start to get comfortable there. You have to remember that, no matter who you are, you are replaceable. There was a person you replaced and there are a gang of people waiting to take your spot. The job is always looking for ways to save money and a big cost of doing business is employee overhead. They are always looking for ways to get rid of you for a cheaper version of you. The best way they can do this is by creating situations that will cause even the most even tempered person to lose their shit. This is especially true for jobs that are dealing with the public. People are crazier than cat shit and twice as nutty. You might want to yell and tell off the asshole that is talking down to you when you are just trying to help them out. But don’t. An old boss of mine told me to think of it has a game. Or treat the customer like you would a little baby. You wouldn’t get mad at a baby when they did something wrong or inappropriate. You would just smile and shake your head and go about your day. It is very hard for black men and women to keep their cool at work because we are constantly being tested. We have to put up with nonsense from everyone. And as soon as you go off, they then shake their heads and say, why are you so upset? You have anger issues girl. The best thing you can do is keep your cool and save your anger for after work, where you should have a positive outlet for it. I have a drink and do some writing. On very stressful days I take my motorcycle out for a couple of hours. Find something to help with your stress. Keep a smile on your face even if it is faker then a three dollar bill.

In traffic or while shopping in public areas

Road rage is a real thing. And it can lead to people getting killed. Anyone that is from or has lived in Southern California will agree with me on that statement. Most people have to commute to work for hours at a time 5-6 days a week usually while it is hot as hell. It is very easy to lose your cool and go off on the person that cut you off. Don’t do it. You don’t know if the guy in the car that cut you off just killed his wife or robbed a store or is down to his last straw.

And you blowing your horn at him or giving him the finger is all the excuse he needs to take his anger out on you. When you are in traffic and get so mad that you want to get physical with someone take a moment and get control on your breathing and think of happy thoughts or put on music that usually gets you in a good mood. I know it sounds silly, but it works. Plus, it’s better to sing a little silly song, then to be on the side of the freeway fighting for your life.

Remember that no one is able to control their emotions all the time. Even the most peaceful people throughout time have admitted to wanting to cause some serious harm to those that they were struggling against. But violence is never the answer. Find positive ways to deal with the negative emotions that you are going to have to feel day in and day out in this crazy world.

Peeping Game Tip #4

Watch who you share your true thoughts and feelings with. The person you can friend use what they know against you for their own benefit.