The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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In this life we are given a very limited amount of time. We can spend it wondering about in the dark and stumbling over all the road blocks that are bound to stand in our way or we can do something about them. That is where the Laws of the G-Code come into play.

What This Book Isn’t

I want to start off by letting you know what this book isn't. It isn't a way to show how to become a hustler or a criminal. It isn't going to tell you how to get over on people, sell drugs, lie, cheat, or steal. Those are subjects that will only lead you down a path of pain and disaster.

If you are the type of person that gets off on fucking over others, then don't buy this book. It isn’t going to do you any good. If that’s the case, you will meet your end in a very unhappy way. You can only profit off of the pain and suffering of others only for so long before it comes back to bite you in the ass.

Why This Book is Important

The purpose of this first volume in the series is to give you what I feel are the some of the most important rules that street cats like my father and uncles and many of the men I grew up looking up to followed and handed down to me and others like me. The code of the streets governed men. And they were put in place to stop heat from coming down and to stop squares from getting into the game. I believe that the code of the streets can provide valuable insight on the way the world is really ran. It gives you a different perspective than the one mainstream society would have you follow. The job of the popular culture is to turn you into a zombie, just a work horse pulling that apple cart with your eyes trained on that carrot on the string in front of your nose. This carrot is a vague idea of retirement in a far off future that odds are you won’t live to see.

When I say “game” it means “life”. The sporting life that men of a time long passed would aspire to live. If you were a man that worked for yourself, to have a regular 9 to 5 was cool, but it wasn’t your only option to succeed. A very smart man said that you'll never get rich by working for someone else. The only way to achieve your goals is to provide a service to others and to find ways to make their lives better.

What You Will Learn

  • How to figure out what type of man you are
  • The best way to deal with sudden challenges
  • How to spot dream killers
  • Why it’s OK to feel upset or hurt sometimes and how to use it to your advantage
  • How to peep game
  • The best way to deal with the women in your life
  • The signs that people are being dishonest with you

Do you want to be an artist, football player or open your own barber shop? The laws of the G-Code will aid you with that. Some laws are mental and others physical and a few are even spiritual in nature. You have to combine all three to be a complete person. To have one or two will only get you so far in the long run.

I'm not a Scientist or a Doctor. I don't hold degrees from any major institution. So you might be wondering why you should listen to anything I have to say. It’s very simple. I have lived these rules and have learned the hard way the consequences when you don't follow them.

Life is a great teacher and wisdom is a very valuable thing. You can’t teach someone to have wisdom. Wisdom only comes from experience mixed with self-reflection and patience. Although I’m a big believer that you can learn from others experiences and use the lessons of their lives to help guide you and stop you from making a lot of the mistakes they have already made.

How People Used to Learn the G-Code

"My turn came to go in. I got up from the log bench in the hall outside his office and walked in. My knees were having a boxing match as I stood before him." Iceberg Slim

It is a well-known fact that some of the most intelligent people to ever live were what society would call, “criminals”. Back in the day when a young delinquent would go to prison, he would call it “getting his education”. If he was a pimp, he would usually meet older pimps serving time. They would “pull his coat”. Which basically means, they would teach him the unwritten rules of the pimping game and how to improve his game in the process. The American prison system was in many ways the real school of hard knocks. Your entry fee was getting caught by the man and put into the system that would always keep tabs on you. Your professors would be loan sharks, bank robbers, cowmen, pimps, drug dealers, and thieves. The classroom was held in the yard. You would eat in the mess hall, and do your reading and homework in your cell.

It is my hope that you take away knowledge that will enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

"Respect the game and the game will respect you". Fillmore Slim.

I will also be throwing in a section at the end of every chapter called; “Peeping Game”. This will be a little extra knowledge that will help out your mind up to what’s really going on around you. I left enough room for you to add notes and write your experience’s while making the g-code part of your everyday life.