The G-Code: The Secret of The Streets Revealed Vol.1 by Ty Mac - HTML preview

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“Cleanness is next to godliness”

Disorder will keep your game out of order. This is especially true when the place you call home is a mess. You would think this type of shit goes without saying, but I’ve been over plenty of people’s homes and their places were poorly kept. "Excuse the mess" isn't good enough. The way you treat your home speaks volumes about the way you approach your life.

Keep your home clean

A lot of you reading this have grown up in homes where your mother was always working and didn't have time to come home and clean up after a long day at work. This job usually went to the kids to take care of after they came home from school and if you’re anything like me: you said that as soon as you got your own place you wouldn't clean anything up. I have to laugh at myself while I’m typing this because I thought I knew it all back in the day and my mom was just being hard on me and trying to leave me with all of HER work to do around the house. “Doesn’t she realize that I have more important stuff to do?” I would say under my breath while taking the trash out. I had to go outside and play with my friends or eat some snacks while I laid on the couch and watched cartoons. I didn't feel like taking out the vacuum and doing the whole house. It seemed like a monumental job for me back then. Paying the bills to keep a roof over our heads was a more important job.

These days I still hate vacuuming but, I do it because I understand why it’s important now. The thing I hated more than everything else was washing the dishes. The whole process of scraping all of the old food off the plates and putting my hands into the nasty water that had food chunks floating around in the sink. I had to figure out a way to make the job more enjoyable/less painful for me. So I asked my mom if she could get me a pair of the heavy yellow gloves to wear while I washed. She made fun of me, but hooked me up anyway. From then on I would put the radio on and slip on my heavy duty yellow glove and got to work.

Would you like a potential love interest or client come over and see your dishes piled up in the sink, trash over flowing out of the trash can, or a poorly kept bathroom?

Clean your place up. Make sure to keep one day during the week open so you can take time to clean your home. Things like washing dishes and taking out the trash should be taken care of daily.

Guys, you know that the first thing we wanted to do when we got our first spot was to invite the ladies over. The freedom of having a female over the crib without having to sneak her in or ask moms for permission was like heaven. However, you have to realize that most women don't want to fuck with a guy that doesn't keep his home in order. It’s just a huge turn off for them. They start to question why they should even deal with you. If you treat your home this way, how are you going to treat her? Even if you are just looking to smash for one night, the state of your home is going to leave a lasting impression on the female. You never know who she knows, but you can be damn sure she is going to run back and tell her home girls how nasty your place was. This can fuck you up in the game later on down the road. On the other hand, if she comes over your place and it is neat and well kept, she is going to get real damn comfortable and those panties are going to come right off. Make sure to also have a pleasant scent for your home, something easy on the senses. Don't just spray cologne all over the place right before a date. That is a clear sign that you don't have your home in order and you are trying to hide something, possibly your lack of cleanliness.

Women have a better sense of smell than men. It’s somewhere in the area of 5-7 times better. Your guy friends might not notice the bad smell of your place, so ask your mom or sisters. I bet you they will wrinkle up their noses and tell you to do a better job cleaning up.

Other places that need your attention

Once you've gotten a handle on the places around your house, you should move on to the outside of your house. Keep your grass cut and watered. I know this can be a pain in the ass for those of you with a house, but it needs to be done. In a lot of cities they will give you a citation for not keeping your place up to the standards of the neighborhood.

Be sure to make repairs to your home as soon as you see there is a need. I can’t tell you how much time and money I wasted because I didn't act soon enough when a small problem with my place would crop up. This law is applied and holds true for issues with your whip (car) as well. If you have a bald tire, get it replaced quickly. It’s better to just go ahead and take the hit to the wallet, than to have a flat and be stuck on the side of the freeway waiting on a tow truck to come. That just isn’t a good look at all.

You have to keep your ride clean and well maintained. In the streets your car says a lot about you and where you are in life. If you are riding around on the bus in a place where most people have cars, that tells people that you don't have your paper right. If you are riding around in an older car, that isn't a bad thing. You have a way to get to where you need to go. But the fact that your car is older shouldn't give you the idea that you don't have to keep it washed. Clean out the inside of the car too. Get under the seats and in- between the seats. Wipe down the dashboard and gage pods. Throw away all the junk that you have hanging around in there. Shit like old food bags and gum wrappers. Also, you are going to want to get rid of old compact discs and get your ride setup with an aux port to hook your smart phone or iPod up to. This will save you a lot of space and keep all your music in one place.

Peeping Game Tip #3

When you have company over your home or in your car, make sure to remove anything you don’t want other people seeing. People are nosey, even the people you trust the most will go all through your bathroom cabinets and in your glove compartment box.