The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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"Know Thy Self" Delphic Maxim

Decide what kind of man you want to be. This is a crucial step in the game. That’s why other books usually start with this step. The journey of a 1000 steps starts with making the first one. This is that first step.

Do you want to be a doctor, lawyer, marine, or a business owner? Or do you want to sit at home on the couch and play video games and watch the world and the life you really want pass you by? If you choose the latter, then stop right here and put down this book. The information that is contained within these pages isn’t for you. It takes little to no effort to be a loser. To just let the world wash right over you. How could any real man be able to look at himself in the mirror if he were to do nothing with his life?

I believe it isn’t your destiny to live a life full of quiet desperation.

That isn't what a man was put on this earth for. You were born with a pair of balls and a body full of blood that is laced with testosterone. Get off your ass and thrive to be something great.

Greatness is a strange thing that many people aspire to be, but most will never achieve.

Why Some Men Never Become Great

Why is that? Is it for lack of desire? Or is it because society has turned the very idea of a man into some cry baby momma’s boy that is scared to take risks and go for what it is that he really wants?

In the streets you have a lot of people out there lost. You see them stand on the corners in groups waiting. They are waiting on dreams that will never be materialized. They are just taking up space that could be used for better means by creative people that are willing to see if they have what it takes to make it. It is also dangerous to everyone that is involved. A person with no direction is going to make the strip hot. And that will lead to them being caught out there and placed in jail, prison, or in the dirt, six feet deep.

It is Your Choice, no one else’s

You have to decide who you want to be, and I'm not talking about what your parents want you to be. Not what your girlfriend wants you to be. Not what the world tells you to be because of the randomness of your birth. We don't get to choose the life we are born into, but we do get to choose what to make of it.

How to Figure out who you really are

How do I find out what kind of man I want to be? That is going to take a little time, but it doesn't have to be a hard process.

Start with what you are really interested in. Do you enjoy making people laugh? Are you quick with a joke or have a funny way of seeing a situation? Then maybe you should look into being a Standup Comedian. Find a couple of open mic’s around your city and dive right in. Do you have a wild imagination? How about becoming a writer? You can go to writing classes offered at your local community college or join writing groups on Facebook and/or Craigslist. These are great places to meet people that are like you with varying degrees of knowledge and ability. The best part is that it is free. It will cost you nothing but time and effort. If you aren't willing to put the time, effort and hard work into learning your craft, then you will never be anything but a sad person saying "what if?"

Wasted Talent

Saddest thing in life is wasted talent– Lorenzo

I have grown up watching many talented friends waste it. One of my old best friends was great at basketball. He had a real gift. We would travel from park to park challenging people on the court to a game of two on two. As soon as the ball was in his hand he would stop at nothing to put it in the hoop. He was a fierce competitor that wouldn't back down for or from anyone. I’ve seen him take on guys twice his size and make them lose their minds. He was quick and had a jump shot that would have easily taken him to the NBA, but he couldn't decide if he wanted to be on the court or in the streets.

He chose the street life over the court life and ended up behind bars for years at a time and time is one thing he could never get back.

On the other hand I went to high school with a guy I couldn’t stand. He was great at every damn thing. But what stood out to me more than anything else was he knew what and who he was. He would always be studying and working hard when I would be taking it easy and thinking that I had all the time in the world to complete assignments.

At the end of the year he would always be at the top in our class and I would be somewhere in the middle with the rest of the unmotivated bunch. He ended up going to a great historic black university in the south and then on to a top rated grad school. I talked with his brother and he told me that from early on their parents asked them who did they want to be and he would always say that he wanted to be a college graduate and to be a man that would make his family proud and get a great job and travel the world. To this day I see the pictures he posts on Facebook from the trips he has taken around the world and the honors he has been awarded from his company. He lives a life that many of us could only dream of and he is able to do this because he decided what kind of man he wanted to be and stuck to it.

At the end of the day you are going to have to live with the life choices you've made. Do you want to go to bed hating your life? I don't think so. That is why you paid your hard earned money to get this book and I truly believe that you are much more then you give yourself credit for. If you want to be a doctor, race car driver or deep sea fisherman then you have to make the choice to be that and start doing the things it takes to accomplish it.

Peeping Game Tip #1

Study the life and career of someone doing what you want to do. Learn everything you can about them and apply the same steps they took to achieve the results they have.