The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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You ’re caught in the Matrix and don’t even realize it

I cannot stress how important it is for a man to have a healthy mind and body. Some people watch television all damn day and they can tell you everything some “reality star” said about her cheating husband but don't know shit about what’s going on in the real world. Media’s main job is to keep you dumb and slow. Our lives revolve around meaningless drama. I believe that modern television programming is the opium of the people. An opium den was an establishment where opium was sold and smoked. Opium dens were prevalent in many parts of the world in the 19th century, most notably China, Southeast Asia, North America and France.

They want you to stay asleep, keeping you plugged into the

matrix. This book is your red pill. “Welcome to the land of the real

- Morpheus.

I love the movie “The Matrix”. In that movie it is all about waking up from the world that you think you've known and seeing what is really going on around you. You have to think of yourself as the main character Neo. I am your Morpheus. I’m trying to hip you to what is going on around you. All the poison they add to the food that you eat is designed to keep you in a fog. It makes you dumb. If you try to read the back of the bag of chips you have been eating since you were a little kid you would need a medical degree to understand that shit. All of those chemicals have had a long term effect on your health and wellbeing. Imagine that.

You trust that because it is on the shelf at the super market that the government has done all the safety checks for you. They wouldn't let you eat something that could potentially harm you. Shit, you better think again homie. Those big name food companies pay people that are called “Lobbyists” to go to the law makers and ask them to look the other way on health bills or to stop the passage of regulations that will make them change up or pull the products that make them millions of dollars off the shelf.

Take the simple act of going to the store and buying an apple to have for a snack. You think that it can’t get any healthier than an apple. Well, you couldn't be more wrong homie. Check this out:

have you ever noticed how long an apple can sit at your crib and not go rotten? It lasts for weeks in the heat of the room and there is no mold on it. That is because of the preservatives that they process the apple in. This helps the super market to store apples in warehouses for sometimes up to a year before they make it to the sales floor.

Take a few hours of your free time that you would usually be spending on “Facebook” and “Google” to look up how fruits and vegetables are processed. The information is out there but with so many distractions out there it is easy to not give it any thought.

If your mind isn't running at full speed, then how will you know when you are in a dangerous situation or being played like a chump? They will see you coming from a mile away and make off with your paper before you realize what just happened.

In the streets you never know when your spot is going to get blown up, vice squad is roaming around in the black suburban, ready to jump out on you. Are you going to be able to make a quick getaway or get caught up in the task force Tuesday sweeps? How are you going to get away when you are 30, 40, 50 pounds overweight? It’s going to add to the precious seconds of fence hopping time. You are going to need to make a speedy get away.

How to get started

You might be asking yourself, how should I start then?

1. The first thing you need to do is monitor what you are taking into your mind and body for a week. 7 days of keeping an actual list of all the television shows you watch, games you play and internet sites you visit. This includes those you access through your smart phone.

2. Track the foods you eat and drinks you drink. This is important because we can easily forget something we ate right after we ate it. Our minds are so focused on other things that we can easily go through a bag of chips without realizing it.

At the end of this week I want you find a quiet place to review what you have written down. I bet you didn't realize how much bullshit you’ve been consuming. Chips, soda, fast-food, snacks, Facebook, Instagram, porn site...etc. All of these things are keeping you fucked up in the game. They waste your valuable time. Time you could be using to travel, meet new people, gain cultural experience and get money instead of just spending it.

Now that you know what you are taking into your body, it’s time for you to start making changes.

3. Cut that shit in half and replace it with healthier choices.

Replace chips with trail mix, the hour you usually spend on “Facebook” can be replaced with an hour of reading about a subject you have always wanted to know more about.

4. Put down the call of duty and get in your car and explore the world outside of your city.

The more you replace all that harmful shit with healthy alternatives; you will find you’re able to think with more clarity and improved concentration. The odds of you getting caught out there sleeping with your feet up will decrease.

Peeping game tip #2

There have been more people going to the hospital for new forms of cancer and other disorders within the last 100 years than at any other time in history. And with the rising cost of health care, most people in the inner city are not going to the doctor to get their annual checkup. This results in seeing grandma sick all of the time with high blood pressure and your cuz Robby with some type of mental illness that is an open secret in the family. Black folks have always had a health fear of the American health care system and did for good reason. The Tuskegee experiments and people being used as science experiments as slave’s lead to many of the tools that are used today in the medical profession.

You must free your mind. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your family. The saying goes, "If you want to hide something from black people, put it in a book." and it’s sad to say that this shit is true. We make fun of the dude in the neighborhood that is always doing his homework and going to class on a regular basis, trying to make something better of himself. We need to stop that, and you need to understand that just because you are getting paper out in the street doesn’t mean you have to be a dummy. The OGs back in the day were some of the smartest Kats you would have ever meet. They could go into any social or academic situation and hold their own.